Does anyone know where I can purchase World Cup games in DVD or VHS format? I would like it to be in Korean commentary but if not, i can still live. Anyone? click on korean products and type fifa as your search, they have 2 dvds, one is highlights of the world cup 2002, and the other one is the korea vs italy match, both are in korean, but they are region-3 dvds. they also have a bunch of vcds that will play on the computer or dvd player (if your dvd supports vcd) from previous world cups all in korean, or you can get these same vcds on a 4 disc dvd box set.
ahh, ok first of all are you playing these dvds on a standalone or a computer dvd drive, i need to know this before i can attempt to help you
for pc dvd, there are some softwares like dvd genie, dvd region killer, remote selector, universal selector, zone selector to watch different regional DVDs.
essvee if you are in korea right now and you bought your standalone dvd in korea (or anywhere in southeast asia) then you shouldn't have problems playing these dvds.
ok that could really pose a problem, if it was a pc dvd player, it would be easier to deal with. Tell me the model of your dvd like the exact model and stuff, and I'll see if anything comes up to fix the region BS.
if you bought your dvd drive on your computer after the year 2000, you're going to have to flash the firmware on your dvd drive to make it an RPC-1 drive, after you flash the hardware, you still need to take care of the software region encoding, so you'll need one of the programs jamisont mentioned. either way - using a standalone or pc dvd drive, you're going to have to do some work before you can play stuff other than region 1.
yea changing regions everytime you change DVD rom is just BIOTCH then I found dvd region killer, so I dont have to change regions every time.