On the USsoccer.com home page, there is a link for a Curt Onolfo podcast for the Cuba match. Anyone know if this will be a radio/webcast of the match? That would be great to not have to rely on Matchtracker. http://ussf.podlot.com/onalfogoldcup.mp3
I think it's just Onalfo on Cuba. He does most of the scouting. I downloaded it last night but haven't listened yet.
I don't believe USSF is going to do a Podcast of the game (live or recorded). Something tells me they would have a rights issue and would be sued if they did. I know the technology is there so that a technically savvy fan could call in audio play-by-play via cell and have it rebroadcast on the Internet. A friend of mine does play-by-play for my college alma mater (Davidson) that way. Works great. And living in Minneapolis, that's pretty much the only way I am able to keep up with the team's performance. Of course, that individual would also have a legal rights issue to deal with, too.