Victims of a Campaign- The Other Footy Teams Thread

Discussion in 'Arsenal' started by GunneRy, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. And_ROOS

    And_ROOS Member+

    Dec 30, 2006
    Melbourne, Aus
    They love him over there and on the Aussie football boards I am on, he basically gets a free hit this season because Spurs have a massive injury list and because Ange lost Kane but couldn't shift a lot of the dead weight (you could argue thats 90% of their list :D)

    Angeball requires certain players, doesn't matter when he was at Brisbane/Yokohama/Celtic he needs certain types and Spurs don't have many of them. Its no surprise that 1 defensive injury and the injury to Maddison and their season has gone off a cliff.

    Spurs fans and the club have seen enough this year they will give him til 2 more transfer windows.

    The media I think turn on Ange next season. He is all friendly and chummy now but when the media turn on him, he gets very prickly.
  2. And_ROOS

    And_ROOS Member+

    Dec 30, 2006
    Melbourne, Aus
    The recent form table makes for very very happy reading...

    Shen-O and maskito repped this.
  3. maskito

    maskito Member+

    Jan 14, 2006
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    That’s now 5 matches in a row where they’ve taken a 1-0 lead and not won. Yes, he’s missing key players for injury and doesn’t have the full roster he desires, but he’s not changing his defensive tactics or formations to protect those leads. It’s one thing to play aggressively 9v11 against Private Equity FC, but to not adjust in the following 4 matches indicates this isn’t just a one-off. It’s a real problem. And a lot of this started before Maddison and Van der Ven suffered long-term injuries. That’s on him, imo.

    To be clear, I’m all for him staying at Spuds if this is level of competence we’ll get every match. I’m only trying to reference facts to build and enhance chaos over there.
    Shen-O and CarlosKaiser repped this.
  4. DaPrince84

    DaPrince84 Member+

    Aug 22, 2001
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  5. maskito

    maskito Member+

    Jan 14, 2006
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    looking at the updated table, only 3 pts separate 5th place from 9th. I expect there will be a lot of jostling amongst these also-rans throughout the remainder of the season. Aston Villa may drop into that group, too, but I think that’s unlikely as they’ve been playing at a very high level much longer than anyone else in that lower group.
  6. mebeSajid

    mebeSajid Member+

    Feb 16, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Arsenal FC
    Their problem is that they really don't have much talent now that Kane is gone, and injuries hurt them as well.

    By xGD, Sperz have been the worst team in the league since November started.
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  7. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    So Private Equity FC are barely managing a point pre game after spending more than half a billion.

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  8. And_ROOS

    And_ROOS Member+

    Dec 30, 2006
    Melbourne, Aus
    Thats what everyone at other clubs said about us when Arteta took us to 8th. They aren't saying it now. Theres a reason most Aussies who hate Spuds didn't want Ange there.

    Look at the silly goals and dropped points from us trying to play out from the back with keepers and defenders not suited to it, but Mikel stuck to his guns and now look at how many goals we score from defense.

    The main interest for me is our club and owners backed Mikel and his project in. We want a player? Cheque book opens and we splash the cash. We have scouts target specific needs and we go out and get it done.

    If Spurs dump their dross, and spend the players Ange wants over the next 2 summer transfer windows, the defensive ******** ups become minimised and they play the attacking style that was working very well for them at the start of the season.
    But the key is IF they spend, and historically Spurs don't splash the cash. Thats why I think Ange is probably going the way that most Spurs managers do. Give him a few years, maybe he gets them top 4, maybe he gets them a league cup, but any potential they have is stifled by the people in charge and their lack of ambition.
    maskito repped this.
  9. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    The slack I will cut Weng is that Leicester were clearly doped to the max and given a laughable 13 penalties to tilt the race. Will we ever see a season again where 2nd division journeymen suddenly become the best players in the league?
    mebeSajid repped this.
  10. footykid

    footykid Member+

    Jan 10, 2005
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    Spurs spend lots of money, I'm not exactly sure why they get a pass from the media...

    What you mean to say is Levy won't spend the 5-10 million more to get the player the manager actually wants and therefore end up with a bunch of overpriced flawed players.

    But again Wenger didn't get this pass so why do Spurs?
    maskito repped this.
  11. maskito

    maskito Member+

    Jan 14, 2006
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    Kane papered over a lot of cracks on that team, and personally I think Son did/does as well.

    I think Ange’s high-risk play works great when expectations are low - which is why that club was so happy early in the season whey they were getting results. When they actually had to get results to stay at top of the league, then they started playing…spursy.

    I also think their early win against ‘Pool gave them a false sense of confidence due to VAR doing VAR things. Played 11v9 and were still outplayed, yet escaped w/ all three points.

    if that roster gets turned over with new drones who still can’t meet higher expectations, watching the fireworks over there will be entertaining.
  12. mebeSajid

    mebeSajid Member+

    Feb 16, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Arsenal FC
    They've been unlucky and lost a few games where they were the better team. Their results will likely improve.
  13. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    you’d hope so!
  14. mebeSajid

    mebeSajid Member+

    Feb 16, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Arsenal FC
    I most certainly don't.
  15. casoccerdad47

    casoccerdad47 Member+

    Mar 31, 2006
    I watched much of their first half against United and they were dire. That said, they do have talent, but much of that talent is young to very young and young players do make mistakes. In addition, so much of that talent is new to the team and to one another that they need time to gel. Nkunku will help, but I don’t see them gelling in time to claim a European spot this season.
  16. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    IMO it's just funny to see Genocide FC become Private Equity FC and fail so hard
    Shen-O repped this.
  17. maskito

    maskito Member+

    Jan 14, 2006
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    I think we need to distinguish between "young" and "experienced" with them. Yes PEFC are young, but they aren't lacking experience - and should be doing considerably better with the talent they have. Injuries have done them no favors, but with the investments they've made, I have little sympathy.

    After ~1B in spending over the last year, it's pretty bad when Cole Palmer is arguably their most consistent and productive player so far this season and he has some of the least experience on that roster.
  18. ArsenalMetro

    ArsenalMetro Member+

    United States
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    The average age of players they've used this season (25.2) is exactly the same as ours lol

    We're joint-youngest in the league, but it's not like they're giving huge minutes to teenagers or anything.
    maskito repped this.
  19. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Can't we just bask in the failure of an evil club?
    danielh, mebeSajid, Shen-O and 3 others repped this.
  20. maskito

    maskito Member+

    Jan 14, 2006
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  21. casoccerdad47

    casoccerdad47 Member+

    Mar 31, 2006
    Silva, by himself, adds slightly more than a year to their average age. If we consider a players prime to be 24 to 29. Several of their players in that age range have been injured for much of the season, leaving Sterling, Sanchez, and Disasi as the only members of that group to log over 1000 minutes.
  22. NorthBank

    NorthBank Member+

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    I think I just laughed for the first time today. Yeah I know that’s a little sad but here’s why:

    I just heard that a GOFUNDME was set up by Gooners for WHUFC so that we can pay them some more for Declan Rice

    And_ROOS and Shen-O repped this.
  23. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    IIRC, when football stats was big on twitter back in the day, the age curve was more relevant than average age as it gets into squad composition

    Players have longer careers now - but a kind of double humped curve where you have a lot of young players, and then a bunch of old guys, can be a problematic curve. Arsenal had this problem a few years back, when we had very few players in the peak and aging elite players. IIRC Xhaka was one of the only players in the sweet spot
    casoccerdad47 repped this.
  24. NorthBank

    NorthBank Member+

    Arsenal; NYRB
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    Mar 29, 2006
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    Shouldn’t there be some sort of statute of limitations on VAR rulings?

    Palace we’re just awarded a penalty nearly 5 minutes(?) after a questionable incident happened.

    So why on earth did it take the VAR that long to send the HR over to the screen??

    In any case, Liverpool now find themselves trailing in the game. :)
  25. Jamooky

    Jamooky Member+

    Mar 24, 2006
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    Palace up on L'pool. 2nd half. VERY interesting.

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