Your Political ideology[NSR]

Discussion in 'Colombia' started by minus, Mar 3, 2008.

  1. Dienewworldorder

    Dienewworldorder Red Card

    Jan 7, 2008
    New York City
    Mas ************ es la que le hecha Uribe a nuestros compatriotas diciendoles puras mentiras y se va a cagar de la risa cuando vaya a sacar la plata del banco que le esta dando la CIA por inflar la NYSE con toda esa cocaina que el ayuda a salir de Colombia para dentrar a los USA. Tu apoyas a un criminal que se va a vivir la vida rica despues de terminar su turno de presidente. what a tool.
  2. JPAcolombia9

    JPAcolombia9 Member

    Oct 27, 2006
    oiga idiota ud. obviamente no esta informado. venezuela esta jodido en lo economico ahoritica! investigue! en colombia no hay cortos de alimentos o nada de eso. despierte. HAY CRIMEN EN TODO EL MUNDO! HASTA EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS. haya cuantas veces hemos visto colegios que hay massacres? un monton entonces no se venga a decir que tenemos el peor crimen. porque el crimen los estados unidos nos que sea del putas. Venezuela esta pessimo. Hay una cantidad de manes que tienen que vender droga y matar para mas o menos sobrevivir. eso hasta ha salido en las fuentes mundiales
  3. JPAcolombia9

    JPAcolombia9 Member

    Oct 27, 2006
    get the ******** out already. obviously your shit opinions are not being openly embraced. Everyone is a tool according to you so ******** off
  4. D.I.M

    D.I.M Member

    May 17, 2004
    Woodridge, NJ
    Independiente Medellin
    Nat'l Team:
    Ese man que av a saber de Colombia... lo que muestran en las propagandas de Avianca no mas...

    A duras penas sabe que Uribe es presidente.... Oligarquia... etc... etc.. NWO...

    someone's been watching too much Raw WWE....

    so who holds the world tittle now? and when is wrestlemania?
  5. Dienewworldorder

    Dienewworldorder Red Card

    Jan 7, 2008
    New York City
    What policies against the FARC, what he kills a few guerrilleros, so what? check how much cocaine is being brought to the United States courtesy of the narco government. They show you lies on tv to make you feel good while they laugh at you losers who support them, you even call him good lol. Uribe is a criminal and there is no way to justify his actions, you throw at me the same propaganda about how the FARC is the biggest problem in Colombia and that is a lie, its the narco government that funds all sides of the conflict along with the CIA and DEA. Once you get rid of all of these criminals in power, Colombia will be a peaceful country, until then innocent blood will continue to be spilled in order to continue the drug trade. That my friend makes you the idiot.
  6. Dienewworldorder

    Dienewworldorder Red Card

    Jan 7, 2008
    New York City
    Only three people support your ignorance, wow i am overwhelmed lol. Please the support for your criminal is just so much that I cant take it anymore lol. What a fool.
  7. D.I.M

    D.I.M Member

    May 17, 2004
    Woodridge, NJ
    Independiente Medellin
    Nat'l Team:
    No la compre... cause you've clearly been overdosing..

    One of the side effects is paranoia......

    I hope at least your getting it cheap...
  8. JPAcolombia9

    JPAcolombia9 Member

    Oct 27, 2006
    no the idiot is you because your so thick and stupid enough to say that the FARC isn't our country's biggest problem. that is just pure ignorance. just wow. i cant believe ive wasted my time with such a stupid ******** haha
  9. minus

    minus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 18, 2004
    Junior Barranquilla
    Nat'l Team:
    Like I said:
    Just ignore him...
  10. Dienewworldorder

    Dienewworldorder Red Card

    Jan 7, 2008
    New York City
    Let me break it down for you and the couple of clowns who share your ignorance. Mike Rupert in his video says that the stock market is supported by drug money. In the United States there is a law that states that if you have a cash transaction of more than $10,000 you have to report it to the government. The only entities that are exempt from this law are those on the New York Stock Exchange. If your company is located on the stock market you can launder as much drug money as you want. The stock market is a very important part of the US economy. If Colombia stops producing drugs and there is no drug money, the stock market will crash causing an economic collapse. Do you think the American government wants that? do you think the corporations want that. Therefore Colombia will continue to be United States bitch and produce drugs so that American corporations get richer at the expense of dead peasants. DO you understand now why the guerrilla will not end no matter how tough Uribe sounds
  11. JPAcolombia9

    JPAcolombia9 Member

    Oct 27, 2006

  12. D.I.M

    D.I.M Member

    May 17, 2004
    Woodridge, NJ
    Independiente Medellin
    Nat'l Team:
    yep NYSE is all drug money..

    That's all they sell there dime bags and kilos....

    Nothing else.. no one else trades in the NYSE but drugdealers......

    Damn how could we be so blind.. Please teach us.... o grandmaster...

    The arabs don't own any US stocks, the Japanese have not bought any US stocks either, EU and no other investors trade in the NYSE. Only druglords whom the US supports so they can all go to the NYSE...

    Economics 101..... great class once you're out of Junior Highl you should take that as a core class.

    Let me know how it goes I can help you write some papers if you need it.
  13. JPAcolombia9

    JPAcolombia9 Member

    Oct 27, 2006
  14. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    el idiota de la semana- carga contra las instituciones y gente de bien en su patria?

    este debe de venir de un a familia bien pobre y sin educacion en colombia, el padre un borracho y la mama en una colo a la USA y la cargo contra todo lo que el BIEN ES Y ERA EN COLOMBIA, aprendio ingles y se dedico a leer a solas material lleno confabulaciones (lastima que no es de la generacion de harry Potter y el senor de los anillos)
    dejelo que esto es como terapia.......

    hilo congelado hasta nueva orden!!
  15. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    libre expresion- no hay que obligar a nadie a pensar como YO - firma efe

    equis....disfruta de este hilo - una fria y cheetos?

    cheetos con cerveza....que le pasa este man......vive en Paraguachon?

    hilo descongelado
  16. elviejomen

    elviejomen Member+

    Aug 3, 2007
    Hasbrouck Heights NJ
    Junior Barranquilla
    Nat'l Team:
    fria con cheetos? :D nojoda saquen el domino entonses
  17. minus

    minus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 18, 2004
    Junior Barranquilla
    Nat'l Team:
    I think it's safe to re-open this thread.

    I had the opportunity to watch documentary airing on link TV titled Orwell Rolls in his Grave earlier today. This is definitely an excellent documentary exposing the lies and distorted news coverage by large medium conglomerates who are in cohorts with large corporations (What a surprise!) or right wing groups.
  18. hadexxx

    hadexxx Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 3, 2005
    yeah, its cool that link tv shows these documentaries, I have most of them, and probably more. One day.. (last semester) I was in bed and at about 3 a.m. I woke up and i was like... wtf am i doing to better my self??? nothing!!!! this has been the only semester i have not attended school in my life. So i started downloading all these documentaries... free to choose, the corporation, why socialism failled, everything with marxism, etc, etc. Today i was watching how they tried to cover up the manufacturing of very unsafe cars back in the 70's, etc. Also, the same happened with monsanto when some reporters tried to publish what is done to milk in the usa and what monsanto does all over the world, agent orange (i believe was what they used in vietnam). Really amazing stuff... I like link tv... ever since i started watching these documentaries i wish i could share it with every one and link tv is doing just that.

    Believe it or not, I have a few documentaries that talk about what our friend dieNWO talk about. Guess what, i don't believe he is far from the truth all this shit seems to be very possible, for example the federal reserve receives orders from england, that is where the real decisions come from. All these banking families that have been in the busines for about 5 centuries obviously have an incredible impact in our world and have profited and financed ugly things like ww I, ww II, etc.

    ofcourse i am not going to come out and say, you don't believe this you are a f.. motha... that guy didn't have a clue of how to present his info and beliefs. Anyways, the documentaries are very cool, franc-masonic influences in the corporations, the elites, etc. its nice to get exposed to all of that information (ofcourse, if the documentary shows reliable information and does a good job at supporting their points of view, we've all seen videos on that are just a piece of sh..)
  19. Eguis

    Eguis Member

    Sep 5, 2007
    Junior Barranquilla
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: libre expresion- no hay que obligar a nadie a pensar como YO - firma efe

    A.) solomente era una broma
    B.) yo solo hice para aligerar el humor, nadie ganaba el arguement con ese caracter
    C.) y si usted tiene un problema con otra persona lo toma con el y si usted tiene un problema conmigo entonces aqui estoy
  20. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    Re: Your Political ideology[NSR] in usa as democrat or republican?

    what do you guys see in Obama's run to the top?

    are the remarks from geraldine ferraro in the right track or false? and why?

    BTW: I live in a neigborhood that black is the 68%, hispanic is 12% and the rest is white anglos (more or less)

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