USSF and MLS Refereeing

Discussion in 'Real Salt Lake' started by Section 5, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. Section 5

    Section 5 Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Real Salt Lake
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  2. Blitzz Supporter

    May 23, 2004
    Finally! No more rec league refs going MLS games! Accountability. Training. Nothing but good for Soccer in America.
  3. rabble-rabble

    rabble-rabble Member

    Jul 26, 2004
    West Jordan, UT
    Real Salt Lake
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    United States
    I try hard not to blame officials but certainly last year we seemed to have so many calls directly affect the outcome of our games (some in our favor and others against). Hope to see a lot more of our games this season settled on the field.
  4. BalanceUT

    BalanceUT RSL and THFC!

    Oct 8, 2006
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I wonder if we will actually see that... Because, as I understand things the league will be reviewing all kinds of plays after games are over and calling after the fact yellows, reds, etc.

    There might be more rescinded cards, too.

    It will be interesting to watch.
  5. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
    Stansbury Park, UT
    Real Salt Lake
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    United States
    This is great news! I've said for years that MLS needs to think outside the USSF "We're doing the best we can" box of crap. Initiative and cleverness were needed. MLS has shown both with this effort. My guess is that It's serve as a swift kick in the USSF *** and they will begin trying to compete.
  6. ShaggyReAL

    ShaggyReAL Awesome is my middle name

    Dec 9, 2009
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
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    MLS Refs,

    When 1 player (buddle) fouls 8 times you might wanna think about showing a yellow. Just a thought.

  7. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
    Stansbury Park, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Stott's an interesting guy. No way Beckerman deserved a yellow on his foul. On the other hand, He would have been justified to put 6 minutes of extra-time at the end of the game, but only put 2!
  8. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Buddle committed a foul literally 5 seconds into the match.
    he proceeded to hack away at Olave, Schuler, and the rest of the RSL defense through the rest of the game.

    cautions in the game:
    Beckerman, Morales

    yeah, that adds up

    I'd love to see the league have the balls to fine/suspend Beckham for chucking the ball at Stott.
    Didn't Marquez do that to start the scuffle last year with LA? Except he threw it at Cakes...
  9. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
    Stansbury Park, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Stott had the disadvantage of having the Galaxy's Chief Jock-sniffer In Charge, Don Garber, in the house. I think it's safe to say he called the game in the way that pleased The Don. You know The Don. The guy who didn't show up at arguably MLS' bigest game in history---RSL v Monterrey for the CONCACAF Championship. Had it been the DP Galaxy or the Newark Red Bull, he would have had a major presence.
  10. wyomango

    wyomango Member

    Aug 2, 2007
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I know. I can't believe he admitted during the broadcast he was on vacation during that match. Just say you couldn't make it to the game or you were out of the country. No doubt if it had been any of the big clubs, he would have been front and center.
  11. UPinSLC

    UPinSLC Member+

    Jul 11, 2004
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    ya, that really rubbed me the wrong way, i mentioned in the game thread. what kind of douche canoe commissioner misses the biggest game for the league in a LONG time like that. "oh ya, i was on some island someone and managed to catch an over the air broadcast of the game." are you ********ing kidding me? jesus christ, this was the final game of the regional championship and a team from your league has the chance to be the first to win it....and you're on a ********ing island somewhere and just happened to catch it on the tube?

    don is really starting to piss me off, the sooner we get rid of this asshole the better. you did good things for the league in the last 13 years, but it's time someone else steps in and takes this thing to the next level. i find it funny that he came from the NFL but is taking this league in the direction of the NBA. especially considering how much more profitable the NFL is compared to the NBA and how horrible the NBA is suffering right now. we need someone who has the cajones to stand up to the assholes in NY and LA and do whats best for the LEAGUE, not a couple teams with deep wallets.

    missing the regional championship, un-********ing-real.
  12. pcny

    pcny Member

    Sep 2, 2007
    Real Salt Lake
    Irked me as well...but then again, I wasn't exactly looking for him at the game, nor would I have cared less if he was there--not like it would have made the moment any greater. So I guess I shouldn't be so peeved if the Commish doesn't come to one of the most important games in League history...(in fact, he basically would have gotten away with it if he hadn't been stupid enough to mention it on a way, that was a double insult...)

    BTW--why doesn't the League show some guts and retroactively throw some discipline at that 23 guy who throws the ball at the ref in a huff?

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