What can we do about Zimbabwe ???

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Doctor Stamen, Aug 15, 2002.

  1. Doctor Stamen

    Doctor Stamen New Member

    Nov 14, 2001
    In a bag with a cat.
    How can we stop Robert Mugabe from his racist acts, blatant cheating and thuggery ?.

    For those who don't know, Robert Mugabe is the leader of Zimbabwe, and over the past year or so, has ruthlessly pursued a policy of evicting white farmers from their land. Tactics for this include murder, destruction of property, intimidation and legal wrangling. The issue is not that there needs to be land reform, all Zimbabweans accept that, it's that Mugabe has sent loads of 'war veterans' to persecute the white farmers because they're not considered 'Zimbabwean' because of the colour of their skin.

    Mugabe has ruined Zimbabwe, as the economy has gone to pot a long time ago, and the country is being starved, as these war veterans destroy the crops and buildings, and haven't a clue about farming anyway.

    MLSNHTOWN Member+

    Oct 27, 1999
    Houston, TX
  3. GringoTex

    GringoTex Member

    Aug 22, 2001
    1301 miles de Texas
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Then why is it that 70% of all farm land is still controlled by a few former British colonialists and their descendants?

    I'm not defending Mugabe's thuggery, but why is that?
  4. Scotty

    Scotty Member+

    Dec 15, 1999
    I would suggest the Al Jolson blackface garb only as an absolute last resort.
  5. Doctor Stamen

    Doctor Stamen New Member

    Nov 14, 2001
    In a bag with a cat.
    There does need to be reforms, and the majority should have more land, but almost all the white farmers are as much Zimbabwean as black farmers. It's almost like the British government turning around and saying "Right, all you Blacks and Asians leave Britain now. No, we don't care if you were born in Nottingham, go."

    But to answer your question, I'm not sure why that aspect of colonial rule has lasted so long. It probably has something to do with the colonial rule that only white people could have a lot of land, whilst black people have a maximum limit. This hadn't been dealt with, so it meant the white farmers were the best (as they had the practice).

    So rather than going to the white farmers and working with them on this issue, Mugabe seized upon their ancestry and race to prop up his inept regime. The end result is going to be civil strife and misery, as the population on the whole starves.

    As a sidenote, all foreign journalists are banned from Zimbabwe, so it is obviously very difficult to see just how bad the situation is.
  6. GringoTex

    GringoTex Member

    Aug 22, 2001
    1301 miles de Texas
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Scotty, this is why we've missed you.
  7. GringoTex

    GringoTex Member

    Aug 22, 2001
    1301 miles de Texas
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    The complexities of modern racial politics. I feel it's a grab bag sometimes. If we ever figure it out in Texas, I'll throw you a few kernels of wisdom.
  8. el_urchinio

    el_urchinio Member

    Jun 6, 2002
    A small minority of people owns most of the land in just about any country. If you're an average Rhodesian, does it matter to you if that minority is black or white. Either way, you ain't seeing much or any of that land. Mugabe's 'redistribution' of land just means that he'll take the farms from corrent owners and give them to his cronies and former 'war comrades.'
  9. JPhurst

    JPhurst New Member

    Jul 30, 2001
    Jersey City, NJ
    Re: Re: What can we do about Zimbabwe ???

    Because Mugabe sat on the issue until he needed it to ressurect his political fortunes. This should have been addressed a long time ago.
  10. Anthony

    Anthony Member+

    United States
    Aug 20, 1999
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    United States
    A few things about this. Yes, land ownership needed to be reformed. But a number of the farmers being dispossessed now bought their farms AFTER independence, when Mugabe asked whites to stay.

    And the farms are not being given to the back farm workers who worked the land before. Instead, they are going to well connected bronies of Mugabe.

    So Zimbabwe, a country which once was a rich agricultural exporting nation, is now experiencing famine.
  11. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    For those out there that say we should always support democracy: This is what can happen in places that are not truly prepared for it.
  12. TheWakeUpBomb

    TheWakeUpBomb Member

    Mar 2, 2000
    New York, NY
    Seattle Sounders
    Like in Florida.
  13. superdave

    superdave Member+

    Jul 14, 1999
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    United States
  14. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    or New York State?
  15. schuer

    schuer New Member

    Nov 26, 2001
    Not an ideal sitation. Main problem is this situation will bring famine to 1000's of Africans.

    But to blame it all on Mugabe is a bit too easy. If the UK had given Zimbabwe real indepence. That is politcal and economical independance, this situatoion wouldn't have happned. But the financial advantages where once again more important.
  16. Prenn

    Prenn Member

    Apr 14, 2000
    Bolton Wanderers FC
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    That doesn't make any sense.

    Explain what you mean by "If the UK had given Zimbabwe real independence".
  17. schuer

    schuer New Member

    Nov 26, 2001
    zimbabwe asn't different than any other African country that was given independence. They could theoretically go their own way, but the economic power was still in the hand of the British.

    Indeed Mugabe is a little late and he has a personal agenda to protest and react against it now. But the idea of an honest division of the countries assets (so not land for the ones with money) is something very justified.
  18. Prenn

    Prenn Member

    Apr 14, 2000
    Bolton Wanderers FC
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    I still don't get where you're coming from, what do you mean by "the economic power was still in the hand of the British"?
  19. schuer

    schuer New Member

    Nov 26, 2001
    It isn't that difficult. compgnies, the land,... as almost every old colony Zimbabwe didn't have the real tools to do something with it's new political freedom.
  20. fox point fury

    May 19, 2001
    Very true. I've read reports that the blacks who worked the land have been beaten side-by-side with the white landowners.
  21. zverskiy yobar

    zverskiy yobar BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Mar 10, 2002
    Most of the "War veterans" are not even actually from the region.Most were "refugees fleeing from african dictators" who came to power in the early 60's.This is something the lefties and liberals have consitently hidden from the public the last 30 years.Up until the late 70's Rhodesia had one of the highest immigration rates in the world... they were being flooded from other parts of Africa.Just as South Africa was also being flooded by immigrants at the same time.But of course, no one on the left will admit that ZANU,ZAPU, and the ANC were in fact terrorist movements spawned and made up of individuals from Central Africa.
    Mugabe and his cronies have no more "ancestoral" claim to the land then any of the white farmers, heck most of the whites have been their longer.Also most of the black farmhands who also are being murdered are from local tribes, unlike most of the terrorists claiming they have rights to the land.
  22. Peakite

    Peakite Member

    Mar 27, 2000
    Halifax Town
    And wasn't Zimbabwe earlier in Mugabe's reign one of the richest countries on the continent, certainly not experiencing the problems they are now undergoing.
  23. Prenn

    Prenn Member

    Apr 14, 2000
    Bolton Wanderers FC
    Nat'l Team:
    They weren't under British control after independence and for years that infrastructure served the country well. Zimbawae was one the richest country in Africa, even while Mugabe was in charge. His political aims have now brought that country to it's knees. You can't blame Britain for Zimbawaes problems of today, as much as you'd like to do. Zimbabwae's problems are due to one Robert Mugabe.
  24. el_urchinio

    el_urchinio Member

    Jun 6, 2002
    Yeah, thanks to Ian Smith, not Mugabe.
  25. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    Mugabe is simply a hack trying to prop up his political regime with racial politics (sounds like a certain political party in the United States.) I find it interesting that international human rights groups aren't hollering about this. If whites were treating blacks like this, they would be all over it and it would be on TV in nearly every country in the world.

    CNN International has covered it some, but hasn't given it the coverage it derserves, and the local media here in Taiwan has covered it very little (though white/black issues are not of import here).

    Boycott Zimbabwe! Write your representatives to stop doing business with that country until Mugabe is either gone or restores to the white farmers their rightful property (or gives them appropriate compensation).

    BTW, I saw a report saying many have gone to Mozambique and are welcome there.

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