World Best 11 and Favorite 11

Discussion in 'The Beautiful Game' started by phil80, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. phil80

    phil80 Member

    Aug 25, 2007
    As of now, who do you think should be included in the best team in the world...


    Personal favorite 11

    ...L. Diarra....Y. Toure
    Lahm.....Nesta....K. Toure
    .......van der sar
  2. Mojam5

    Mojam5 New Member

    Sep 21, 2007
    Decent squad, I would put Maicon over Alves.
  3. Scolari

    Scolari New Member

    Nov 3, 2008
    There are plenty of midfielders that I'd rate higher than Mascherano.
  4. phil80

    phil80 Member

    Aug 25, 2007
    A team needs balance and a solid defensive mid, and Mascherano is currently the most effective def mid in football.
  5. Scolari

    Scolari New Member

    Nov 3, 2008
    That's a funny joke.
  6. Dr. Know

    Dr. Know Member+

    Dec 5, 2005
    Care to give us your list of better DM's?
  7. Scolari

    Scolari New Member

    Nov 3, 2008
    Senna destroys him, all ends up. A fit Essien is far better. Makalele is farrr better, even at his age.

    And there are more still.
  8. Dr. Know

    Dr. Know Member+

    Dec 5, 2005
    A 35 year old Makelele is" far better"? Maybe 3 years ago. Claiming this now destroys your credibility and makes me believe you don't watch much of Mascherano for club or country.

    Essien is not a true DM. He's a box o box midfielder that is versatile and can play there as well but a true DM Mascherano is better.

    Senna is the only one that could compete with him as the best DM in the world imo and it comes down to a matter of personal preference. But as good as Senna is I have never seen him boss a midfield on his own like Mascherano has.

    It's not such a joke like you make it out to be :rolleyes:.
  9. Futbol_Head

    Futbol_Head Member+

    Manchester United
    Aug 18, 2007
    Bay Area, CA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    ............De Rossi.......Xavi
  10. Offlimp

    Offlimp New Member

    Aug 10, 2007

    Ribery - Kaka - Messi
    Cana - Hargreaves
    Lahm - Lucio - Ferdinand - Alves


    Ronaldo - Kaka - Messi
    De Rossi - Xavi
    Lahm - Ferdinand - Puyol - Alves
  11. phil80

    phil80 Member

    Aug 25, 2007
    Cech over Casillas and Buffon?
  12. Teso Dos Bichos

    Teso Dos Bichos Red Card

    Sep 2, 2004
    Purged by RvN
    You are correct and a team does need balance. Your best XI does not contain it though as you have a single central defender and two attacking lateral defenders as your backline. The inclusion of a defensive midfielder and a retainer does little to help matters. Your favourite XI uses the same system but you only include one lateral defender and two defensive midfielders which helps to provide the protection that your weakened backline requires.

    Essien is not a box-to-box midfielder. You have two kinds of defensive midfielder. The likes of Makelele who sit and use their positioning to prevent opposition attacks and then the likes of Essien who pro-actively go out to press the opposition and win the ball back. Obviously when the team has possession of the ball then Essien can join the attack but he simply does not have the attacking game to be classed as a box-to-box midfielder.
  13. phil80

    phil80 Member

    Aug 25, 2007
    Agree it's not the most balanced and possibly wouldnt be the most effective in real life but it was difficult to leave out some of those attacking options especially when not many central defenders have consistently stepped up. In one sense, it is a collection of the best players in their respective position and that would include Xavi and Mascherano. If it were a formation to be used in real life i would take out one of the strikers and replace them with Nesta.
  14. Dr. Know

    Dr. Know Member+

    Dec 5, 2005
    Essien always seemd to play next to more traditional DM's. Diarra and later Makelele. He presses up in attack more than a traditional DM would and he was never as good defensively as the others. He always had a knack for crazy , unwarranted lunges and he's not as good defensively as Mascherano.
  15. Teso Dos Bichos

    Teso Dos Bichos Red Card

    Sep 2, 2004
    Purged by RvN
    I'm of the opinion that an XI should function in real life or it is worthless.

    You do realise that Essien was originally a defender and has played in defense for all of his clubs and even his country.
  16. phil80

    phil80 Member

    Aug 25, 2007
    then why not make a list of your own?
  17. Teso Dos Bichos

    Teso Dos Bichos Red Card

    Sep 2, 2004
    Purged by RvN
    I will do but it requires some thought.
  18. Mojam5

    Mojam5 New Member

    Sep 21, 2007
  19. Scolari

    Scolari New Member

    Nov 3, 2008
    Lampard and Ballack are Chelsea's box to box midfielders, not Essien. He joins into the attack when needed, but other than that he is a defensive player, as Teso said. A defensive midfielder more specifically.
  20. Scolari

    Scolari New Member

    Nov 3, 2008
    A world/favorite XI that actually requires thought? Blasphemy! :p
  21. phil80

    phil80 Member

    Aug 25, 2007
    The last sentence is the funny joke. Makalele is currently 'farrr' better than Mascherano? I'm guessing you dont watch very many of his games.
  22. BTV802

    BTV802 BigSoccer Supporter

    AFC Ajax
    Jul 11, 2006
    AFC Ajax
    A bit on the attacking side, but I imagine this team would be fun to watch.

  23. Beazley17

    Beazley17 Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    South Florida
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Best 11

    ------------Iker Casillas----------------



  24. PinoyMarauder

    PinoyMarauder Member

    Apr 10, 2008
    Congratulation for the yellow:D and wow a great coach you are....

    anyways here is my favorite



    macherano Senna

    lahm de-mihceles puyol maicon


    Kaka for riqueleme and ronaldo for ribery for best 11
  25. Teso Dos Bichos

    Teso Dos Bichos Red Card

    Sep 2, 2004
    Purged by RvN

    -------- Ibrahimovic
    - Ronaldo -- Kaka -- Messi
    ---- De Rossi - Essien
    Evra -- Vidic -- Ferdinand -- Maicon
    ----------- Buffon

    Still formulating my favourite team. A fair few of my usual names have retired and I assume this is intended to be an active XI.

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