What the Quakes need more.....

Discussion in 'San Jose Earthquakes' started by living_ded_boy, Aug 13, 2002.

  1. living_ded_boy

    living_ded_boy New Member

    May 24, 2001
    Pleasanton, Ca
    Contrary to popular belief, if I had a choice between a right mid and a right back i'd take the back....if it was Mastroeni. You can't lose if you don't get scored on.....uhhh....unless you go to PK's....ahhh hell, i'd take Ralston! There, I said it. :(
  2. BlueMeanie

    BlueMeanie New Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Well, we did win a cup--and we are leading the league this season--with the players we already have*...so I won't be too heartbroken if nothing happens.

    *except for where we upgraded, like Graz for Cerritos...
  3. porkrind

    porkrind Member+

    United States
    Sep 27, 2001
    San Jose Earthquakes
    bring in a quality right mid, and our right back problems mysteriously disappear.
  4. Naco

    Naco Member

    Aug 5, 2001
    True, but I'd go for a good right back.

  5. living_ded_boy

    living_ded_boy New Member

    May 24, 2001
    Pleasanton, Ca

    .....and the best home record should beat the worst road record in SJ this weekend and then everyone will think everything is ok......like cows unknowingly headed to the slaughterhouse. :(
  6. spejic

    spejic Cautionary example

    Mar 1, 1999
    San Rafael, CA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    We have a player who scored in the World Cup from the right midfield position. We just never play him there.
  7. Richter Boy

    Richter Boy New Member

    Mar 1, 2000
    Soulard, STL
    Our defense has a lot of holes. Corrales thinks he is Mauricio Wright.
  8. sonofapitch

    sonofapitch New Member

    Feb 11, 2002
    Novato, CA
    In the words of Ricky Ricardo..."'splain, please."

    Are you suggesting that we could then drop Ramiro Corrales to the back on a permanent basis? (I think Ramiro has done a hell of a job this year.)

    However, for the sake of the topic, I'd rather have the backliner as long as it was a real blue-chip player like a Mastroeni. Of course, that comes with a pretty big price in return. With a healthy Dayak and Eddie Robinson coming on strong, I think our defense is already set. We needn't look outside the team unless we are bracing for the eventual retirement(s) of Agoos and Dayak.

    I'd hate to see the team make a move just because.
  9. due time

    due time Member+

    Mar 1, 1999
    Santa Clara
    Not if that right back is named Zac.
  10. Naco

    Naco Member

    Aug 5, 2001
    Re: Re: What the Quakes need more.....

    Or even Zak.

  11. porkrind

    porkrind Member+

    United States
    Sep 27, 2001
    San Jose Earthquakes
    I'd rather see Corrales on the left, where I've seen him make some nice runs culminating with his spin move in the box. My comment was primarily directed to Russell, whom I've never been impressed with. Anyway, the point was, get a good right mid who can play both ways, and it takes a lot of pressure off the right back. I would say that LD would make a nice right mid until he can take his rightful place at o-mid, but he seems to disappear there.

    Of course, I certainly wouldn't argue with Mastroeni at right back either. Can't we just have both?
  12. living_ded_boy

    living_ded_boy New Member

    May 24, 2001
    Pleasanton, Ca
    Corrales is a good defender and has a great short game but his ability to cross, or lack there of, doesn't work in this system. I like Corrales alot but his crossing ability is worse than Conrad or Zak. His defending ability is better. Someone suggested that Dayak could play outside right and put Robinson in the middle with Agoos, if Dayak can cross, then I'm all for it! :D
  13. BlueMeanie

    BlueMeanie New Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Dayak used to be a very effective right back, but that was before injuries slowed him a little. Not sure how explosive he would be out of the back, anymore. He used to start LOTS of runs for the Blackhawks up the right side, and his containing defense was superb.
  14. TheSlipperyOne

    TheSlipperyOne Member+

    Feb 29, 2000
    Arsenal FC
    Other: Fans in the seats.
  15. TheSlipperyOne

    TheSlipperyOne Member+

    Feb 29, 2000
    Arsenal FC
    The Quakes also need strippers and 40s.
  16. Goodsport

    Goodsport Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 18, 1999
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Or better yet: Fans on the seats.

    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp GO EARTHQUAKES!!! :(

  17. TheSlipperyOne

    TheSlipperyOne Member+

    Feb 29, 2000
    Arsenal FC
    What the Quakes really need is a geriatric to streak across the field.
  18. Spartacus

    Spartacus Member

    May 20, 2001
    The NO SOCCER Zone
    I'll only believe that if he grows dreads and starts wearing white shoes.

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