I predict two things: (1) Having said no to the Kyoto Protocol, the Land Mine Treaty, the comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and the International Criminal Court, Bush's second administration will withdraw America from the U.S. Constitution, saying "In the end, it's just another contract, full of the September 10th-thinking of the reality-based community that prevents us from acting against terror." The American people, in response, will watch the Super Bowl, on guard for wardrobe malfunctions and Osama Bin Boogieman. (2) Dick Cheney, having taken to heart the Wolfowitz/Libby PNAC pronouncement that the US must "discourage the advanced industrialised nations from challenging our leadership or even aspiring to a larger regional or global role," will confront that new bureaucratic bitch, the EU, vis-a-vis a covert plan in conjunction with ADM, ConAgra, IBP that drops virulent GM seeds from passenger planes traveling to Europe all over the EU countrysides. Having replaced all EU crops with patented American ones, Cheney will, in a stunning move, command Bush to join the ICC, haul the EU before the ICC for patent infringement, receive compensation that bankrupts the continent, but out the whole shebang, and rename the EU 'Jesusland.'
Bush appoints 3 new Supreme Court Justices. The first comes before June of 05 and, on paper doesn't look too bad...on paper. The second and third are right-wing ideologists who slip under the rader because two + years in and people stop caring again. Two new amendments are ratified. The kamikazee fiscal policy coninues. There is another terrorist attack on US soil. Dick Cheney dies from a massive heart attack. George Bush clears more brush in Crawford. Condoleza Rice is fired. Rumsfeld writes a book that brings a great deal of new information to light. A Bush daughter is arrested for an alcohol related offense. The Iraqi elections are postponed and when they are held too soon, they turn out to be disasterous. Hamid Karzai is assassinated.
Can't...hold back...laughter...must not...burst out laughing... Well, the title does say "outlandish."
Soon everyone will be required every morning to kneel and bow in prayer to the White House. Personally, I will be holding my nose. http://www.bushislord.com/ Doesn't he look great with long hair and a beard? That web site was created by the scamster to bilk the really gullable religious right.
I think he has three core constituencies. 1. evangelicals who think he is on God's right shoulder 2. right-wing nuts jobs who think the enemy is the American liberal 3. those few people that actually benefit from his idiotic policies The first two scare the crap out of me because they are irrational.
Fiscal Campaign Promises: - Make tax cuts permanent. (1.9 trillion over 10 years) - Reform tax code. - Partially privatize social security (1-2 Trillion over 10 years) - Finish Iraq (probably another 200 billion) - Cut government spending. There is no friggin way he can get all of this accomplished. Especially without full support from the minority Democrats. You know he's not going to reach across the aisle. I say the only thing he does is try to leave tax cuts in place and blow up more of the Middle East. Prove me wrong Bush.
Chicago1871 is spirited away by stormtroopers in the black of night for comments made on BigSoccer read by "Big Brother"
There will be some news reports right before the '06 midterm election about how Al Qaeda operatives have obtained the blueprints for some Southern Baptist churches in Tennessee and Pennsylvania.
I'd find this funny if it weren't so close to reality: http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/ http://www.heartlight.org/fast/ *puke*
So you liberals who think conservatives are the enemy should be withdrawn from this type of pigeon-holing? I am a strong right winger. I think Kerry could do a good job as President, in 2008, but not now. Hillary will be a loser for you in 2008. The American Center is scared of the Left, that is why Kerry lost and Hillary will ultimately lose. Any coincidence that Clinton and Gore were relative moderates? I think not. If you had any sense about you, Bill Richardson would be your next Candidate, then you may have a shot. But you will be going up against Rudy Giuliani, Americas Sweetheart.
Funniest post ever. How is "a pissed off, united Europe" going to pay for this new, improved EuroMilitary? By cutting back on social welfare programs to illegal immigrant hobos, or by raising national income taxes from 65% to 75%? I suppose they could just conscript the illegal immigrant hobos...
Under the Patriot Act, all individuals found guilty of unpatriotic activity will be forcibly relocated to a new "Free Speech Zone" centered around the Twin Cities.
Since my thread was stifled because of the title, I'll throw in my "Barack Obama will die in a suspicious plane crash in 2006" prediction here. <looks around for another yellow card>
Don't be ignorant; read abut the RRF; all they'll ever need (who are they "going to war" against, China? Typical American, everyone is coming to get you, always...boogie wonderland should just be an EWF song, but it ain't...), founded in waging peace and crisis management (for example, here, in Nepal) and it will come out of the current defense budgets of member nations. My nation spent $400 billion on defense every 365 days, and 9/11 still happened; we're spending $500 trillion now and ports/coasts/nuclear facilites/bridges/research labs/borders/Russian nuclear material are still wide open, so don't play yourself, and don't hate on the trans-national experiment that springs from knowing what war waged upon your home and homeland is like, that sprang from the rubble and defeat, like the social welfare and other community notions. Remarkable. And when you calculate real unemployment and real productivity and real quality-of-life (GDP is useless; car crashes and toxic waste cleanup add to the GDP), you'll be very surprised what you'll find. Terrorism is prevented through the two things the US is abdicating, networks and knowing. Connectedness leads to the intel that leads to the interception and thwarting of radical efforts to inflict harm. The US could quadruple its defense budget and, on its current course, not have the embeddedness to defeat the newest-latest box cutter. How many NSA and CIA analysts spoke and read Arabic at the time of 9/11? How many do so right now?