After reading all the posts on the antics that Gazza has pulled over the years I can only say one thing. Bring Him ON, wqe need him in New England. He may not make us any better or help the team but at least we could laugh through the pain of SUCKING AGAIN THIS YEAR.
I agree... we need someone in the middle that can handle the ball, dish it to ralston, I think it would be a great big benefit to us.
please no After Diallo and Serna my nerves can't take another attitude/discipline problem. I am already getting clammy when I hear that our newest signing, Griffiths, has an attendance problem.
See now, what would Gascoigne accomplish in New England: --He'd make Diego Serna look good in a comparison of off the field behavior. --We'd probably get Newcastle Brown Ale at the concession stands. --EVERYONE would know the Revs were a joke, not just those who actually pay attention. --Our injured list would be even more impressive. I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of it right now.
I think regarding the whole Gazza issue some people are forgetting one thing...... If he did come here, would things be any worse anyway? I'm not a huge Gazza fan, but jeez, since things can't seem to get much worse I'd say he's worth a shot. When and if he does play, he should be able to distribute the ball like no other Revs player ever has -that's got to appeal when you have TnT.
First of all, I think that it's pretty clear that he's going to DC (where Hudson has done all the work) or nowhere. New England is already over the cap - so only another major, blockbuster, multi-player trade could possibly make this happen. It frankly scares me just saying that... Secondly, unless Gazza can play left back, he's not going to help over-much. Not to keep beating a dead horse, but this team has outscored every other team in the league (which includes some pretty snazzy offensive lineups). They just can't seem to keep from heading toward triple-figures in the Goals Against department for the season. Thirdly, any long-time Revs fan knows that things can always get worse...they can always get worse... just my opinion...
Bottom line, Gazza is going to DC and DC only. Plus he is an old fart, might as well bring back Kris Kelderman to hold down the middle.
Maybe we should change the title of this thread to "We NEEDED Andy Williams in M. England." Now Gazza in his prime was AW to the 10th power but now? Please, Andy can run, shoot, dish, even defend and he is fit, young and works hard for folks who believe in him. I wish he was running the Rev attack, we'd be even better at getting goals. But Gazza, no thank you. We have plenty of MF's who can't track back as it is. And they are willing to try, they just can't do it. What would it be like with Gazza? JIM DOW
As much as it pains me that Andy's gone, you have to admit that he didn't really play "D" while he was here - which is at least partially why he ended up on the bench. I remember watching him play for Jamaica and thinking, "Damn, Andy can really get after it on defense when he wants to...!", and he'd even state in the press how he had to play more defensely for his national team. But he never looked more than partially interested in defense when he entered Revs games. From what I've seen of him since the Metros trade, he really does seem to be putting in a lot more defensive effort for that team. Personally (since I'm a fan of his), I hope he keeps it up. many other players seemed disinterested when playing for the revs, but more focused when playing for other teams? Anyway, back to Gazza. Would do for this team exactly what Edwin Gorter did.
So you mean he wouldn't be match fit, would show exceptional ball handling skills and then pass laterally to his team mates? Heck, even I think Gazza would do a better job. Mind you, it is all a moot point admittedly since I can't see Gazza making his way here.
I think that getting a player who's on his last legs and will at best offer temporary help is about the worst thing that we could do to top off this train wreck of a season. However, we could really use a good attacking midfielder. While it's obvious that our scoring rate is the best in the league, our offense leaves a lot to be desired. For one thing, we don't posess the ball well, especially in the offensive third. Also, most of our offensive thrusts only involve a few people at a time. This allows the opposing team to leave more people forward, making the counters worse for us. Most of our service into the box is from reasonably long crosses, which makes Twellman easier to defend. We don't have anyone on the roster who's capable of beating defenders off of the dribble, getting into dangerous spots near the edge of the box, which would again cause the opposition to drop back more defenders. What we do have is terrific individual performances game in and game out by two players, who are the only two players on the team with more than two goals with 3/4 of the season over.
Pretty good analysis of what (despite the prolific goal-scoring) ails the offense - and by association puts the defense under undue pressure. However, I think you could look at the lack of ball-winning Dmid as much as much as the lack of a credible attacking mid to be at the root of the of the problem. Either way, Gazza wouldn't do a whole lot to help I think.
AW certainly wasn't a good defensive player when he was here but he did holfd, scrap and dig for the ball. He is doing much better in NY/NJ but, as pointed out, so are a lot of ex Revs in new climes. Fact is, regardless of Gazza's past skills and glories he wouldn't add much more than a bump in the crowd of the curious who would never come back once they saw the circus that his presence would inspire. God, Gorter even did a few turns at sweeper and wasn't too bad as I recall. JIM DOW
I'll agree with you on both counts (Gazza and lack of ball-winning D-mid). I just don't agree with the posts that we need to keep throwing more defenders at the problem because our offense is fine.
You won't be seeing Gazza in MLS anytime soon. He's back in the UK fielding all kinds of offers. He's got an offer from Dundee from the SPL and a couple of 3rd division English teams are also trying to sign him. (I got this off of Sky Sports) We're better off without him. I'd rather see someone who isn't a drunk get signed by the Revs. RC
Or at least a drunk you could understand?! Personally, I'm glad this deal has died a proper death. The man would have perished playing in 90/90 weather and all of England would be in an annoying uproar.