Wizards to Philadelphia

Discussion in 'Philadelphia Union' started by bpKicks, Nov 8, 2006.

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  1. bpKicks

    bpKicks New Member

    Jul 21, 2006
    The results are in and the voters back in Kansas defeated a proposal to develop infrastructure for a new soccer stadium and some youth fields...Wizards were quoted in their paper as saying:

    Robb Heineman, principal of OnGoal LLC and interim president of the Wizards professional soccer team, said he was disappointed, but remained resolute in getting a stadium built by 2009, but not necessarily in Johnson County.

    The last part refer to the Wizards heading our way.
  2. SoccerPrime

    SoccerPrime Moderator
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    Can't wait til Andy Mead finds this thread.

    I think its premature, to say the least, that the Wizards are now gone from KC.

    Although the No vote is a major setback for them.
  3. Sundevil9

    Sundevil9 Member

    Nov 23, 1999
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    What's the over/under for Andy to sniff out this thread? :D
  4. brentgoulet

    brentgoulet Member+

    Oct 12, 2005
    PuertoPlata, DomRep
    Hope Garber will announce the Philly Wizards on sunday et MLS cup
  5. Z010 Union

    Z010 Union Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    As a huge proponent of a Philadelphia team, I am still not moved by this news. I think that while it might open a door in Garber's mind, OnGoal seems like a committed ownership group.

    However, the Wizards will be a terrible advertisement for the league in a high school stadium and with no concrete plans on the table. I think Andy, Ben, and Sam to name a few are disappointed in the JoCo voters who saw it as giving away land to ostensibly land the Wizards, who would have still paid for the stadium development (possibly with STAR bonds).

    So do you San Jose them? Let them keep the identity and records and return an expansion team to the area when OnGoal builds a stadium? Possibly, but I don't think the new ownership group could risk losing the loyalty of the few committed fans.

    I think the Wizards will remain in Oz and our hopes will continue to lie over the rainbow. ;) :(
  6. santeroatomico

    santeroatomico New Member

    Feb 16, 2006
    East End Houston
    Funny. As soon as I read the news the first thing I did was to come to thsi forum and see what ppl in Philly were thinking about the whole elction.
    I believe KC might get the SJ treatment.
  7. Buzz Killington

    Buzz Killington Member+

    Oct 6, 2002
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    It's funny that you quote that part of the article and assume it means they are moving to Philly. But you completely leave out the next 2 paragraphs from that article.

  8. Z010 Union

    Z010 Union Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Kuhn, I agree with you which is why I posted what I did above...I think that by not Johnson County, instead of not Kansas, is very telling. It means they are thinking of other counties in the metro area.
  9. SoccerPrime

    SoccerPrime Moderator
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    Philly does have an advantage in having places like the Linc or Franklin Field were a MLS team could temporarily play (the Wizards will be forced out of Arrowhead starting in 2007).

    However, Philly has no long term solution for where a MLS will play at. At least KC still has their Overland Park stadium on the books. Philly does not.

    If someone in Philly announced today that they had a plan to build a stadium for soccer then there might be some legs to a relocation story, but there isn't
  10. Z010 Union

    Z010 Union Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    I have a plan...but no money to fund it. I was thinking a 25,000 seat fully roofed stands stadium with mixed use retail and hotel attached. A main street leading to the ground that included a stadium pub that could accomodate the Sons of Ben before matches. I think that the Columbus Boulevard area would be fantastic - view of Center City, waterfront and girls on poles.
  11. skyscraper

    skyscraper Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    How do the people of San Jose feel about their city being made into a verb?
  12. skyscraper

    skyscraper Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    That someone would have to be the ownership group, of which there is none here right now. If they relocated the wiz here, it would have to be them. they won't announce any plans to build a stadium here unless the move is official, which it is not.
    Any plan to build a sss here would have to include other tenants, such as the Barrage outdoor lacrosse team, or rugby or something. No way would a soccer stadium be able to pay for itself with just one soccer team as its tenant.
  13. SoccerPrime

    SoccerPrime Moderator
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    skyscraper, do you actually read what other people post?
  14. Z010 Union

    Z010 Union Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    :D .
  15. CyphaPSU

    CyphaPSU Member+

    Mar 16, 2003
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    I think KC will look to other surrounding counties for their stadium situation.

    (PS - no Andy Mead yet?)
  16. Dills

    Dills Moderator
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    so besides some dough, you need an architect ... you've come to the right place.
  17. celt1997

    celt1997 Moderator
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    I did the same thing with regard to coming to the boards to check things out.

    I just think that, being November, there's little chance of this happening (a move to Philly, that is) for next season. It is a HUGE setback for the Wizards, but certainly not a deal breaker, yet. However if next season starts and things are still rocky for them, a 2008 move to Philly (or somewhere else, if 2009 Philly is a definite), is probably in the stars.
  18. Z010 Union

    Z010 Union Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Well, Houston wasn't on the cards at this time last year and now they're in the final.
  19. Z010 Union

    Z010 Union Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    60-90 days Dillon, 60-90 days. Speaking of S.O., how's the SOB logo ;) Would be cool to break that out this weekend.
  20. SoccerPrime

    SoccerPrime Moderator
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    Quakes moved to Houston on Dec. 13 2005 and 11 months later are playing in the MLS Cup.

    If "any" MLS team decided to move to Philly in the next month, its very doable.

    Will a team move in the next month? Highly doubious.
  21. bpKicks

    bpKicks New Member

    Jul 21, 2006
    There are no current plans to locate the Wizzz anywhere other than Johnson County...that means it is just as easy to take the team elsewhere as it is to stay in KC.

    Look at it this way, the new owners bought the team at a discount (assumption) ostensibly because they were going to keep the Wiz in KC, build a stadium, etc. Now, the first part of their grand scheme has fallen apart by a HUGE margin - no world-class youth complex. Coincidence? (or conspiracy) I think not. The folks at OnGoal want to do what? a) keep the Wiz in KC at any cost because of civic pride, or b) make a profit?

    If it's b, then can't they get a better deal by moving the team and holding some other more deserving (desperate) city hostage? OnGoal, gets an enthusiastic community, new uniforms and, hence, new merchandise sales, a new stadium (that they probably don't have to pay for), suites, parking, concessions - the whole deal. And theyget it for little or no cash expense just because Philadelphia (or South Jersey, or wherever) rolls out the red carpet (tax incentives, public financing, etc) just to lure them.

    OnGoal can play this off straight-faced because they tried to get the stadium deal in KC, but the voters wouldn't go along. Now they have the break they wanted to move the team to somewhere, anywhere, where they can make a buck.

    It's shrewd really. I just wish I saw it coming before it happened and predicted this then.

    Watch what happens.
  22. SoccerPrime

    SoccerPrime Moderator
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    Its a interesting thought, but not based on fact or reality.

    Using your logic, it would make more sense for the new KC owners to move the team to Rochester where there is already a SSS in place.

    Philly has nothing, long term, to offer. At least as of today.
  23. Sundevil9

    Sundevil9 Member

    Nov 23, 1999
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    Hmm. 4PM EST and still no Andy.

    There must be huge amounts of KC misinformation out there for him to put down today.

    I'm glad that sanity reigned here today.
  24. bpKicks

    bpKicks New Member

    Jul 21, 2006
    Exactly, Prime. What I mean is that the playing field is level again. Yes, Rochester might have an inside track, but OnGoal can rationalize shopping the location now by saying that they tried...and failed.

    They bought the team ata discount because they were going to keep it in KC, now they are free from those promises because the people said no.
  25. McGinty

    McGinty Member

    Aug 29, 2001
    Sporting Kansas City
    The people said no to a youth soccer complex. OnGoal didn't have all of their eggs in this basket.

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