We finally see authorities taking action against racism!!

Discussion in 'Paris Saint Germain' started by AllezParisAllezPSG, Mar 7, 2006.

  1. AllezParisAllezPSG

    AllezParisAllezPSG New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    Manhattan, NY
    For those who don't understand french, sorry :confused:

    but in the article below from lequipe.fr, it explains 3 individuals who have been banned from any stadium in france for the racist actions they made... FINALLY!!!! and get the rest of those oblivious beings...

    Foot - Racisme : Trois fans du PSG condamnés

    Trois supporters du Paris-SG ont été condamnés pour racisme par le tribunal correctionnel de Paris, mardi, à trois ans d'interdiction de stade et à des amendes (750 euros pour la plud forte). Il leur a été reproché d'avoir ouvert une banderole explicitement raciste le 6 février 2005 dans les tribunes du Parc des princes. Alors que le club de la capitale avait "repeint" ses équipements en noir en cette soirée de lutte antiraciste, ils avaient exhibé en tribune Boulogne le slogan «Allez les blancs ! NBP 88».

    Le tribunal a retenu contre eux la signification claire de la première phrase, qui ne correspondait à rien un soir de PSG - Lens, le sens de la signature «88», qui correspond à la juxtaposition de deux lettres H (huitième lettre de l'alphabet) comme un hommage au salut hitlérien ("Heil Hitler"), et la référence NBP qui renvoie à un groupe extrémiste parisien, "New Blood Paris".

    Pendant trois ans, ces trois jeunes hommes d'une vingtaine d'années devront pointer à un commissariat à l'heure des matches. Ils devront aussi verser un euro symbolique à trois associations antiracistes (LDH, Licra et Mrap). Pendant leur procès, ils ont plaidé l'ignorance et le suivisme. Une enquête des RG a établi qu'ils étaient les meneurs du groupe.
  2. Naughty by Nature

    Naughty by Nature New Member

    Oct 11, 2005
    Earth: Europe : ??
    - Its a good thing but there is really no way to uphold this , There are normally over 30.000 fans at a match , they cant ID control all of them!
  3. guignol

    guignol Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 28, 2005
    Olympique Lyonnais
    Nat'l Team:
    they have to be at the police station when the match starts. that's where they control their ID.

    so not only can't they go to the match, they can't do anything else either! they have something to do now for every PSG match for the next 3 years! go hang out with the old bill! :cool:
  4. ilv2

    ilv2 New Member

    May 30, 2004
    L'abbaye de Leffe
  5. AllezParisAllezPSG

    AllezParisAllezPSG New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    Manhattan, NY
    the brits started this back a few decades ago when they were fighting against hooligans... it has worked very well... finally the french authorities are waking up to find the solution to this problem because when i go to a psg game and hear usually just once that little section in boulogne making monkey noises, i get so pissed...

    i was sitting in the J section in the Paris stands, and when they made those money noises, the whole paris section would boo and scream at those boulogne people who were maing those noises, which made me happy...

    all i have to say though is it's about time!
  6. Pierre-Henri

    Pierre-Henri New Member

    Jun 7, 2004
    Strasbourg, France.
    Years ago, when Joseph Antoine Bell and Jacques Songo were playing in France, they used to throw bananas at them. Such heinous dirty nazis don't deserve a little bit of booing. They deserve a good spanking and a one-way ticket to the Kerguelen Islands, where they could happily be forgotten.

    This is not exactly exile, after all. Technically, Kerguelen Islands are in France. Let's say it would be an humanitarian way to get rid of their nuisance.
  7. tobbe

    tobbe New Member

    Mar 5, 2006
    So you think that the english way is the way to go in France AAAParis?
  8. tobbe

    tobbe New Member

    Mar 5, 2006
    AllezParisAllezPSG: Do you think that the english threatmeant of their supporters are good? Do you want it like that way in France too?
  9. AllezParisAllezPSG

    AllezParisAllezPSG New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    Manhattan, NY
    i think that are strict and have been strict w/ their supporters... they make it clear that if you come into a stadium screaming racist comments and making nazi gestures, you're not coming back into that stadium because it is just unacceptable... so yea, those who were recorded on video cameras doing those things AND ESPECIALLY recorded in violent acts should just be banned... it is effective...

    and a club like psg has the means to do so... they pay over 1 million euros for security in the parc des princes, if you look at the ceiling of the stadium (especially above auteuil and boulogne stands) there a crapload of cameras recording every momevement of every fan there... so these people aren't being punished w/out any evidence...
  10. tobbe

    tobbe New Member

    Mar 5, 2006
    I dont even like that they film their own supporters to find bengal burners and other things that they don't like.
  11. guignol

    guignol Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 28, 2005
    Olympique Lyonnais
    Nat'l Team:
    i think they should be sent to the darkest depths of new caledonia, where... puts on his best john houseman voice...

    they deal with the crazy white man the old fashioned way... they eat them!
  12. AllezParisAllezPSG

    AllezParisAllezPSG New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    Manhattan, NY
    more great news :)

    Foot - L1 - PSG : 30 supporters privés de stade

    La loi votée en janvier pour sanctionner les supporters violents va entrer en application dès cette semaine. Trente supporters du Paris-SG seront interdits de stade dimanche, a annoncé mercredi le ministre de l'Intérieur Nicolas Sarkozy.

    Désormais, les préfets pourront prononcer des interdictions administratives de stade à l'encontre des supporters violents, sans attendre un éventuel jugement. Concernant le PSG, qui reçoit Auxerre dimanche, «30 individus seront interdits de stade et convoqués aux commissariats de police pendant la durée du match car il est des prétendus supporteurs qui font honte aux clubs», a précisé le ministre de l'Intérieur.

    Le club a d'ailleurs immédiatement fait savoir qu'il appréciait l'application de cette mesure. «On ne peut que se féliciter de cette décision», a affirmé Jean-Philippe D'Hallivillée, à la fois responsable de la communication du club et responsable de la gestion des supporters. «Elle va complètement dans le sens que préconise le club: interdire au moins temporairement de stade les voyous, les personnes violentes ou racistes», a-t-il ajouté.

  13. Mel Brennan


    Paris Saint Germain
    United States
    Apr 8, 2002
    Paris Saint Germain FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    English for those needing it...

    Thirty PSG fans banned from Parc des Princes

  14. gaijin

    gaijin New Member

    Aug 1, 2004
    Good, this is exactly what we need.

    Get the trouble makers out of the ground and the club.
  15. ilv2

    ilv2 New Member

    May 30, 2004
    L'abbaye de Leffe
    speaking of racists,

    i ran into a mob of fachos yesterday night after watching the student manifestation. There were about 200-300 of them marching through the st.michel area... not the most pleasant event, everybody just started running
  16. AllezParisAllezPSG

    AllezParisAllezPSG New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    Manhattan, NY
    again, always the few that make trouble... even if i'm personally for the cpe, i understand and believe they have every right to protest the way they did... it's funny because you see that in europe but not in the states... but then in paris and rennes and a few other cities, there are those who just protested so they could throw thing at the police... what goes through those peoples minds:confused:
  17. tobbe

    tobbe New Member

    Mar 5, 2006
    The real facists is the people who film their supporters like criminals and ban people from the arena.

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