Val Ackerman, the only president the WNBA has ever known, is stepping down. I thought this was interesting on a number of levels. 1) The WNBA has mirrored MLS in terms of age and size (expanding and contracting teams). 2) From the outset, they've both been dependent on a financial resource other than gate receipts and broadcast revenues (the NBA and St. Phil). 3) Changing leadership might signal a different direction in the league.
"And someday, I think people will see the WNBA as the only successful pro sports league launched relatively recently." Nice little ignorant quote from an agent for WNBA players.
That stuck out to me also. Within 5 years, once all the teams have stadiums it will blow away the wnba. MLS averages like 7k more a game right now then they do with not even a tenth of the promotion the wnba gets. Ignorant quote.
It really does amaze me how much more coverage the WNBA gets in the mainstream media. What do they have to show after all these years? A 10k seat arena in a casino? I wonder when the NBA is just going to throw up its hands and say "That's it, we're done."
Nice bit at the end about what Jim Rome says about th WNBA.
actually, I always felt rome bashed the WNBA even more than MLS. I think he hates the WNBA more because he feels it is jammed down your throat.