Will Asia's Golden Boot come back?

Discussion in 'Korea' started by Korean Football, Jul 27, 2002.

  1. Korean Football

    Korean Football New Member

    Apr 21, 2001
    Dong-guk Lee (23), the golden boot of the Asian Cup 2000, had been in a looooooong slump after his surgery.

    He is rocking at the K-League right now scoring goals three games in a row.

    Will he be back to the National Team and start "starting?"
  2. junjunforever

    junjunforever Member

    Feb 18, 2002
    i never liked lee too much. will he be able to start in 2006? i don't think so.
  3. oakydoaks

    oakydoaks New Member

    Apr 29, 2002
    Denver, CO
    I guess you are responsible for that lone "no" vote :D
  4. Deleted Users

    Deleted Users Member+

    Nov 25, 2001
    Dong-guk rose to the stardome too fast-only when he was 18. Now he's 22 and the past couple of years were to harsh on him. I guess you can say that he got big-headed. Whatever it was I believe Lee Dong-guk can come back and don't forget that one saying "one doesnt kill you will make you stronger".
  5. junjunforever

    junjunforever Member

    Feb 18, 2002
    dang i'm losing five to one.

    what is the definition of "come back?" I think Lee is a type of player who can score when he gets the chance, but in harsh international leves, he will never get a chance.

    I think he may play well in the league but he won't be playing in 2006.
  6. Deleted Users

    Deleted Users Member+

    Nov 25, 2001
    How can you tell? He's only 22!
  7. Chachi King

    Chachi King New Member

    Mar 14, 2002
    Hopefully. I always thought at his best, Lee Dong-guk was number 1 goal poacher. That is, he doesn't miss opportunities he gets.
  8. Korean Football

    Korean Football New Member

    Apr 21, 2001
    He's like Mathis of Korea. Lazy, but you have to admit he's better than others on your team when he gets the chance.
  9. HwarangDo

    HwarangDo New Member

    Jun 5, 2002
    Yes. He will be once again reclaim the throne as Korea's best striker
  10. Deleted Users

    Deleted Users Member+

    Nov 25, 2001
    Watching him play this season I dont really want to call him lazy anymore..
  11. toohyper

    toohyper Member+

    Mar 23, 2004
    Gwangju FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Korea Republic
    I decided to click the Last Page of the Korean forum to see how old things are. :p

    4 years later...:)
  12. rEprEsEntiNg F'shO

    rEprEsEntiNg F'shO New Member

    Jan 28, 2005
    fullerton, ca
    i didnt like dong guk. but i think he's the best we got if he becomes healthy. even ahead of seol
  13. Deleted Users

    Deleted Users Member+

    Nov 25, 2001
    Will Asia's golden boot come back? No problem. Leave it to Vasco.
  14. Elliad

    Elliad Member

    Jun 22, 2002
    Sydney, Australia
    lol, a blast from the past.
  15. krn_sweetie

    krn_sweetie New Member

    Jan 18, 2005
    He should come back, if not - i'll make him come back! haha
  16. GuruSky

    GuruSky Member

    Jan 7, 2004
    FC Barcelona
    Just curious.. Are you hotter than his wife?

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