I was in Baskin Robbins in Willow Glen tonight-they had a Donovan jersey and photo hanging behind the counter. After considering petty larceny (unfortunately the shirt looked a little too small), I asked the guy about it. He said that the owner got it for his son as a birthday present. This begs the question: Why isn't there a larger presence at the sponsor's locations? When I make my bi-weekly pilgrimmage to Una Mas, I never see any mention of the EQs, let alone the Blue and Black Shrine that should greet each and every visitor. While the team is making some headway in the attendance department, there is so much more that they could do. Above all, they should be reaching out to the hispanic community. Maybe they are and I'm not seeing it but why aren't Corrales, Graz and even Landon (if he speaks Spanish) out pounding the pavement to get these fans back? We play an entertaining brand of soccer, all it takes is one game and most people would get hooked.
Oh my freaking heck!!!! I'm so sick of this team catering to certain "communities" which always leave me out. I want some games catered to me! Not to take away from these "communities," but in the end it always means we get some stupid double header game that I could give a crap about. What about catering to the European fans with a German team or an English team. Sorry, but I've followed this team from the beginning. And I'm sick of being left out cuz I'm a white American, bay area native.
sj, I agree with your point of view, however, it would be a good thing to use the sponsorships a little more creatively. And I don't think that promotions inside Una Mas is necessarily catering to the latino population. It's catering to the somewhat-fast food population. Now you guys go and sign up for the Streak.
I wasn't responding to the sponsorship thing. Which I agree with. Tony and Alba's used to have a bunch of Clash stuff there. But I haven't been in awhile so I'm not sure what's there now. It was the last part I was responding to.
I think you missed my point, which is understandable since I rambled a bit. First the main point of the thread is about getting some visibility out in the community, especially since the best we'll ever get from that clown at the Merc is "Landon's back but still nobody's showing up at Spartan Stadium". Regarding "catering to groups" I, too, would rather that no one gets catered to. But, if that is the difference between seeing the team get moved, I'd just as soon see them reaching out to groups that already have an interest and hopefully just need a nudge.
I didn't miss your point. Sorry. Long day and that whole "communities" thing has really started to get to me this season. That's all. Your point was noted by me. And I agree with all of it, except the last part about catering to one "community."
As someone said on another thread... winning is the best outreach you can do. Things are picking up steam, slowly but steadily. I'm hoping for a great turnout on Aug. 17. I also don't mind outreach to Latino groups provided that: 1) It's soccer-related to begin with 2) There's a proportional amount of outreach to non-latino groups. In other words, whatever makes good business sense. Go sell our team to soccer fans and families, no matter what ethnic group they belong to. I'm more concerned with whether someone is a potential soccer fan rather than their ethnicity, as I'm sure you guys are, as well.
You would think that would be their marketing plan. When the league started in 96, they just assumed the youth players and latinos would come out. Nope. Didn't happen. In some respects it can just be impossible to attract the latin community. I read an article recently, most likely from a BS thread, about a Atlas/Morelia friendly in Berkley. The article was biased, but they had some telling quotes. Two key points were that Mexicans want to see Mexicans play for the local team, and that the level of play is inferior to Mexican Football. The Luis Hernandez project proved that attendance was unaffected by his presence/absense. And it is arguable that US Soccer is level if not superior to Mexican Futbol. Comments/thought about the last paragraph?
I would argue that the MLS has at least reach parity with MFL. It would be fun to see some more compitition between the leagues.
I would LOVE, ABSOLUTELY LOVE to see MLS teams play games against MFL teams on a regular basis. All of this "Mexican football is far superior" shite would evaporate pretty quickly as we would mop the floor with the majority of the MFL.... Bring them on!!!!!
It helps when a new fan comes to Spartan if someone like you or I bring them because we can help them to know each players story, maybe it gives each player an immediate identity for the new fan, ie; Dayaks story....Golden Boy.....The Dane.....The Ecuadorian castoff from Dallas......The ponytailed USA veteran.....people dig that crap. If the new fan isn't fed this type of info they may take more than one visit to Spartan to get attached to this team and that may be where we lose them.
I agree with your last paragraph, Defender. I watch the Mexican League (Atlas follower) and often times, I don't see it as any better than MLS. I would say they are on an even par. In fact, there are a lot of areas where I feel MLS is better. Certainly, goalkeeping North of the border is superior.