The article notes that no firewall was activated in the initial test phase. Basically, any computer, without an activated firewall, can draw attention to itself, so to speak, since all open ports will respond to requests from the sender. I activated my built-in firewall (on my Mac) upon first usage. Never had a problem. In fact, all testing that i have done shows the built-in OSX firewall 'hides' my mac as well as zonealarm 'hides' a PC (do a search for Shields Up to run a test on your machine). I dont know how the built-in XP firewall does....i dont have XP. Point is, a firewall should always be activated and used for any computer directly connected to the internet (indirectly too as far as im concerned). Problem is, most non-technical users have no idea they need to activate a firewall. That article should be required reading upon the purchase of any computer...
You're trying to compare apples to oranges. There is no comparison, Macs are still more secure than Windoze.
341-339. How much more secure is that? The only reason why more dangerous files are targeted towards Windows is because it's the most used OS. NO ONE uses Mac. So why bother. If mp3 players could get virsues wirelessly (just pretend), Apple's iPod be the biggest target. Seriously, it all runs down to this (for me anyways): 1. Windows gives people more options. Macs force you to use a limited amount of software because not every programming company will make software suitable for Macs. Don't you have to use an Airport in wireless network? PCs will work with any router or hub. 2. Simplicity? Windows is a simple OS. It's not that hard at all. It's just you see more things about your computer than you would with a Mac. Macs are perfect...for people who are learning to use a computer. Personally, I don't want to have a smaller amount of options with my OS, especially when it's cheaper than Mac. All of your important programs are on the desktop. Want more? Go to Start > Programs > and have more options. How hard was that? Want to remove a CD? Press the eject button. Easier that way than Apple's annoying "Eject CD" method (I really don't understand the logic behid this). 3. You cann' modify a Mac. Every thing is clogged up in this big monitor. You can't go in there and make a bunch of adjustments like you would in a PC. No additional slave drive, can't change the burner, etc. It's like working with a laptop. 4. If you have the right firewalls and what not, no worries what so ever. All you have to do is keep away from those sites that are not suitable for the normal workplace. That's where the biggest worms and trojans come from. Well maybe second to email viruses. Again, more Windows users get them because there are more PCs out there than Macs. There's more Macs in grade schools, but emails can't be checked there. 5. It's design is horrible. I hate how the keyboard is this little tiny thing. The mouses are horrible. Again, PC mouses allow for you to right click, Apples don't, unless you BUY a two button mouse. 6: You can get a PC for $399 that comes with a monitor and printer...Apple? Prices start at around $1000. Apples are nice and flashy, and that's all they are good for.
LOL ...Metros...if you were even remotely right I'd give you an atta boy, but since you honestly have no clue, i won't hold it against you.
If you have broadband, you need (as in, required) a firewall of some sort. If you have dial up, you should get a firewall, and really have no excuse since there are good firewalls available for free, but you could probably get away without it. I have a hardware NAT box that does most of the dirty work for me. I've opened a few services ports thru to my server, a few more ports for bittorrent, and even still I have a firewall running on my desktop machine.
I'm not going to address the other remarks because that would be going WAY off topic for this thread, but let's just say you have no clue about Macs. As for security, what the article is describing has nothing to do with security in the way you're thinking. ANY computer connected to the internet will have people trying to break into it, it's a simple fact that it cannot be stopped unless you're using a firewall.
What he said. Making some flip remarks about Mac OS vs. XP security just belies the ignorance of fundamental security stuff and shows the reader to have little standing to be making such remarks. . XP SP2 is the biggest step forward for security MS has EVER made -- which is saying a lot about their priorities -- but does not addres the issue of what happens when the firewall is breached. Then you're back to one architecture is fundamentally more secure than the other. Anyone who has any REAL computer experience knows the difference. Anyone who says otherwise is simply blowing smoke. Facts are facts.
Yeah, SP2 was Window's biggest move towards improving a PC's security. I'm not gonna say no. But even so, if I have to pick XP or OSX, I'm going with the XP. It's the most used OS and it can run everything. I have XP and I really don't have any issues with spyware. Seriously, the people with the huge problems are those who don't even know that these things exist.'re pro Apple, 100%. That's cool... I'm like that towards Windows. I find it easier to use, personally. Macs are supposed to be easier, but I like the Windows interface a lot better. To me it's more user friendly. Do I need to take some extra steps to make sure that it's hacker free? Yeah, but if that means that I need to run adware or whatever when it's not in use...big deal. That's my opinion, as are those listed above.
It actually can't run everything I don't see Final Cut Pro, or Digital Performer for pc...2 apps i use. I'm glad you have knowledge in order to keep adware,spyware, and viruses off your PC. I have none of those and to be honest no reason for them I freely surf the web, open all emails, and do as i please with no care as to any of those issues. I use my built in firewall as one of the mods already mentioned. I'm really glad you're happy with your pc, at least we both have something in common. We both are happy with our OS and computers. I'd just like to add, that just because more people use windows doesn't in the least bit make it better. I prefer not to drink the Koolaid ..if you know what i mean?
Interesting little tidbit: I read that the drink used wasn't actually Kool-Aid but something called Flavor-Aid.
Squash, those are good points. Especially on the everybody has it. I think it's easier to use something that everyone uses because it gives you more options. It's like deciding between a national recognized bank or a small, local bank. For some, the more "capabilities" the better, for others, using a computer that comes with everything they need (or uses certain programs they) is better. On the virus thing though, if you open an e-mail that contains an Apple virus, won't you be infected? I mean, spam or whatever can be targeted to Apple users and carry Apple virues.
I guess nobody has taken the time to create an OSX virus. Perhaps it's because there are fewer security holes than windows.
As of right now metro, there are NO know viruses for OS X If we open a virus that effects PC's it does nothing to us, so we may get them in emails, but they sit there and do nothing. If you'd like i can forward them to Premium Hamagachi or whatever his name is
And there are far fewer Macs out there. Why bother creating a virus for a computer when, if you hit say...10% of the Macs out there, can be "outdone" by another virus targeted at Windows that hits only 1%
I appreciate the support. While I'm not siding with PC users completely (I think Macs have many extremely positive attributes), I think from the perspective of someone who writes virus', what is better downing 1% of PC users or downing 10% of Mac users? Based on the number of PC users that is a pretty easy one to answer.
if you want to check your system, head over to gibson research and click on ShieldsUP! then, run the file sharing and common ports test. you will not believe the info that can be pulled from your machine if it isn't protected.
Well, it's a combination of both - there are more Windows users (who still insist on surfing the web on IE) and more security holes to exploit. So it's probably better use of time for a hacker to screw with 10% of Windows users instead of 1% of OS X users.
yes. two-faced mac users always pretend to be happy with their mac and look down on windows but deep inside their mind & heart, they know their system is inferior to microsoft so they cry, scream, and start making virus against the superior windows systems and users. extremely sad people those mac users shame shame
you never know how many security holes your precious while moldy brick has until someone seriously starts making virus for you. unfortunately, you'll never get a chance to know it since no quality hackers pay attention and waste their time with a crap that no quality users really use.