UNC 2023

Discussion in 'Women's College' started by uncchamps2012, Dec 8, 2022.

  1. Time&Space

    Time&Space Member

    Sep 15, 2009
    Like I said, if you don't have to deal with BYU regularly like west coast teams do, you wouldn't understand my point. When you have trouble running and breathing after the 70th minute, you will have wished you went for a fourth goal. Hence my point.
    ytrs repped this.
  2. Bud Siegel

    Bud Siegel New Member

    United States
    Sep 25, 2018
    Having previously commented on the Goalkeeping this year, I with concur with Babranski's comments I did play Goalie at UNC in the 60's and I did play many years prior to that and I always was taught to move forward, not backward, and to never find myself hemmed in by opposing players that prevented me from handling the ball. Furthermore, if my memory serves me correct, the majority of goals that have been scored on corner kicks against UNC have been in-swingers over the goalie's head into the back half of the goal. if she had been standing closer to the back post, she should have been able to deflect the ball over the goal or to punch it away from the middle of the field. Obviously opposing teams have noticed this as they have scored an inordinate amount of goals from corner kicks. Not sure what rationale UNC uses for positioning the goalkeeper in a place that prevents her from dealing with in-swingers that either drop behind her into the goal or allow an opposing player to easily head the ball into the net but it certainly has cost them some negative results in the last twelve months.
  3. Tally T

    Tally T Member

    United States
    Sep 16, 2019
    I am not inside the UNC program so I don't know the answer for sure. However, if a player was consistently doing the wrong thing by going against her coaching (and getting burned for it) I would think that this player would eventually be benched. Allen obviously hasn't been benched.

    Again, I'm not inside the program so I'm not sure. Maybe Allen is just that much better than her backup that she is allowed to get away with ignoring coaching but I doubt it. Therefore, I have to conclude that she isn't being coached to set up where you suggest.

    I'm not a GK expert so I'm not sure what the best procedure is here regarding corner kick positioning but I do know a few coaches and not many of them would be content to let a player defy them on something so important.
  4. Kyle M

    Kyle M New Member

    United States
    Nov 26, 2023
    Hello all! Is anyone selling College Cup semi tickets for this Friday night? Surprised that NCAA.com is all sold out.
  5. L'orange

    L'orange Member+

    Jul 20, 2017

    I always feel sorry for keepers on corner kicks. They are supposed to play the ball as it approaches the box or goal, of course--but that's typically a bit hard to do when there are 6 or 8 players right in front of you and there is little room to move.
    whatagoodball repped this.
  6. babranski

    babranski Member+

    Dec 15, 2012
    Raleigh, NC
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This is basically every UNC opponent at Chapel Hill in the humidity and heat in the early season non-confrence schedule. I distinctly remember it being oppressively hot to the point BYU was on the verge of collapse at the end of each half in the recent non-con game.

    I'm not going to say that the elevation doesn't play a role and that BYU isn't used to it, but it clearly worked just as much against BYU in the first half as it did against BYU opponents as a whole this season and beyond, and that's because UNC had so much more possession and the Cougars were chasing the game. Certainly the elevation played a part in how quickly both teams tired when the other started to build possession, but BYU players don't have some mystical resistance to it after playing their for at most 5 years. Just like I don't think UNC has some kind of resistance to heat and humidity for home games at UNC.
  7. Jericah7

    Jericah7 New Member

    Nov 10, 2023
    Not “mystical” at all. Players who train at altitude have a higher lung capacity than those at sea level. That’s just simple science.

    The recurring comment from every coach, including Anson, is more or less verbatim “We do not want to meet BYU in a track meet.” Friday was no exception. I think the game would have been 6-3 had it gone to extra time.
  8. Bud Siegel

    Bud Siegel New Member

    United States
    Sep 25, 2018
    In response to L'orange, when you have a chronic situation that is costing you goals, you either fix the problem or you continue to be punished. Why UNC could not station their goalkeeper near enough to the back post so that nothing could get in over her head and put Maycee Bell in the middle of the cage and Izzy Cox on the forward post, assuming she was on the field at the time of the corners or if not her, another tall player or one with a good vertical jump to protect that area. That way the UNC Keeper would always be going forward unless she mis-read the trajectory of the kick and over-played her positioning. If you can help it, you never want your Keeper back-peddling and allowing corner kicks to be scored behind her positioning. If my memory serves me correct, I can remember at least 4 goals scored against UNC in the past two years in this fashion.
    Heeligan2 repped this.
  9. L'orange

    L'orange Member+

    Jul 20, 2017

    I'm completely with you. Starting relatively close to the far post makes perfect sense--though what I've seen through the years is that most keepers seem to position themselves right in the middle--halfway between the posts--or close to it.
    Bud Siegel repped this.
  10. Bud Siegel

    Bud Siegel New Member

    United States
    Sep 25, 2018
    I agree, most do stand in the middle but that may be because they are not bing blocked from going forward or backward like UNC's opponents like to do. Opposing teams like to jam the box against UNC and then try in-swingers as they have been successful these past two years. Since UNC has been unable to consistently defend against these in-swingers, you would think they would move their goalkeeper back so she only has to either stay stationary or move forward to contest the ball. If the ball is merely being placed somewhere in the box. but not as an in-swinger, it is an entirely different scenario.
  11. Jericah7

    Jericah7 New Member

    Nov 10, 2023

    "Cinematic" cut of the game. Always love to see how much BYU supports their women's program and how much production value goes into their games.
    Klingo3034, Footy13 and whatagoodball repped this.
  12. Bosco

    Bosco Member

    Feb 19, 2010
    Strong production values, good scene-setting and development of characters, but the movie runs a bit long, would have been better if it ended about half way through.
    Heeligan2, cpthomas and Val1 repped this.
  13. Eddie K

    Eddie K Member+

    May 5, 2007
    Rebimbas is in the portal. Not sure what she's looking for but she's definitely looking.
  14. Footy13

    Footy13 Member

    Liverpool FC
    United States
    Jun 24, 2022
    Maybe more playing time ? Maybe a spot on BYU ?
  15. H2Psoccerfan

    H2Psoccerfan New Member

    Nov 9, 2023
    Bell and Dellaperuta going pro?
  16. babranski

    babranski Member+

    Dec 15, 2012
    Raleigh, NC
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Anson has already been quoted as saying that all Seniors are leaving one way or another. Dellaperuta I think has eligibility, Bell does not.
    H2Psoccerfan repped this.
  17. UNCleNutsy

    UNCleNutsy Member

    UNC Women
    United States
    Oct 22, 2022
    where are you seeing that?
  18. Nooneimportant

    Leeds United
    Jan 12, 2021
    She is in the NCAA transfer portal.
  19. UNCleNutsy

    UNCleNutsy Member

    UNC Women
    United States
    Oct 22, 2022
    Right. Where can I see the NCAA transfer portal? I don’t find it via the Google machine.
  20. wcollegesoccerfan

    wcollegesoccerfan New Member

    Manchester City
    Nov 30, 2023
    Portal is not public only coaches can see it. Have heard there are several more UNC players in portal as well
  21. Eddie K

    Eddie K Member+

    May 5, 2007
    You need an NCAA login with a .edu email - so be an employee with granted access. They went to a 2-factor login to reduce sharing credentials.
    For UNC, there are 9 names in there so far but 3 are 'grad transfers' or 5th years. I'm not putting any more names out there but thought Rebimbas was interesting since she was a highly rated freshman and there was talk of her going pro last summer.

    Not quite "paradise" for everyone I guess....
  22. UNCleNutsy

    UNCleNutsy Member

    UNC Women
    United States
    Oct 22, 2022
    Got it. I guess we will all find out soon enough. But, from your perspective, are there any surprises?

    Meaning, as much as it’s a bummer if Rebimbas transfers, it wouldn’t surprise me since she almost certainly did not play as much as she hoped/expected. Others in the same bucket (IMO) would be Kayleigh and Nona. I could even see Tessa leaving to go where she’d be an instant starter.

    A big surprise to me would be someone like Emily Colton, even though I could also see it if she wanted to play with her sister.
  23. 6peternorth9

    6peternorth9 Member

    Nov 15, 2012
    Southampton FC
    I do not have access to it myself but sounds like Oregon with the most amongst the P5 schools with 11 in the portal and UNC next with 9?
  24. H2Psoccerfan

    H2Psoccerfan New Member

    Nov 9, 2023
    Tessa to pitt....she's from the area....one could dream!
  25. Jericah7

    Jericah7 New Member

    Nov 10, 2023
    I don't think the team ever recovered from last year's NCAA championship. All the ties this season...another disastrous end to the NCAAs...I'm surprised there's even that many players happy sitting on UNC's bench. They're just not what they used to be given increasing parity.

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