Oh, yeah, this is one going to work. Let's see, NFL season opener vs. an almost meaningless midweek soccer matchup. Seems like a tough one for ESPN. You can stuff the ballots all you want between now and 1am, soccer ain't making the Showcase. Honestly, notwithstanding that I'm a big soccer fan, even I agree that NFL season opener is more important.
Bigsoccer movements have been formed in the past to stuff a Showcase ballot. No matter how many votes we put in, soccer NEVER wins it. It never will. We could put in twice the votes of every other option combined, but ESPN will ignore it. JMac
Exactly. Besides, if you read the description, they don't say it's a binding vote (emphasis mine): In other words, "On days when we couldn't figure out what's the most important event of the day, we'll let you plebians decide. On days where we know what's The Big Game, we don't give a rip what you trained monkeys think." Obviously, the opening game of the NFL season qualifies as the latter case.
I guess most of you forgot that the US and Mexico game in Columbus made the showcase highlight. If no one wants to poll-stuff, then don't. But it couldn't hurt to just vote once. Again, this one poll isn't going to do much. But it certainly won't hurt the cause. Every vote counts.