UEFA - Euro 2024 in Germany * Ticket discussion only *

Discussion in 'Euro 2024 - Germany' started by Wankdorf 1954, May 10, 2022.

  1. Ian Forrester

    Ian Forrester New Member

    Stoke City
    Aug 2, 2019
    Gotcha! It's always risky but since the tickets are now mobile you can prove someone has them by showing a screenshot of the transfer to paypal. Either way, waiting until everyone has tickets in hand is the best option. Paying now would definitely create an issue given the games are 4 months away. Best wait
    Glamourboy10 repped this.
  2. Fadibrahim15

    Fadibrahim15 Member

    Real Madrid
    Aug 28, 2022
    If there are special offers/advantages, then it must be today I think. Or else everything will go into resale.
    luck2607 repped this.
  3. Berks123

    Berks123 Member

    Jan 25, 2024
    I’m waiting until the end of this week.
  4. welshbairn

    welshbairn Member+

    Jul 31, 2019
    Maybe so, but Paypal don't offer any Seller's Protection for digital goods. If I sell tickets it will be friends and family or Revolut.
    LaParka710 repped this.
  5. Real Mardin

    Real Mardin Member

    Galatasaray & Nottingham Forest
    Aug 22, 2019
    I seem to remember for Euro 2020 they started going on sale on a weekday afternoon (1pm GMT rings a bell) without much prior notice. Seem to remember an e-mail going out on the morning of sale.
    Berks123 repped this.
  6. ratters

    ratters Member

    Leicester City
    May 19, 2016
    United Kingdom
    Nat'l Team:
    Looking at the old Euro 2020 pre-Covid thread, there were personal offers from Feb 17th and then resale started on Feb 28th, with sale starting at 2:00pm CET.

  7. Ostepopmannen

    Ostepopmannen Member

    Feb 6, 2024
    Nat'l Team:
    You guys would know this, I have searched through these 130 pages without finding the answer:
    Can you attend two games on the same day?

    I mean, I am in Germany on June 15 and there's a chance to see a game in Cologne on 3pm, have some que after the game and still be able to reach the game in Dortmund on 9pm.

    UEFA did not let us apply for two games on the same day, which is good, but when you got a ticket to a game on the first round, they did let you apply for another game on round 2. I did not want to "risk" anything, though.

    Just trying to know if I will be able to swap to a Hungary - Switzerland ticket (Cologne June 15) when I already have a ticket to Italy - Albania (Dortmund June 15).
  8. sats

    sats Member

    Jun 23, 2006
    Yes you can attend as many games as possible on the same day. However, you can’t buy tickets for 2 matches on the same day via the portal.
  9. popularside

    popularside Member+

    Dec 14, 2009
    Nat'l Team:
    Ireland Republic
    Yes and I plan to do both. That is the only day where I believe it is possible.

    There is plenty of time to get between the games.

    It may not be possible to hold both tickets in the app. If travelling with somebody else maybe one of you hold both for Cologne and the other hold both for Dortmund.

    Otherwise you will need 2 UEFA accounts and either sign in/our or better use a 2nd phone. You don't need a SIM or WiFi just bluetooth.
    manulike repped this.
  10. ValenAle.

    ValenAle. Member

    Port Vale
    May 31, 2021
    Based on 2020 as indicated above, (but I’m not sure that’s a good model for anything tbh!) there may still be ‘offers’ before the end of the month or general opening of the FCFS portal, but nobody really knows and UEFA are not telling.:whistling:
    Berks123 and LaParka710 repped this.
  11. Fadibrahim15

    Fadibrahim15 Member

    Real Madrid
    Aug 28, 2022
    4 months for the tournament and we're yet to have a proper sales phase (FCFS or Resale).
    It's becoming frustrating, we only had lottery chances where we competed with 27 million other applications lol. I need tickets for the R16 which weren't even available through federations, and I need to get them early so I can apply for my Visa to Germany.
    Not only this, but the wait is obviously increasing the cost of hotels and transportation.
    For the World Cup, 6 months before the tournament I had a game for every day of my stay in Qatar.
  12. AlexCr

    AlexCr Member

    Nov 13, 2023
    well it was known from the beginning that the fcfs will be just in March 2024. what do you mean by "weren't even available through federations"? KO Rounds tickets were only supposed to be available only by lottery so far
  13. Fadibrahim15

    Fadibrahim15 Member

    Real Madrid
    Aug 28, 2022
    Exactly what am I talking about. It's not logical to open the ticket sales for such a huge tournament just 3 months before, people need to prepare earlier.
    By the federations part: Tickets were available for group games through federations, while knockouts weren't for obvious reasons. My point is that accordingly they are holding something close to 70-80% of the tickets of the knockouts up until we're closer to the tournament, which will obviously harm planning.
    Untitled, Anoo and LawMan81 repped this.
  14. AlexCr

    AlexCr Member

    Nov 13, 2023
    there are a lot of people who are already well prepared for the tournament and there are plenty of options for accomodations with free cancel option. in fact the only issue is about airplane bookings but to be fair that's not a problem for at least 40% of people because Germany is easily accesible by car.
    don't get me wrong i understant your point and your problem but UEFA don't really care about this. there will always be someone to buy
  15. popularside

    popularside Member+

    Dec 14, 2009
    Nat'l Team:
    Ireland Republic
    Normally the knockouts are sold via the federations at this point. Fans get a refund if their national team doesn't make it. I think the Dutch and the English are the only ones to have done so this time.
  16. ValenAle.

    ValenAle. Member

    Port Vale
    May 31, 2021
    Not sure where you are getting 70-80% from as for Euro 2016 and 2020, PNA’s got about 32% of capacity, so about 16% capacity each on average across the tournament (well, until Covid stepped in!).

    England are expecting a general allocation of 6,000 to R16 and QF, 7,000 for Semi and 10,000 for Final based on their lottery results communication, assuming they get there.
  17. ratters

    ratters Member

    Leicester City
    May 19, 2016
    United Kingdom
    Nat'l Team:
    There have been no England knockout sales yet. Some people have been notified that they are guaranteed a ticket based on relatively low assumed allocations.
    popularside and MatD434 repped this.
  18. MatD434

    MatD434 Member

    Dec 11, 2023
    Not sure what's going to make me go more crazy, refreshing the resale platform 1000 times a day once it's open, or the wait for it to open in the first place...
    Marcus2116 repped this.
  19. ratters

    ratters Member

    Leicester City
    May 19, 2016
    United Kingdom
    Nat'l Team:
    Bookmark the match pages for the games you want and get one of the auto refresh add-ins for Chrome or Safari that play an alarm if the screen changes (I.e. tickets available).
    I’m sure there are scripts that will also select tickets but I’m not that technical.
    DaBull13 and LaParka710 repped this.
  20. LaParka710

    LaParka710 Member

    Feb 20, 2020
    I also wish that UEFA was more communicative when it came to tickets because I am hoping for a couple of more matches. However, I think people are discounting that demand for this Euros might just be higher than the past few tournaments. I doubt that I am alone in saying that I had no interest in going to Russia and Qatar for the last two WC's. Even before Covid, the last Euros was going to be unique in a way that ticket demand probably wasn't going to be as high because of the transportation issues that are not really here for this one.

    I imagine there are tickets that UEFA has now that they are going to make available for sale eventually, but they might have to wait for sponsors before they can actually sell them. It sucks that everyone has not gotten the tickets they wanted yet, but I think this tournament is just going to require a little more hustle in terms of the resale platform and other ways to acquire tickets.
    Pompey in Devon and CS24 repped this.
  21. hearts123

    hearts123 Member+

    May 18, 2009
    Assuming things go as expected for England I have tickets for their QF and SF.
  22. ratters

    ratters Member

    Leicester City
    May 19, 2016
    United Kingdom
    Nat'l Team:
    I have nothing yet for knockouts although hotels are booked for 1st and 2nd paths. I should be ok to get England PNA tickets but not guaranteed and allocations are a bit hazy. It is frustrating and creates cost exposure, I won't know if I have a PNA ticket until after the last group game.
  23. Anoo

    Anoo Member

    Liverpool FC
    Mar 30, 2022
    What's England's knockout QF number assigned by UEFA? Is it 48?
  24. themanlarry

    themanlarry Member+

    Nov 14, 2005
    It's just whichever one they end up in. Study the schedule PDF.

    Aslong as they win their R16:
    -top of group would be #48
    -2nd in group would be #45
    -3rd in group and enough to qualify would be either #46 or #47
    hearts123 and Anoo repped this.
  25. ValenAle.

    ValenAle. Member

    Port Vale
    May 31, 2021
    Larry, you missed out if they finish bottom! ;)
    Untitled, sats, GingerAndy96 and 4 others repped this.

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