We dont talk about Pixies enough

Discussion in 'Movies, TV and Music' started by Unorthodox Yank, Aug 26, 2002.

  1. Unorthodox Yank

    Feb 27, 2001
    Constant Flux
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Sometimes i waonder if they knew when they were making "debaser" that they were making one of the greatest songs ever.

  2. skyforge

    skyforge New Member

    Jun 19, 2002
    Tucson, Arizona
    You're obviously a person with impeccable taste!

    Yes, it's a great song, although I personally think "I Bleed" is better.

    To have loafed and lost is better than to have never loafed at all.
  3. Ted Cikowski

    Ted Cikowski Red Card

    May 31, 2000
    or how about "Gigantic" or "Alec Eifel".

    One of the great American bands of the past 20 years. Pretty much every song on Doolittle is quality.
  4. Ghost

    Ghost BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 5, 2001
    A Great band ... and so noted on my top ten bands. I actually remember the day I heard that the Pixies broke up in the way that past generations remember hewaring that the Beatles broke up.

    I'm a big Bossa Nova fan. I also like Bone Machine, Break My Body, Bird Song of the Olympus Mons, All Over the World, Dig for Fire .... well, a lot songs.
  5. skipshady

    skipshady New Member

    Apr 26, 2001
    Orchard St, NYC
    Fight Club is one of my favorite movies. Brilliant both technically and creatively. The Dust Brothers score did an amazing job of setting the tone of the film.

    But what a way to end it, with the Pixies' "Where Is My Mind". If I didn't have balls, I would've been stuck to the seat.
  6. sanariot

    sanariot Member

    Nov 19, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Such a great album. Velouria, Alison, Dig for Fire, Is She Weird, Rock Music. I also think Surfer Rosa was an incredible album, Bone Machine, Gigantic and River Euphrates are some of my favorite songs.
  7. nicodemus

    nicodemus Member+

    Sep 3, 2001
    Cidade Mágica
    PAOK Saloniki
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Funny story from my college days involving Frank Black. I worked at the college paper and was supposed to interview Frank Black about a new album with his band the Catholics and their pending show in my town. I was still living at home at the time and the interview was scheduled for some ridiculously early time like 6am. The day scheduled for the interview was some government holiday that people don't really celebrate but you get the day off (I can't remember what it was, something like President's Day I think.) To make a long story short, my mom had the day off work and never gets to sleep late. I had forgotten about the interview and had stayed out late the night before and didn't remember to get the portable phone out of my mom's bedroom so it wouldn't wake her up when Frank was supposed to call.

    Next thing I know, my mom comes storming in the room, madder than I've seen her in a long time because she got woken up early on a day she had a chance to sleep late. She comes storming in my bedroom with the phone and says, "Tell this Frank Black friend of yours if he ever calls here again this early that I will kill him." I laughed my butt off at that and needless to say Frank did too.

    I was too tired and and couldn't find my questions so I had to decline to interview Frank because I was totally unprepared and we couldn't reschedule before the show. I went ahead and did the article reviewing the album and previewing the show anyway minus the interview. Of all my years writing for various publications the headline for this story is the only one I ever remember: "Once a Pixie, Black Now a Catholic"
    Amazingly, we didn't receive one negative letter about the headline.
  8. Cweedchop

    Cweedchop Member+

    Mar 6, 2000
    Ellicott City, Md
    Bossanova is simply a brilliant CD..

    When the Pixies decided to actually use distortion pedals, I became a big fan..

    Trompe Le Monde is also brilliant.....
  9. Unorthodox Yank

    Feb 27, 2001
    Constant Flux
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    haha, thanks.

    Yeah, bleed is a great song as welll.

    Tell ya what, lets jsut agree taht every singls song theyve ever made is great.
  10. slipknotter

    slipknotter New Member

    May 31, 2000
    Austin, TX
    Now how do you possibly forget you had an interview with one of the greatest musicians of the past 20 years? I saw him with the Catholics a few years back at a small club and it was pretty cool because here's Frank Black playing right in front of my face. I was blown away. His set was cut short because of the dicks that run the club who oversold tickets and the place was packed tight, causing a "safety hazard". Bastards.
  11. nicodemus

    nicodemus Member+

    Sep 3, 2001
    Cidade Mágica
    PAOK Saloniki
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: Re: We dont talk about Pixies enough

    It is just like any other job after a while, you get used to it and awe over musicians and other famous people fades with time.
  12. mkb3

    mkb3 Member

    Jul 11, 2000
    San Francisco
    Re: Re: Re: We dont talk about Pixies enough

    Amen. I was fortunate enough to be in college when they were hitting the circuit and got to see them live many times. I always loved how "Palace of the Brine" ran into the next song...can't remember the name.
  13. Ghost

    Ghost BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 5, 2001
    letter to memphis
  14. YanksFC

    YanksFC Member

    Feb 3, 2000
    Liverpool FC
    While I think all of their albums are quality, I'd have to say that Bossanova is my favorite. It's the first Pixie's album I owned, and that, for some reason, kind of stuck with me.

    As for songs:

    Bone Machine
    Alec Eiffel
  15. Cweedchop

    Cweedchop Member+

    Mar 6, 2000
    Ellicott City, Md
    "He thought he was a real smart Alec"

    "Alec Eiffel"
    "Alec Eiffel"

    Classic tune....
  16. Frieslander

    Frieslander Member
    Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2000
    North Jersey
    bump..... I love the Pixies. Dolittle and Surfer Rosa alternate as my favorite album.

    my favorite line: "hips like Cinderella"

    cREWBILLY New Member

    Apr 30, 1999
  18. Unorthodox Yank

    Feb 27, 2001
    Constant Flux
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    i havent been able to stop listening to doolitle latley

    especially "la la i love you"

    I think my band is gonna cover that song.
  19. sebakoole

    sebakoole New Member

    Jul 11, 2002
    I hate it when people tell me stories of celebrity encounters as if I'm supposed to be impressed. But you must admit, it's damn hard to keep these stories to yourself, eh?

    In the summer of '89 my friend and I went to a Pixies show in Geneva, Switzerland. It was being held at some old communist meeting hall. When we heard the band doing the sound check my friend and I went upstairs to the hall as there was no security to stop us. We sat there ogling Kim Deal for a few minutes until some punk security f__er kicked us out. Well, standing outside a few minutes later we noticed Kim Deal come out of a side door and she wandered around looking lost. We approached and said "Hey, aren't you Kim Deal?". She was suprised that (A)she was recognized and (B)we spoke English. Turns out she was looking for her hotel and so we walked her there. For a teenage Pixies fan this was as good as life got. Oh, yeah, the 45 minute set they played that night wasn't half bad, either.
  20. Nobby

    Nobby New Member

    Feb 18, 2002
    Kirkland, WA
    Wow, what a great anecdote.

    I bought Surfer Rosa simply because The Pixies were influencial to other bands I've liked. Not disappointed! Added Doolittle soon after.
  21. Unorthodox Yank

    Feb 27, 2001
    Constant Flux
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This is what happens when you find threads from 2 years ago that you started that suddenly have relavence again :).

    It turns out, that according to my star ratings on iTunes, my top 5 pixies songs, each coming in with 5 stars out of 5 are:

    I've Been Tired

    Conversely, my bottom 5 (each of which have 2 stars) are

    Rock Music
    Cecilia Ann
    Gouge Away.

    And I think i've decided Surfer Rosa is without a doubt their best album.

    I also think i get madder and madder at Gil Norton every time i hear one of their last 3 albums. I think he might have been the worst possible producer for that band. Even the stuff Gary Smith did at Fort Apache sounds better than the Gil Norton albums.

  22. yellowbismark

    yellowbismark Member+

    Nov 7, 2000
    San Diego, CA
    Club Tijuana
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I am going to see them on Wednsday in St.Paul. :) I've never seen them before, so I am really excited.

    My favorite songs arf "Isla de Enctana" and "Caribou." "Gigantic" and "Bone Machine" are also up there. I'm not like a hardcore expert though.
  23. bojendyk

    bojendyk New Member

    Jan 4, 2002
    South Loop, Chicago
    I love those Gil Norton records as much as Surfer Rosa and Come on Pilgrim. And--this might seem heretical--I consider the version of "River Euphrates" they did with Norton to be superior to the one on Surfer Rosa. Frank's scream at the end ("Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddde . . . Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddddddde the tay-ude!!!!") is a highlight in a catalog full of highlights.

    Some new Pixies sounds: Allmusic.com (http://stores.musictoday.com/store/dept.asp?dept_id=3628&band_id=792) has several recent live shows for sale. These are not bootlegs, too, so you can feel virtuous buying them.
  24. yellowbismark

    yellowbismark Member+

    Nov 7, 2000
    San Diego, CA
    Club Tijuana
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I had heard somewhere (I think on these boards) that if you put in a order before one of the shows, you can have a recorded disk of the show you attend. I can't find this info on their website, I did see something about the ability to purchase a download of a show, but I thought I read somewhere you can get an actual disk copy.

    Anyone know?
  25. bojendyk

    bojendyk New Member

    Jan 4, 2002
    South Loop, Chicago
    This is true. Can't remember the name of the company doing it, though.

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