Up & Coming Players

Discussion in 'New York Red Bulls' started by mitch9881, Sep 26, 2003.

  1. mitch9881

    mitch9881 Member

    Feb 26, 2003
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Today at my job(Abercrombie & Fitch), I rung up two guys who are in the procces of i guess what you would call a try-out. They told me they should be officially joining the team in a few weeks. They are both from England. One guy is a keeper, the other is a midfielder, his name is Scott Keanan. They didn't seem to enthusiastic about playing for the Red&Black. The one guy, Scott Keanan, told me he played in the Division just under the EPL before coming over to the US to join the Metros. Lets hope these guys can do some good.
  2. harttbeat

    harttbeat Member+

    Dec 29, 1998
    New York
    I just wanna know if A&F is hiring any part time?
  3. cmonaco

    cmonaco New Member

    Feb 21, 1999
    I guess Deceptecon Laserbeak found another job. that was quick!
  4. red&black1

    red&black1 New Member

    Mar 8, 2003
    Kearny NJ
    Sounds like a bunch of horse$hit to me.... dont we have a full roster anyway?? And we cant have any cap space left after signing Jusko... On top of that why would we be signing another keeper?? We also dont have any senior international spots left and the 2 transitional international spots are being are being occupied by the Boca boys.

    Seems like these two were playing u for a fool...
  5. mitch9881

    mitch9881 Member

    Feb 26, 2003
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Hey, i really don't know, these guys could have been lying to me. I'm just telling you what they told me.
  6. mitch9881

    mitch9881 Member

    Feb 26, 2003
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The same 2 guys came into my store again today. They're really nice guys. I did notice today though that they were both wearing MLS Soccer Camps t-shirts. And yesterday I fogot to mention that I asked one of the guys, the one thats a keeper, what he thought of Bob, the told me that he is ok, but he really just works out with Des, the Asst. Coach/Goalkeeping Coach. Once again, these guys could just be lying, but I really doubt they are. Maybe they are trying out for a spot on the team for next season. Or maybe a few people are getting the boot. Who knows. Just thought I'd let everyone know. For me personally I think its pretty cool to meet guys who play, or will eventually be playing for the MetroStars.
  7. In Bob We Trust

    In Bob We Trust New Member

    Jan 5, 2003
    good stuff, i think its pretty cool and would love to hear anything interesting you come across like that
  8. Brownswan

    Brownswan New Member

    Jun 30, 1999
    Port St. Lucie, FL
    Perfect. No attitude adjustment needed, they'll fit right in.
  9. Milhouse

    Milhouse Member

    Dec 29, 1998
    Clifton, NJ
    Sounds like someone was having fun with you. If he had an MLS Camps t-shirt on and he was English, then he was a camp coach. The Metros do not have anyone trying out at this point. Usually, a reporter mentions this in an article. Do you remember Paul Ritchie? Everyone mentioned he was here. This guy sounds like a scam artist and probably was trying to hit you up for some free stuff.

    My neighbor's kid goes to MLS Camps and most of the coaches are English and very full of themselves.
  10. panicfc

    panicfc Member+

    Dec 22, 2000
    In my chair, typing
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    about 20 years ago I was wearing an NY Yankees starter jacket in a mall in New Orleans. Some kid asked me if I was bucky Dent.

    My reply "yeah, you want my autograph".

    He took it and was very happy.
  11. pething101

    pething101 Member

    Jul 31, 2001
    Smyrna, Ga
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    How much did you charge?
  12. panicfc

    panicfc Member+

    Dec 22, 2000
    In my chair, typing
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I didn't say I was Will Clark, I was Bucky Dent.
  13. metro1026

    metro1026 New Member

    Jan 21, 1999
    Swamps of Jersey
    Yeah, I've been around some of those metro camp coaches. They are from Manchester. The team imported them here, gave them Neon's as company cars and they travel from town to town helping out recreation soccer and other stuff relating to the camp.

    As far as playing....they know how to play, but they are rather weak, hogging the ball, they're not friendly, etc. I wouldn't put it past them trying to pose as professional players, however, they have the skill of a decent high-school player.

    Just thought I'd add my 5 cents.....
  14. fireup

    fireup New Member

    Aug 14, 2001
    the guys you have seen are probably Metrostar Reserve team players. I have watched the Reserves play and i know that many of them get a chance to try out every january. There actually a couple of Reserve players that can play on the stars right now.
  15. Milhouse

    Milhouse Member

    Dec 29, 1998
    Clifton, NJ
    wasn't MetroStars Black disbanded? I thought I read something on here a few weeks ago. I highly doubt they are from that team. Metro Black were usually hispanic and african players OZ picked up.
  16. fireup

    fireup New Member

    Aug 14, 2001
    Yes from what i have heard they were DISBANDED, but i know of two guys on that team that were being seriously considered as developmental players.
  17. Matt in the Hat

    Matt in the Hat Moderator
    Staff Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Because everone dreams of playing next to Mike Modano and Sergei Zubov.
  18. ToddP25

    ToddP25 Member

    Apr 19, 1999
    Richmond, VA
    the worst is some of the 'UK Elite' guys.....I would like to back my car over a few of the ones I have met.
  19. Father Ted

    Father Ted BigSoccer Supporter

    Manchester United, Galway United, New York Red Bulls
    Nov 2, 2001
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Ireland Republic
    I was in Spain one time and someone asked me if I was John McEnroe. I told them to F-off. They then asked me for my autograph.
  20. dub77

    dub77 New Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    in denial
    I've hung out with some UK Elite guys and they are ok socially but complete snobs when it comes to soccer, sorry "football".
  21. Calcio#20

    Calcio#20 New Member

    Jul 10, 2003

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