So from Sam's Army, who's going? I'm going to try and book my flight in the next week, and am hoping to get 2.5 weeks (or so) off from work, so I can catch the first three games, and hopefully ... I know from the New England Brigade, at this point Brock and Kaela are going as well. I believe there'll be a few others including Rand.
I'm there...flight booked. Still having some ticket issues though Hopefully this 3rd Phase can play out for me. If anyone has a spare TST3/4 let me know. Any number of folks on here can vouch for my support credentials.
Yeah, cossack has been literally around the globe for the US. I'm there. TST5s for the US. Not sure how many games I'll stay for, certainly the first 3 and if we keep playing I'll keep staying, but, if we go home in 3 I might sell games 4 & 5 and get out of dodge. Staying to catch Italy-Australia & Italy- Ukraine in '06 was great, but, South Africa isn't Germany.
I'm in ... Delta flights from Boston to Atlanta, June 10th, 1:15 - 4:24pm. Atlanta to Jo-Burg, leaving June 10th, getting in on the 11th, 7:35pm to 5:15pm. Coming back on the 28th, Jo-Burg to Atlanta, 8:30pm to 6:55am, and leaving Atlanta on the 29th to head back to Boston at 9:45.
I have TST3 tickets for the United States, and hope to stay with Brock, Kaela and the usual cast of characters wherever our 'Yank Hoolie Flophouse' may turn out to be. The big issue at this point is the cost of travel, mainly airfare, so I won't be able to commit fully unless I can find a reasonable fare. The Magpie
What are people on this forum doing for accomodations? Has anyone booked anything yet? I'm have a really hard time figuring out what's best and part of the problem is that I'll be by myself for the first two games as my friends are heading straight to a safari for a little over a week.
I'm actually trying to figure out accomodations myself right now. I'm worried that more and more people won't be going.
Yeah, word to that M. On the one hand, Rustenburg lodging seems solidly gone. In fact, I often get "sorry, no dates available, this is booked by FIFA". So that leaves the big group home idea near Pretoria/Joburg and I have no idea what numbers of fans we're looking at here. On the other hand, I had no problem finding a place in Cape Town after the first match. Of course, I'm doing this all on my own and have no idea who I know that will be tagging along. Does anyone have a good feeling about winging it with lodging? Just show up and hope you don't have to lay a bag down in the Bushveld.
I booked my place for the first game in Rustenburg, in Durban, after the first game and Johannesburg for the second US game through After checking prices I found they were not to high over the suggested price. Look at accommodations, it may be helpful in looking for hotels.
Looks like the FIFA computer spit my name out so I guess I will see you in Rustenburg. Now I have to find accomodations
I just hit the FIFA lottery as well (1 ticket for each US first round game). I'm planning on going from Boston or NYC on June 9th and returning on June 24th. If anyone wants to split hotel or rental car costs for all or part of the trip, I'd be interested. PM me or send an email to
So some friends of mine and I also got tickets for all the USA games and were curious what other people planned on doing. We were thinking we might have to home base in Jo'burg and then travel to Rustenburg and Pretoria when those games happen. Mostly since places require long term commitments. Has anyone been successful finding places in Rustenburg or Pretoria for 1 or 2 nights around the game dates?
How are you guys already finding out that you got tickets? When I check my application on it says 'ticket requests are still being processed'...
We have locked in lodging for excursions to Durban and Nespruit, but am still working out something for Johannesburg, Pretoria, or Rustenburg. Any luck yet?
I am from California and will be travelling Solo to the World Cup. I arrive in Johannesburg on June 13th and will be there for 10 days and move on over to Durban for 4 days. I am attending 10 games altogether. If anyone is interested in meeting up in either of these two cities so that we can enjoy the festivities please do respond.
Me + 1. Flying into Johannesburg on June 14th. Staying for 2 weeks around Johannesburg/Polokwane/Pretoria.
I plan to be there on 15 north of Joburg. I am looking at some options too. What part of Joburg are you planning to bein ? I will PM as well.
Yeah I had my two friends bail on me, looking to latch on to a plan as well. I'll PM but holler at me if someone has space in their plans for one more.
our group just had 2 people who can no longer stay past the 2nd game, so we've now got 2 available tickets to the US 3rd group stage game and hopefully for the 2nd round game as well. if anyone is still looking for tickets, i'd obviously much rather have them used by US fans rather than resold by fifa. or if anyone knows anyone looking or has other ideas, i'd appreciate that too
There are definitely some members going while others are skipping this one due to the human rights and other issues. Probably best to communicate thru the Facebook page as that has more of a following: