Victory in Costa Rica 2005 Are You Ready?

Discussion in 'USA Men: Fans & Travel' started by Thomas Flannigan, Nov 21, 2004.

  1. Thomas Flannigan

    Feb 26, 2001
    It is a cold day in Chicago and it is likely to get a lot worse. But we can dream of a warm day or night next year when our national team finally beats Costa Rica in the legendary Ricardo Saprissa stadium, the most difficult stadium in the world for a visiting team. It has to be seen to be believed. The place goes absolutely nuts with everyone singing the songs in unison, with rythmic dancing when the Ticos score. When the American fan bus arrived with police escort on September 5, 2001, thousands of Tico fans erupted in national song, with police cadres holding them back. It was like arriving by limo at the Academy Awards but everyone in sight hates you!
    Air fares to Costa Rica used to be sky high, but now you can find them as low as $350 or $400. Once you get there costs are not so bad, and there are so many interesting things you will have a great time even if we don't get the result we want.
  2. kebzach

    kebzach Member

    Dec 30, 2000
    Greenfield, WI
    you're not embellishing that a little bit, are you? and don't bother responding with "I've been there" or "you have no idea what you're talking about".
  3. NattyBo

    NattyBo Member+

    Apr 30, 2004
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    US team doctor in an interview on FSW a couple of weeks back stated that Costa Rica was the hardest atmosphere he has ever seen for a US game... FWIW..

    I might be making this trip (depending on when it is) because a friend of mine owns a beach house in Costa Rica which is apparently very near the Saprissa stadium, not sure I can turn down an offer to stay there for free :)
  4. JoeSoccerFan

    JoeSoccerFan Member+

    Aug 11, 2000
    Well we'll know next Tuesday (11/30) when the US plays in CR.

    Natty - don't forget your friends ;)
  5. BorrachoNJ

    BorrachoNJ New Member

    Apr 8, 2001
    i heard the same thing about saprissa, being a very difficult venue, despite its small capacity of 25K...

    by the way, saprissa stadium is in san jose and san jose is approximately 2 hours away from the nearest beach. good luck!

    and what fucqing game are you guys talking about that's on 11/30 ?
  6. JoeSoccerFan

    JoeSoccerFan Member+

    Aug 11, 2000
    The draw for 2005 HEX Concacaf is on 11/30.

    Natty - maybe never mind.... :D
  7. BorrachoNJ

    BorrachoNJ New Member

    Apr 8, 2001
    this draw on TV or will i have to internet?
  8. Thomas Flannigan

    Feb 26, 2001
    Borracho, they may be talking about a youth game, I am not sure. If so, there will be no atmosphere at all compared to a national team game. World Cup Qualifiers bring out the Ticos, like they do with fans all over the world.
    Saprissa is the Ebbetts Field or Koshien of Latin American futbol, an old, weird, wild place that has been knocked down in most other cities. It survives in San Jose. The Costa Rican FA has a nice new stadium in Alajuense, near the airport, and they could easily sell the additional 22,000 or so tickets and play the US game there. They will not. Because no foreign team has won much in Saprissa, and winning is everything for them.
    Press reports said Earnie Stewart looked up at the empty grandstand in Saprissa when our national team was being escorted to their bus on the other side of the stadium in 2001 and said: "Just once, I wish I could play in front of a crowd like that."
  9. BorrachoNJ

    BorrachoNJ New Member

    Apr 8, 2001
    my sister-in-law was at the last WCQ game between the Nats and Ticos...

    i couldn't take it anymore listening to her shyte about the US buying off the refs and shyte like that...

    if the US-CR game is in march, i'm there...
  10. Lowecifer

    Lowecifer Member+

    Jan 11, 2000
    Baltimore, MD
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    Our match at Costa Rica in the last Hex was, for my money, the worst performance of the Arena era. It's a nasty place to play. This was were we were robbed in the case of The phantom forehead hand of Greg Berhalter, by Peter (not Teddy) Pendergast.

    That said, we win there this time.
  11. BBBulldog

    BBBulldog Member+

    Jun 25, 2004
    Dinamo Zagreb
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
  12. EdTheRed

    EdTheRed Member+

    Feb 6, 2001
    Loose On The Town
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    Cook Islands
    I know it's a tough place to play and all, but would you really rather play a must-win match at the Ali Sami Yen? I sure as hell wouldn't.

    That said, I hope to make the trip to Costa Rica for the hexagonal round. Hopefully the timing will work out.
  13. NattyBo

    NattyBo Member+

    Apr 30, 2004
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    Sorry Joe, I forgot to mention that this friend is of the 'lady' variety and erm, soccer is one of the many..'activities' that will probably be engaged in :p Not to mention, I dont think the sight of the two of us sunning ourselves on a lovely San Jose beach would do the CR tourism industry much good :eek:!

    Im actually hoping United will somehow meet Saprissa in the CONCACAF Cup(which could very likely happen) giving me another excuse to go visit, if I can afford the airfare :p
  14. Mikeymike15

    Mikeymike15 Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    I was under the impression that the draw for the HEX was Dec 17-20 when FIFA meets in Zurich for some meetings. Where did you hear about the 11/30 date?
  15. JoeSoccerFan

    JoeSoccerFan Member+

    Aug 11, 2000
    I was with you until GIO17 passed on this information....
  16. Mikeymike15

    Mikeymike15 Member

    Jul 7, 2004
  17. TommyG

    TommyG New Member

    Sep 9, 2001
    New York City
    So how safe do you think it will be for US fans in that stadium then?
  18. Thomas Flannigan

    Feb 26, 2001
    I have been to two World Cup Qualifiers at Saprissa and was not harmed. Of course, past results do not predict future performance. Seriously, it is more dangerous to go to soemthing like this rather than stay home, but I think it is safe. The Costa Rican police are very organized for something like this.
  19. the101er

    the101er New Member

    Jan 29, 2003
    I think it was last year (or maybe the year before) that an away (club) fan was killed outside the stadium, so this isn't the HDC. As long as the result is okay with the Ticos, you should have no trouble, but god forbid what would happen if we won the game.

    The best hope for the USA (ane the Tico police) is that the game is one of the last and we (or preferrably, both teams) have already qualified. I have seen players hit with heavier and worse things than walkman batteries.

    I don't think history backs up the statement that this is the hardest place for a visiting team to win. For example, the Ticos were the first team to beat Mexico in the Azteca, in something like 50 years.

    As usual, I hope we have a winter home date with Costa Rica that can be played in Boston, Washington or Columbus. It is amazing how unprepared they can be for cold weather, even knowing ahead of time.
  20. Thomas Flannigan

    Feb 26, 2001
    A thoughtful post from 101. Azteca was built for the 1968 Olympics, so it has not been there for 50 years. Plus, Mexico historically has been a better team on the world stage than Costa Rica. I still think Saprissa is a harder place to get points than Azteca. Toluca, I can't say for sure. All 3 are miserable places for a foreign national team to play.
    If American fans are gracious and Costa Rica wins or ties, no problem. I still think it will be safe to be there when we win, as long as we do not gloat and behave like guests and not conquerors.

    And we are going to win this time.
  21. Lanky134

    Lanky134 New Member

    Oct 25, 1999
    134, 3, 6
    The Berhalter handball was in the semis, not the Hex. The one in the Hex was right after the RFK Honduras loss, where Llamosa got sent off and we were so injured that we had to call in Richie and Preki, and had no true forward (Cobi and Jovan were listed as the forwards).

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