Argentina was my favorite team, after Mexico and USA. I always hoped that they would win whenever they weren't playing either of my teams, but now, i'm really disappointed. I"m not trying to be a troll here, but the truth is that you've cheated in every game we've played this year. Both at club level and NT level. Not only does Boca jrs. doesn't how to loose, but conmebol are a bunch of fvcking low life b@stards, they are trying to make sure that a Mexican team doesn't reach the final, typical. El Bofo did not do anything wrong and it already paid the usual 1 game suspension now the Conmebol wont let him play the second round of qualifiers just to make sure that chivas doesn't turn the score around. I might have gotten a little carried away in the insults, but that is just the way I feel, Conmebol want our money, but wont let's have a clean race for the final and for the trophy.
If anything Conmebol likes Mexican teams, which explains Mexican teams being seeded further then S.A teams in the Sudamericana
I think you should seriously read other media other than Mexican ... the whole world is praising the football displayed by the Argentinian NT ... no one is questioning that Brasil and Argentina have the best football these days. Franz Beckenbauer had something to say about this or this ... Get over the hate and appreciate ... .
I hope we won't dissapoint you tomorrow against Brazil. Really? Every game? I think you are just frustruated right now. You'll get over it. It certainly wasn't Boca's finest hour, both for our players and our fans, so you may be right, we don't know how to lose. Hopefully we won't get as much practice at losing as we did this year, but when it happens I'd like to think that we will handle it better next time. As far as CONMEBOL, your accusations are unfounded. Bofo was suspended according to the rules of FIFA, not CONMEBOL. If you don't like the rules, complain about FIFA, because provocation is harshly penalized based on the statutes of FIFA. It is a fact that Bofo's provocative actions incited the crowd and opposing players. I agree that some players from Boca were playing dirty throughout the match, but without Bofo's provocative actions, the game would have finished in 90 minutes without all the ugly incidents in the field and in the stands. This in no way justifies the incidents, because they cannot be justified. It is just that Boca's stadium, former coach and some of its players were suspended. But instigating is not taken lightly by FIFA and in Bofo's case it is also just cause for suspension. I guess one thing we learned from bringing Mexican teams to Libertadores is how similar we are in many ways. At least in one way Mexicans are a lot like South Americans. When we lose we often tend to whine and blame everybody else, from the refs to the officials to the crowd to whoever we can think of. But come on, can you at least wait until you actually are eliminated before you start whinning? In case you haven't noticed, your team still has a shot at the finals, if they can turn it around in the friendly confines of their own stadium.
Dont bother replying to this guy. He is nothing but a blind biased pissed off Mexican. After I went on the Mexican board to congratulate them on a fine game he sent me a private message that was not at all flattering In other words ignore after all that is what one should do with ignorant remarks.
Of course they do. With all the revenues that they get with Mexicans playng south america(sponsors, tv rightrs, attendance, etc.) who wouldn't? It the doesn't mean that they are ready to let us have a clean competition from quarter finals and up.
You already have. Yes, in the only two official competitions that mexicans and argentinians have faced each other the argentinian site showed little class. and maybe i'm frustated for the fact that they always get away with it. First Chivas beats Boca jrs., in that macth Boca jrs injures one of mexico's most promising forwards, and gets another expelled. I hope so too, caue the reason that the Mexican media and everyone else made such a big deal after teh 4-0 win over Boca jrs is cause Boca is supose to be one of the best clubs in the world, but you showed that you dont know how to loose with dignity, by the way i find it very ironic, that Colliccini was a former Boca jrs player.(I wonder what tactics they teach the players at Boca jrs.) Are they? dont you think is a bit odd, that the disciplinary hearing for Bofo was scheduled for next July? but after that Brazilian team trashed Chivas because chivas was missing like 7 starters they decided to move the disciplinary hearing the same day that chivas plays the Brazilians. also, lets not forget that weird final between Boca jrs. and Cruz Azul (or Santos, dont remember) where the game was decided on penalties. a Boca jrs player missed a penatly but the ref repeated it, because supposily the goal keer moved(which he didn't) and then when it was time for the Mexican striker, the goal keepr moved and blocked shot, but of course the ref didn't see that, how weird. I think i'm not the only one who thinks this way. Oh yes, sorry about that, this issue has been brought up before, i forgot that when you play in Argentina (particularly at Boca's stadium)you have to take all the dirty play and provocations, with out saying anything at all of any sign, cause it might PROVOKED THEM! and let out their animal instincts.. It's not about whining, Chivas has no chance all to turn it around, it is missing 7 starters, mostly because conmebol, wont allowed Bofo to play, and Fifa wont allow the other players to play, what a weird convination. Anywaying, maybe I'm raving, out of impontence because we can't do anyting about it. Like Lavolpe said, Argentina are already an established world cup power in soccer, and we are bearly emerging, that is why Argentina and Argentinian clubs can get away with murder. anyway i just saw the article and wanted to share it, bye.
Oh sorry, i didn't know you wanted to be flattered. and your post was a bit annoying after everything that happen. Ignore me if you will, but it wont change the facts.
looks like someone has a bad case of last word syndrome . By the way "flattering" in that context means something entirely different. Not like I wanted to be flattered, but more like " not at all polite, or kind> do you understand?? After all you are American right? The english language should not be foreign to you/
How many facts can one guy get wrong in one post? What is he talking about? I think he is talking about a match involving River Plate, but it couldn't have been a final. River doesn't do finals. Imagine, confusing Boca Juniors and River Plate. He just doesn't get it. It is irrelevant whether the incident happens in Argentina at Boca's Stadium, or in Europe, Asia, Africa, or anywhere else in the world. The rules are the rules, and they are clear. Provocation gets a player a suspension. Wrong. Other than Bofo, they are allowed to play. FIFA actually has made a special unprecedented exception to their rules in this particular case, so the Mexican players could play for both their country and their club team. It is actually curious that this David Potter is coming up with conspiracy theories against Chivas and Mexico, when the reality is that FIFA and the football establishment seems to be going out of their way to give Chivas and Mexico a special benefit in this case.
Like the mexican are not cry babies when the lose, wc 2002 lose against the USA. The havoc casued by america against Sao Cayetano en la copa libertadores last year... PLEASE. Mexicans are the biggest cheaters or should I remind you of that hoaxs of stocking cruz azul with the best players of mexican soccer for the final against boca. Please.
El Viejo with three nipples!! You can't complain any longer, Viejo! David, ya deja de joder. Take this stuff to the WR, and dont bother people in their own forum. Yes, yes, who am I to talk...
My two cents.....anyone who's brainless enough to raise four fingers to the crowd like that and make it out with only a little snot on the nose is one lucky idiot! In other countries like Columbia, Brazil, Africa and some parts of Europe this ridiculously stupid gesture may have resulted in death! Mr. Bofo should be thanking his lucky stars he's got all of his limbs let alone being able to play again soon. This in no way excuses the utter stupidity and insulting reactions from the players and fans of the blue and yellow! The price you pay for having to live up to be among the greatest superclubs in the world. Dale Bo!
I was going to say something about Mexicans cheating to get into the U.S. and staying in the country illegally. However, since this is "BigSoccer"...therefore, should we discuss Mexico's ban from the 1990 World Cup for falsifying player info?
but still lets not all forget what the ARGENTINOS did to bofo, that argentinian guy ran like a lil bi*** so they wont catch him, and the ball boy wanted to kick bofo too so it shows you that ARGENTINOS really know how to lose NOT!
hoss23 wrote: I was going to say something about Mexicans cheating to get into the U.S. and staying in the country illegally. However, since this is "BigSoccer"...therefore, should we discuss Mexico's ban from the 1990 World Cup for falsifying player info? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mexicans are not the only ones that cheat to get into the good ol' U.S.A. I know many arjentinians and other south americans that are here illegally. A lot came with tourist visas that have long since expired, others jump the border like a lot of the mexicans. By the way, southies are not the only ones that cheat to enter the country. There are many irish, brittons, chinese, etc. that are in this country illegaly. Of course the number of mexicans that are illegally far exceed the others by a lot, but a cheater is a cheater. I'll say this to the arjentinians, wheter they like to accept it or not, you do cheat a lot in futbol. 1) Anyone remembers Arjentina vs. Perru in W.C. 1978?? 2) How about Maradona's "hand of god" goal against England in W.C. 1986?? 3) What about the Brazil vs. Arjentina game when Branco's drink was spiked in W.C. 1990?? He drank from a bottle supplied by Arjentina's physician Miguel di Lorenzo, when an arjentinian went down with an injury. Not to long ago, Salvador Bilardo was interviewed and asked about the incident in the magazine Veintitres, and Bilardo - who enjoyed a reputation for ruthlessness and guile - said: "I'm not saying it didn't happen." It was not quite an admission of guilt. Yet it was more than enough for the Brazilians, who interpreted the Arjentinian's failure to deny categorically the allegations as confirmation of what they had always suspected. SO YEAH... ARJENTINIANS DO CHEAT A LOT!
Being banned from the tournament is definitely cheating. In sport like most things in life, you only did wrong or cheated if you got caught. Mexico got caught, dont blame Argentina if refs dont call fouls. You cant say the Federacion is paying off officials because the country doesnt have the money to do such a thing. Falsifying documents though is pretty bad since you actually have physical proof. Argentina get away with no more no less than any of the worlds other futbol powers. Mexico doesnt get the calls because they are not world class. Get over it, move on and you'll be happier.