You guys easily are the best supporter's club for the 2004 season

Discussion in 'Lot 8' started by Sempuukyaku, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. Sempuukyaku

    Sempuukyaku Member+

    Apr 30, 2002
    Seattle, WA
    Seattle Sounders
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Last year, I think it was safe to say that Section 8 brought it hard in Chicago and had the best supporter's club of any in the league.

    This year, Barra Brava/Screaming Eagles are by far the best supporter's club in MLS. You guys have brought it incredibly hard, and you make MLS fans like me who are trying to sell the game to our friends, very proud.

  2. DeKo21DCU

    DeKo21DCU New Member

    Aug 11, 2003
    You are absolutely correct except that, DCU has ALWAYS had the best supporters clubs.

    Thanks for the compliment!
  3. mikedett

    mikedett New Member

    Jun 2, 2002
    Springfield, Va. USA
    DC United
    DC United supporters are the most dedicated, creative, drunken, tattooed mainiacs in the League. :eek: :D :cool:
  4. BBBulldog

    BBBulldog Member+

    Jun 25, 2004
    Dinamo Zagreb
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    Top tier is allways made up of 2 or 3 groups and each is better in different aspects at different times. In US that tier is clearly DC and Chicago, and Portland's Timber Army is up there too, and they'd be better if they learned to stop making 3 inch banners ;)
  5. murtaugh29

    murtaugh29 New Member

    Oct 4, 2004
    roja LOCURA
    they have 'banner envy'. :)
  6. Sachin

    Sachin New Member

    Jan 14, 2000
    La Norte
    DC United
    It would be great to get the United supporters on one side of a stadium and the Fire supporters on the other. We'd have to find a place where soccer is played in complete silence, like, say Columbus.


  7. GrillMaster

    GrillMaster Member

    Aug 31, 2000
    Alexandria, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This sorta happened in the 2001 MLS Cup. There was a largish contingent of section 8ers in the upper deck under the scoreboard. We DC locos were in the corner diagonally below them, next to the crewzer trough and sty. The two groups easily, easily outcheered the 100 or so Quake fans and there were hardly any lalagals fans. There were plenty of empty seats for that match as well -- I think they only sold 67% of the tickets (mlsnet says 21,000 -- bull$hit! there were only 17,000+). I was the quietest cup match I've ever attended. Section 8 and DC locos had to make noise just so we could feel like it was a futbol match.

  8. McOwen

    McOwen Member

    Jun 13, 2000
    Retirement Community
    Nottingham Forest FC
    That's really cool to have come over and say. Was there something in particular that really impressed you? Banners? tailgates? attendance?

    --just curious. Its hard for those of us here to imagine supporting any other team that doesnt always have the best support from regular fans or the front office. (not saying thats Rapids... just mean it would be impossible to have imagined being a Mutiny supporter.) --I think we United fans are luckier then we think.
  9. GUTuna

    GUTuna Member

    Mar 23, 2000
    Washington, DC USA
    I went to that game, although not with the supporters group. It was just so damn depressing. Especially for what was a well fought game.

    That also marked Luis Hernandez's high water mark in MLS.
  10. Goodsport

    Goodsport Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 18, 1999
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    With the game having been played just a few short weeks after 9/11, were you really that suprised?

  11. GrillMaster

    GrillMaster Member

    Aug 31, 2000
    Alexandria, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Yes, I was surprised. That was a ridiculously small crowd for the championship match.

  12. Goodsport

    Goodsport Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 18, 1999
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    With most people scared s***less of flying at the time, as well as the condensed nature of the playoffs that year (the start of the playoffs was delayed because of 9/11), it shouldn't have been that suprising.

  13. uniteo

    uniteo Member+

    Sep 2, 2000
    Rockville, MD
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Best supporter group?

    They suck! They sound like they've been cloistered. Hey Barra, hey SE's, hey la norte...grow a set between you all and make some noise this weekend. I'll be there with a whistle and 4 teenage girls and we'll make more noise than you all.


    you think that will work?

    I don't know, we'll see Saturday ;)
  14. Th4119

    Th4119 Member

    Jul 26, 2001
    Annandale, VA
    That's not saying much.
  15. AndyMead

    AndyMead Homo Sapien

    Nov 2, 1999
    Seat 12A
    Sporting Kansas City
    No. The FireFans section outcheered the Quakes section. The DC fans - who I stood with for the first half - weren't very noticeable elsewhere in the stadium. I moved to various sections through the second half of that game.
  16. McOwen

    McOwen Member

    Jun 13, 2000
    Retirement Community
    Nottingham Forest FC
    [end "objective" observation from Wizards fan.] :rolleyes:

    Where exactly were the KC fans?
  17. AndyMead

    AndyMead Homo Sapien

    Nov 2, 1999
    Seat 12A
    Sporting Kansas City
    Reading comprehension problems?
  18. McOwen

    McOwen Member

    Jun 13, 2000
    Retirement Community
    Nottingham Forest FC
    Absolutely not. I am just sick of listening to your crap in the DC boards.

    Slag off La Norte, diminish what Tom had to say about the SE's.

    --No matter how you read it, you're still just a Wizards fan that hangs around taking pictures of better fans and better teams. :D
  19. Pints

    Pints Member

    Apr 21, 2004
    Charm City

    thank you.
  20. CHICO13

    CHICO13 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2001
    SECTION 135
    The Strongest La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    You must Rep McO, yada yada yada...
  21. AndyMead

    AndyMead Homo Sapien

    Nov 2, 1999
    Seat 12A
    Sporting Kansas City
    Then put me on your ignore list.
    What? La Norte - and they admit it - had negligible number through much of the season. That's not "slagging off". I don't treat this is a rivalry board.

    See - this is rivalry type smack talk.

    You're the one that keeps injecting the Wizards into everything. I said absolutely nada about the Wizards or Mystics. In fact, I said I stood with the Screaming Eagles during the first half of the 2001 MLS Cup.

    If anything that isn't a "rah rah rah - go united" post is "slagging off" - tough.
  22. AndyMead

    AndyMead Homo Sapien

    Nov 2, 1999
    Seat 12A
    Sporting Kansas City
    Et tu, Chico?
  23. CHICO13

    CHICO13 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2001
    SECTION 135
    The Strongest La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    As much as I admire your work, your posts on the DC boards over the last few months have been inflammatory. Maybe it's because of the relationship you have with some of the fans in DC that the Mods don't call you out on it, but if it were someone else it would amount to trolling.

    Sorry, I just call 'em the way I see 'em.
  24. InWoodbridge

    InWoodbridge Member

    D.C. United
    United States
    Aug 21, 2002
    Northern Virginia
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    From my point of view Andy generally has constructive and valid comments I like his posts.

    I think that the problem was there was a serious TP & shredded paper shortage during the election year that kept the La Norte crowds down :)

    When I bring guests the kids really like to watch the shredded paper fly from behind the goal.

    One last thing, the good guys wear black and so should the fans! See you Saturday

    Go United!
  25. BBBulldog

    BBBulldog Member+

    Jun 25, 2004
    Dinamo Zagreb
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    Hi, welcome to the DC United Supporters board. If you would like to critique us please raise close to our level at least, otherwise you just end up sounding funny.

    Thank you, and have a nice day. :)

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