Three new entries this time... Treetalino IASocFan Helmzgk Six people who did not enter picks this week MikeMidd-----Jeru TravisMinor---sdeshw Imasyco------Watfordfcfan This weeks score first.Then Total score to date. LeperKahn---22---48 Clanblue-----19---42 Cap Splarg---24---41 Montreal U---21---41 Kerpow------25---40 cj90red-----16----39 jd2084------14---39 BrianCap----17----38 Michaec-----17---37 Darr---------14---35 Girbo--------18---35 Devil Dave---17---35 Fusion City---20---35 Texan--------17---34 Writered21---14---34 MikeyM-------15--33 Kopiteinkc----10---33 Jokers13------14---32 Sydtheeagle--17---32 SuperElf-------9---29 Whirlwind------11--28 Flashman-----13---28 Boro Lad------9----24 Footer Pho----9----24 MikeMidd-----0----23 TravisMinor---0----22 Kahn1---------9---21 Motterman----6---21 Imasyco-----0----20 Jeru---------0-----18 sdeshw------0-----18 Watfordfan---0----17 Helmzgk------17----17 Treetalino-----17---17 IASocFan------9-----9 [/list=1] Again i urge you to check your own results as i may have made a mistake. Quote/copy--correct---post the updated version for any mistakes.
Thanks clanblue. I was on holidays this week and had no access to Internet where I was, but am back in land of the living. Just to be clear, if you miss a week, it doesn't mean you're out of the competition, you just missed a chance to make some points. Gotta be quick now, cos Week #3 starts tomorrow, so there'll be two lots of matches to make your predictions on.
Bugger me!! I won week 2. I was beginning to think this was like the pools which I've always been crap at.
I should be in there with 9 points total from the first week. I forgot about it last week, but I'm back in this week.
Big winners thru Sat Kopiteinkc.....41 Girbo............38 Cap. Splarg...36 leperkahn......35 Flashman......35
I'm pretty sure that I'm in line for the Graham Poll Memorial Award For Bad Calls after this weekend. What a disaster.
To avoid any quibbling..... Results of Week #1 Leperkhan 26 jd2084 25 cj90red 25 kopiteinkc 23 MikeMidd 23 Clanblue 23 TravisMinor 22 capellieri 21 Darr 21 superelf 20 writered 20 MontrealUtd 20 michaec 20 Imasyko 20 jeru 18 MikeyM 18 Devil Dave 18 Jokers13 18 sdeshw 18 girbo 17 Texan 17 Capt Splarg 17 Whirlwind 17 Watford FCFan 17 Flashman 15 kerpow 15 Boro lad 15 Footer Phooter 15 sydtheeagle 15 Motterman 15 Fusion City 15 kahn1 12 nncred 9
Results of Week #2 kerpow 25 Capt Splarg 24 Leperkhan 22 Fusion City 20 clanblue 19 girbo 18 Montreal Utd Capellieri 17 Treetaliano Devil Dave Texan helmzgk MikeyM michaec sydtheeagle cj90red 16 Flashman Jokers 14 Darr jd2084 writered21 Whirlwind 11 koptieinck 10 Footer Phoot 9 IASocFan Boro Lad Kahn1 SuperElf Motterman 6
Results of Week #3 I have decided to score Wild Cards 4 & 7, so people who have done their own tots can check against these. kopiteinkc 43 Capt Splarg 42 Jokers13 38 Clanblue 37 Leperkhan 36 NNCRed 36 Texan 34 FlashMan 33 sdeshw 31 kerpow 31 Devil Dave 30 girbo 30 SuperElf 30 Montreal Utd 30 Darr 28 jd2084 28 Boro_Lad 27 Motterman 27 1800 World Cup 27 O'Dubhgaill Rules 25 Treetaliano 23 cj90red 23 michaec 23 American Eagle 23 Fusion City 21 Whirlwind 20 writered21 20 capellieri 19 MikeyM 17 imasyko 0 Mike Midd 0 jeru 0 sydtheeagle 0 Footer Phooter 0 Travis Minor 0 IASocfan 0 WatfordFC fan 0 helmzgk 0 kahn1 0
League Table after week #3 Player Total Leperkhan 84 Capt Splarg 83 Clanblue 79 kopiteinkc 76 kerpow 71 Jokers13 70 Montreal Utd 68 Texan 68 jd2084 67 Devil Dave 65 Girbo 65 FlashMan 64 cj90red 64 Darr 63 michaec 60 SuperElf 59 capellieri 57 Fusion City 56 writered21 54 MikeyM 52 Boro_Lad 51 sdeshw 49 Whirlwind 48 Motterman 48 NNCRed 45 Treetaliano 40 sydtheeagle 32 1800 World Cup 27 O'Dubhgaill Rules 25 Footer Phooter 24 Mike Midd 23 American Eagle 23 Travis Minor 22 kahn1 21 imasyko 20 jeru 18 WatfordFC fan 17 helmzgk 17 IASocfan 9
Results of Week #4 were: SuperElf 16 Darr 16 sdeshw 14 NNCRed 14 kopiteinkc 14 Capt Splarg 14 Devil Dave 12 Clanblue 12 Boro_Lad 12 michaec 11 Whirlwind 10 FlashMan 9 American Eagle 9 Montreal Utd 8 Fusion City 8 Treetaliano 6 Leperkhan 6 kerpow 6 capellieri 6 Jokers13 3 girbo 3 cj90red 3 1800 World Cup 3 writered21 0 WatfordFC fan 0 Travis Minor 0 Texan 0 sydtheeagle 0 O'Dubhgaill Rules 0 Motterman 0 MikeyM 0 Mike Midd 0 kahn1 0 jeru 0 jd2084 0 imasyko 0 IASocfan 0 helmzgk 0 Footer Phooter 0
League Table after Week #4 Player Total Capt Splarg.......... 97 Clanblue................91 kopiteinkc..............90 Leperkhan.............90 Darr......................79 Devil Dave..............77 kerpow..................77 Montreal Utd..........76 SuperElf.................75 FlashMan..............73 Jokers13...............73 michaec................71 girbo....................68 Texan...................68 cj90red.................67 jd2084..................67 Fusion City............64 sdeshw..................63 Boro_Lad................63 capellieri.................63 NNCRed..................59 Whirlwind................58 writered21..............54 MikeyM...................52 Motterman..............48 Treetaliano..............46 American Eagle.........32 sydtheeagle.............32 1800 World Cup.........30 O'Dubhgaill Rules........25 Footer Phooter..........24 Mike Midd.................23 Travis Minor..............22 kahn1......................21 imasyko...................20 jeru........................18 WatfordFC fan..........17 helmzgk...................17 IASocfan...................9
Results of Week #5 Player Week 5 cj90red 26 Devil Dave 24 writered21 23 sdeshw 22 Treetaliano 21 Montreal Utd 20 Darr 19 Boro_Lad 19 Clanblue 18 girbo 18 IASocfan 18 kerpow 17 Fusion City 17 Capt Splarg 15 kopiteinkc 15 capellieri 15 michaec 14 1800 World Cup 14 Leperkhan 12 Whirlwind 12 American Eagle 12 Jokers13 11 toonarmy44 6 SuperElf 0 FlashMan 0 Texan 0 jd2084 0 NNCRed 0 MikeyM 0 Motterman 0 sydtheeagle 0 O'Dubhgaill Rules 0 Footer Phooter 0 Mike Midd 0 Travis Minor 0 kahn1 0 imasyko 0 jeru 0 WatfordFC fan 0 helmzgk 0
And league table after week #5 Player Total Capt Splarg......112 Clanblue...109 kopiteinkc....105 Leperkhan....102 Devil Dave....101 Darr....98 Montreal Utd....96 kerpow....94 cj90red....93 girbo....86 sdeshw....85 michaec....85 Jokers13....84 Boro_Lad....82 Fusion City....81 capellieri....78 writered21....77 SuperElf....75 FlashMan....73 Whirlwind....70 Texan....68 Treetaliano....67 jd2084....67 NNCRed....59 MikeyM....52 Motterman....48 1800 World Cup....44 American Eagle....44 sydtheeagle....32 IASocfan.....27 O'Dubhgaill Rules...25 Footer Phooter....24 Mike Midd.....23 Travis Minor....22 kahn1.....21 imasyko....20 jeru....18 WatfordFC fan....17 helmzgk...17 toonarmy44.....6
Results of Week #6 Player Week 6 1 IASocfan 25 2 kerpow 24 3 Leperkhan 22 3 michaec 22 5 Montreal Utd 21 6 kopiteinkc 20 6 sdeshw 20 8 Darr 19 8 girbo 19 10 cj90red 18 10 writered21 18 12 Clanblue 17 12 Jokers13 17 14 Fusion City 16 15 Capt Splarg 15 15 American Eagle 15 17 FlashMan 14 18 capellieri 13 19 Boro_Lad 12 20 Devil Dave 11 21 Treetaliano 6 21 1800 World Cup 6
League table after Week #6 Player Total 1 Capt Splarg 127 2 Clanblue 126 3 kopiteinkc 125 4 Leperkhan 124 5 kerpow 118 6 Montreal Utd 117 6 Darr 117 8 Devil Dave 112 9 cj90red 111 10 michaec 107 11 sdeshw 105 11 girbo 105 13 Jokers13 101 14 Fusion City 97 15 writered21 95 16 Boro_Lad 94 17 capellieri 91 18 FlashMan 87 19 SuperElf 75 20 Treetaliano 73 21 Whirlwind 70 22 Texan 68 23 jd2084 67 24 American Eagle 59 24 NNCRed 59 26 IASocfan 52 26 MikeyM 52 28 1800 World Cup 50 29 Motterman 48 30 sydtheeagle 32 31 O'Dubhgaill Rules 25 32 Footer Phooter 24 33 Mike Midd 23 34 Travis Minor 22 35 kahn1 21 36 imasyko 20 37 jeru 18 38 WatfordFC fan 17 38 helmzgk 17 40 toonarmy44 6