United on Sports Center

Discussion in 'D.C. United' started by MikeLastort2, Nov 7, 2004.

  1. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    Nice 30 second or so segment on Sports Center was just on. They showed Nicky going nuts after he saved the final PK to win the game.
  2. DutchFootballRulez

    Jul 15, 2003
    Baltimore, MD
    FC Barcelona
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Yeah, I saw it. That match deserved more, but its only a 30 minute Sportscenter.
  3. JayRockers!

    JayRockers! Member+

    Aug 4, 2001
    Channel 4 lead the sports with the Wizards. Channel 9 teased United, but lead with the Wizards. Channel 7 lead with DC United! You know who I'll be watching from now on.

    I think Fox5 had that camera that was in front of the Barra, but I didn't get home in time to see any of their coverage.


  4. T Nitty

    T Nitty New Member

    Jun 3, 2004
    Good to hear. I actually tried to watch last night's SC (which I usually avoid), but I didn't see anything. You'd think they would want to mention it since they (ABC) are doing the Cup broadcast. I'm sure MLS will get maybe a minute on PTI this week. Since Cornhole and Wil-cinna-bon are in DC, I hope they realize it's a big deal.

    The Comcast SportsRise piece was ho-hum.
  5. NattyBo

    NattyBo Member+

    Apr 30, 2004
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    The morning NBC News has been proming the game for Sports all morning..should be on in a few minutes..
  6. rugman

    rugman Member

    Oct 13, 2003

    Some great coverage last night and this morning. Mike, they keep showing the Carrol PK and a shot of the supporters right after. Is that you with your hand over your mouth? I gotta know what you were thinking at that moment?
  7. NattyBo

    NattyBo Member+

    Apr 30, 2004
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    That was him, and Ill bet he was thinking that if Caroll diddnt make it we were sunk ;)
  8. jb3

    jb3 Member

    Aug 14, 2000
    Gaithersburg, MD
    OT and FYI: i heard that kornheiser's radio show is starting up again on Wednesday at 9am
  9. TEConnor

    TEConnor New Member

    Feb 22, 1999
    Absolutely classic shot of Mike and Vlad.

  10. Jose L. Couso

    Jose L. Couso New Member

    Jul 31, 2000
    Arlington, VA

    They showed it last night in all the different sports news shows.

    Mike is a KAMAKAZE!
  11. ignatz

    ignatz New Member

    Jun 3, 2001
    Washington, DC
    That's because they're carrying the final next Sunday. They also had a Hillary Howard feature during the news itself on fans outside the stadium. I only caught the end of that.

    I expect they'll have the best local news coverage throughout the week, but don't mistake it for respect for soccer. It's really nothing more than using their newscast to promote their upcoming broadcasts. If the final were on another network, you'd get the kind of coverage the other networks give it now/
  12. Lanky134

    Lanky134 New Member

    Oct 25, 1999
    134, 3, 6
    And every article and TV spot from here on in will contain the phrase "At least one team in this town knows how to rise to big occasions."
  13. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    I think I had my hand over my mouth for every PK, thinking "make it" when United was shooting and "miss it" when the Revs were. :)
  14. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    Man, I gotta see that. :)
  15. Soccer-Six-Shooter

    Soccer-Six-Shooter New Member

    Jan 17, 2002
    Arlington, VA
    Comcast SportsNet had like 5 minutes of highlights/interviews. They showed every goal and a PK each from Adu and the last one that Rimando blocked. Also some DCU celebration, Rimando interview and Nowak comments after the game.
  16. beltwayrob

    beltwayrob New Member

    Jun 15, 2004
    Alexandria, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Dunno if anybody watched Ch. 9 on Friday at 6pm, but Topper (the weatherman) was wearing a DC United jersey during his forcast. And yeah I tend to agree, I don't think the fact that Ch 7 lead with DCU means they are any more friendly to the team or the sport for that matter, than any other station. Good to see all the media attention on our boys though. They absolutely deserve the limelight.
  17. Mountainia

    Mountainia Member

    Jun 19, 2002
    Section 207, Row 7
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Just saw a recap on Comcast. After showing the highlights, one of the anchors said (to the best of my memory):

    "To give you an idea about how exciting that game was, here we are in the middle of NFL Sunday, and the folks in the newsroom are still talking about a soccer game from last night."
  18. MattMathai

    MattMathai BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 28, 2004
    Topper is a long-standing soccer freak. I used to play with, and against, him in high school, lo these many years ago...
  19. Bill-DC

    Bill-DC Member+

    May 20, 2002
    She was interviewing fans in 134 during the game. As she was leaving, I thanked her for stopping by and told her briefly that United will experience a return to glory first before the other team that used to play at RFK. The camera guy laughed.
  20. fatbastard

    fatbastard Member+

    Aug 1, 2003
    Lincoln (ish), Va
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    We were pretty disappointed in Sunday morning's newscasts. Channel 9 usually gives us the best coverage, and they still did - but it was only Gomez' goal, Freddy's pk, and Rimando's block on Heaps. Channel 4 never mentioned it.
    Channel 9 also had a soccer ball on their weather forcast map on Saturday morning which was cool.
  21. dcajedi

    dcajedi Member

    Jul 16, 2001
    Channel 7 has some incentive to up their coverage because they are broadcasting the Final, but I think generally they have always beeen good to us.

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