Watch out, a newbie

Discussion in 'Introductions Board' started by Niklas, Nov 1, 2004.

  1. Niklas

    Niklas New Member

    Nov 1, 2004
    Helsinki, Finland

    My name is Niklas and I'm from Finland.

    I'm coaching two youth teams at the moment, one for 7 year olds (I started coaching them two years ago) and one for 4-6 year olds.

    I also play soccer in a team, but it's just for fun, and in two weeks the indoor soccer season starts.

    I'm mostly here because I want to learn more about coaching so I'm going to "live" in the Coach-forum.

  2. hamrwolf

    hamrwolf New Member

    Nov 7, 2004
    Hello Niklas,
    My name is Heather. I am new to the forum as well. Right now I am coaching in a youth league (girls 11-15). It has been fun so far. I used to play when I was in school, but right now I can't I am recovering from knee surgery. I am from Philadelphia, but am living in Japan right now. Hope u find the coaching info u need. I will also be looking for some to.

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