UEFA - Euro 2024 in Germany * Ticket discussion only *

Discussion in 'Euro 2024 - Germany' started by Wankdorf 1954, May 10, 2022.

  1. LaParka710

    LaParka710 Member

    Feb 20, 2020
    I get your point about people wanting to have tickets before you plan to travel as that's why I went Cat 1 in the lottery, but I think it is worse to think you're going to travel and then your tickets never materialize because you were scammed. People have to be really, super careful with this especially since seats are going over face value. Obtaining other people's logins is just super rife with issues too.
    belfasteric repped this.
  2. welshbairn

    welshbairn Member+

    Jul 31, 2019
    Amazing I know, but I got super lucky in the lottery and scored 4 Cat 1s for each semi and the final! DM if you're interested I'll send you the bank details, as soon as the cash arrives you'll have my login details, cross my heart and hope to die!
  3. ValenAle.

    ValenAle. Member

    Port Vale
    May 31, 2021
    For plenty of people, including Eric, that approach has worked fine at every tournament. But I fully understand for others it does not stack up, including me for some locations. I’d have happily gone to Japan and South Korea without tickets, South Africa not so much.
    LaParka710 repped this.
  4. mazinio

    mazinio Member+

    Apr 16, 2014
    FC Barcelona
    But they can change the password at anytime, scary if you dont trust the person
    ValenAle. and LaParka710 repped this.
  5. welshbairn

    welshbairn Member+

    Jul 31, 2019
    What kind of guarantee do you have that families will have a better surety of tickets on your Whatsapp link than going through UEFA's hurdles?
    LaParka710 repped this.
  6. belfasteric

    belfasteric Member+

    Northern Ireland
    Apr 22, 2014
    Northern Ireland
    Glentoran FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Northern Ireland
    Scotland getting info for their tkts , No breakdown of the category number's
  7. thoves

    thoves Member

    May 5, 2011
    Will all FA's have a "One ticket max"? Im travelling with my son, so I need two but he is not over 18 so he cannot buy tickets thru UEFA himself. I was thinking of trying thru the FA's of the teams playing on "my days" in Germany.
  8. welshbairn

    welshbairn Member+

    Jul 31, 2019
    #1483 welshbairn, Nov 29, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2023
    As I understand it, if you and your son both successfully apply for tickets to an FA and are sent access codes, you will be able to enter both codes on your UEFA account and secure the tickets.
    P.S. This is the advice of the Scottish FA:

    U18 are not able to register on the UEFA Ticketing portal. However, eligible members will still receive an access code per match to purchase tickets.

    The unique access code for the u18 member can be used by an 18 or over friend or family member to purchase on the adult account.

    The responsible adult can use the ‘sum up’ function to add the u18’s access code to purchase together. Once the adult has entered their access code and selected a ticket category, the u18’s access code can be added in the Shopping Cart via the ’Add More Tickets/Matches’ Button.

    Once the access code is added this will allow the responsible adult to buy their own ticket plus the u18 ticket. This can be done for a maximum of two codes. I.e., One adult & one u18.

    The sum up function will only work if the same ticket category is selected.

    This process must be done for each match, if purchasing for multiple games.

    Both tickets will remain on that account and both tickets will have to be scanned at the turnstile using the same mobile phone on the UEFA Tickets App.

    thoves repped this.
  9. thoves

    thoves Member

    May 5, 2011
    Thanks! Would guess different FA's has different rules as well, so we'll see which teams we "get" and then take it from there
  10. Chucksav07

    Chucksav07 Member

    Real Madrid
    Nov 7, 2023
    I tried login in and to my application and this is what came up? I’m kinda scared did they cancel my application?

    Attached Files:

  11. Timanfaya

    Timanfaya Member+

    May 31, 2005
    Mine says that too now. (I was unsuccessful, but at least it used to show me what I missed out on.)

    How about https://euro2024-sales.tickets.uefa.com/account/tickets
    LaParka710 repped this.
  12. LaParka710

    LaParka710 Member

    Feb 20, 2020
  13. Chucksav07

    Chucksav07 Member

    Real Madrid
    Nov 7, 2023
    Yup logged in right now using the link and my tickets are showing, could it be they’re getting rid of the old lottery applications to prepare for the next sales phase?
    Eden82 repped this.
  14. Alir

    Alir Member

    Oct 20, 2022
    The fact that around 10,000 tickets per game are being allocated to supporters makes me think that there will be a general sales phase also in the near future. As the smallest stadium capacity is 42,000 and doubt that UEFA would have given out many tickets per game during the initial lottery stage.
  15. Timanfaya

    Timanfaya Member+

    May 31, 2005
    If you want to know when (and how) you will be able to apply for tickets, just visit the UEFA website, all the information is there :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

    But seriously, what it says at the moment is:
    So I'm assuming that the first bit ("apply") means that we're about to get the traditional 2nd lottery.

    And the second bit about FAs is completely separate.
    LaParka710 and ValenAle. repped this.
  16. ValenAle.

    ValenAle. Member

    Port Vale
    May 31, 2021
    Hope so, as I’m not sure I’m going to bother trying to go through PNAs? I’ve now cut my trip down so it’s only 6 (5 no tickets yet) group games, no teams play twice, so I’d have to make 10 individual applications (if viable?) and I’d certainly not want to risk doing that through one or two accounts, if UEFA will even let you? Might change my mind a bit after Saturday, but maybe only one or two games max…anything with Portugal obviously! :sneaky:

    So, assuming there is parallel General Public sale, as the FAQ indicate there maybe, I think I’ll just sick with that and then the FCFS.

    Albania V Path C playoff should be easy to get…although that’s probably what my single game is anyway! :laugh:
  17. AlistairSinc

    AlistairSinc Member

    Real Madrid
    Nov 14, 2023
    Nat'l Team:
    Just wanted to be sure it's 10000 ticket per game for supporters of that particular FA?
  18. Eden82

    Eden82 Member

    Nov 9, 2023
    The same here. Indeed this suggests that you will be able to do a new application after the draw and your next application will appear on that page.
  19. nk77

    nk77 Member

    Nov 14, 2023
    Is anyone else seriously confused with how the remaining ticket sales will look :cry:
  20. ValenAle.

    ValenAle. Member

    Port Vale
    May 31, 2021
    The average general allocation across the tournaments in 2016 and 2020 ( pre Covid) was 16% of capacity each for PNAs so it’s likely going to vary by venue......but they have not published a guide this time.
    AlistairSinc repped this.
  21. ratters

    ratters Member

    Leicester City
    May 19, 2016
    United Kingdom
    Nat'l Team:
    Many PNA's are saying it's 10000 for group games regardless of venue, the rules have changed for Euro 2024.

    "For each of the group stage matches, fans of the participating teams are allocated a quota of 10,000 tickets."
    LaParka710 and ValenAle. repped this.
  22. ValenAle.

    ValenAle. Member

    Port Vale
    May 31, 2021
    That’s hardly surprising as UEFA (and FIFA in fairness) seem to make things up as they go along every tournament, don’t provide much in the way of clarity in advance and 2020 was disrupted by COVID, so is not a great model (and 2016 and 2020 did not match this timescale)....exciting isn’t it! :rolleyes:
  23. ValenAle.

    ValenAle. Member

    Port Vale
    May 31, 2021
    So possibly good news and bad news for neutrals depending on the venue......more bad than good overall but of course they may have cut back the other allocations rather than the general public one?

    My suspicions on why no ticketing guide anymore is some journos were asking too many difficult questions about the splits?
    LaParka710 repped this.
  24. welshbairn

    welshbairn Member+

    Jul 31, 2019
    I see Germany has a separate membership for this tournament only, costs 5 euros and today is the deadline for joining. Looks like some tickets have been set aside just for this..

    TyBoogie80, hearts123 and timelessmelody repped this.
  25. belfasteric

    belfasteric Member+

    Northern Ireland
    Apr 22, 2014
    Northern Ireland
    Glentoran FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Northern Ireland
    I read through this yesterday, but it could be like going into the Scottish ballot with 9 points you'd have absolutely no chance... Everything I've read is all team's are getting 10,000 tkts per group game but the associations may not give the whole 10,000 tkts to their fan base they may keep 1000 for family n friends of players etc

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