Uefa attacking "Divers"?

Discussion in 'Portugal' started by Briosa a frente, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. Briosa a frente

    Briosa a frente New Member

    Sep 3, 2004
    Winnipeg, (Coimbra)
    This could be a welcome sign. But poor for Portugal because we live on the dive. I'm not saying that we are the only ones that do it

    UEFA Quer Acabar Com Simulações
    À atenção dos Simões, Liedsons, JVPs e outros "mergulhadores" deste país:

    A UEFA está a ponderar a possibilidade de, no futuro, recorrer a imagens televisivas para combater aquilo que considera ser uma praga do futebol europeu: as simulações de faltas.

    «É importante que a UEFA envie uma mensagem de alerta àqueles que praticam simulações nos relvados de futebol e contribuem, assim, para resultados deturpados. Quem procura enganar o árbitro estará sujeito a procedimentos disciplinares», ameaça Peter Limacher, membro do órgão disciplinar da UEFA, que frisou tratar-se de «perseguição aos responsáveis por simulações, por tratar-se de um recurso antidesporivo».

    Mergulhar na grande área em busca de uma grande penalidade ou simular ter sido agredido pode passar a ser punido à posterior, caso o árbitro não se aperceba das ifracções. Nesse caso, se as imagens televisivas provarem que houve intenção de enganar o juíz, a UEFA pode punir, posteriormente, os infractores ou despenalizar quem tenha sido castigado sem ter cometido qualquer falta.
  2. NoNameBoys

    NoNameBoys New Member

    Apr 28, 2004
    A Catedral
    Well, that's the end of Deco. :D
  3. Portoholic

    Portoholic New Member

    Sep 4, 2004
    Toronto, Canada
    FC Porto
    Nat'l Team:
    Yeah, because diving is the reason he achieved so much with Porto. :rolleyes:
  4. christosap

    christosap New Member

    Jul 12, 2004
    he hasn't been doing it at barca, i haven't seen it anyway and i have seen a lot of their games so far.
  5. JuveleoRules

    JuveleoRules Member

    Jun 8, 2002
    New Jersey, U.S.A.
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    If they ever do the same in South America, what will happen to Brazilian Futebol. They are the originators of the "Dive" and exaggerating injuries.

    Can anyone say "Rivaldo":D

    Now please if you are Brazilian don't attack me, I am not the one diving:D

    This on the surface seems like the way to go, UEFA has a good idea here.

    Just look at what Rooney did last week. And that is suppose to be such a great league with great Refs. And even they bought into the act.

    "Lets go to the video tape"
  6. NoNameBoys

    NoNameBoys New Member

    Apr 28, 2004
    A Catedral
    Dude, relax. It's incredible how you can't say anything on these boards without someone freaking out. Did I say Deco sucked? Did I say he never achieved anything? Deco is an amazing player, and one of my favorites. The thing is, he's one of the biggest divers around, that's all. I was just having a little fun. I'm not taking anything away from the guy. People are so sensitive around here.
  7. NoNameBoys

    NoNameBoys New Member

    Apr 28, 2004
    A Catedral
    His performance in the Turkey game at WC2002 was the most memorable Oscar worthy performance ever. :D
  8. Portoholic

    Portoholic New Member

    Sep 4, 2004
    Toronto, Canada
    FC Porto
    Nat'l Team:
    I was just poking a little fun back at you. I'm quite calm. I don't come to this board to stress out my friend. :) I just thought your post was a little more of the ongoing and eternal jabs Porto and Benfica fans take at each other's teams. Sorry if it seemed as if I freaked out, that is actually not the case at all. It's just that anytime you hear a Benfica supporter saying something about Deco, you figure it's rooted in a little bit of FC Porto hatred. :D
  9. Briosa a frente

    Briosa a frente New Member

    Sep 3, 2004
    Winnipeg, (Coimbra)
    After watching the Weekend games i came to the conclusion that if the Uefa comes out with innitiatives but the Ref are to afraid to follow them then they are worthless.

    I watched countless dives in all of the European leagues, EPL Bundes, la liga, Seria A, etc. there is a rule already in existance that allows the ref to Yellow card a player if the dive. So why are they not using that option. If a star player dives and the ref does not call it a foul and indicates the play to carry on then the next move would be to yellow card the diver at the next stopage of play.

    Examples of this. Figo performed a wonderous DIVE in their last game against Malaga. play continued Figo stayed down then rolled off the field and waited for medical attention, yet he received no card. Figo was not touched ref indicared no foul on Figo, why is he not carded.
    If the ref will not follow the rules set out then the players will keep on doing this until they get stopped.
  10. NoNameBoys

    NoNameBoys New Member

    Apr 28, 2004
    A Catedral
    It's all good. Deco's not at Porto anymore, so I wouldn't use him in any digs against FCP anymore. Derlei is my new dive target at FCP. ;)
  11. england66

    england66 Member+

    Jan 6, 2004
    dallas, texas
    Uefa probably did this with the portuguese league ( diving champions of the world) in mind....sure it OCCASIONALY happens in the EPL...it happens every five minutes in portugal...
  12. JuveleoRules

    JuveleoRules Member

    Jun 8, 2002
    New Jersey, U.S.A.
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    Obviously you are stuck somewhere on Mars, my suggestion would be to go back to the EPL forum and suck arse.

    By the way if you remember England66 like your handle reads, you will know well how Portugal and Eusebio were ripped off by you English Arseholes.

    Final Point, if you wish to come on the Portuguese soccer forum and add nothing to the thread, my suggestion would be to go have some warm beer a meat pie and then blow it out your arse mate.
  13. england66

    england66 Member+

    Jan 6, 2004
    dallas, texas
    now,now...the personal attacks are not neccessary....I have it on good authority from soccer people living in portugal that the super liga is home to the world's diving championships. The games I have seen only confirm this...
  14. JuveleoRules

    JuveleoRules Member

    Jun 8, 2002
    New Jersey, U.S.A.
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    I always love when someone writes: " i was told that this happens there" While some diving does go on, it doesn't happen any more frequently than any other league. Just a characteristic of the Modern Player. I don't beleive I have watched a game were someone doesn't exaggerate a foul.

    Case in point, biggest game of the year so far in the EPL and the most promising young star in English Football Rooney does a Jacknife into the penalty area and Man U eeck out a victory. Well done mate!
  15. NoNameBoys

    NoNameBoys New Member

    Apr 28, 2004
    A Catedral
    So then just watch the EPL and leave the Superliga for us fans that know how to aprreciate it. By the way, diving is a problem in WORLD football, not just the Portuguese league, thanks.
  16. JuveleoRules

    JuveleoRules Member

    Jun 8, 2002
    New Jersey, U.S.A.
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    Well said, and thanks for the back up....

    Oh No.....:eek: did I just thank a Benfica supporter.

    What is this world coming to?:D
  17. england66

    england66 Member+

    Jan 6, 2004
    dallas, texas
    no doubt you are correct...it's just a bigger problem in portugal...
  18. Briosa a frente

    Briosa a frente New Member

    Sep 3, 2004
    Winnipeg, (Coimbra)
    Diving is a problem all over the world, but to say that it is a bigger problem when you have addmited that you don't watch the games is like me saying that all english fan are nothing but Hooligans because of the Newspapers I have read.
  19. Portista69

    Portista69 New Member

    Sep 6, 2004
    FC Porto
    Nat'l Team:
    It's about time something is being done to these actors and there's a lot of them!
  20. Portoholic

    Portoholic New Member

    Sep 4, 2004
    Toronto, Canada
    FC Porto
    Nat'l Team:
    How often do you watch the Superliga for you to know this?
  21. NoNameBoys

    NoNameBoys New Member

    Apr 28, 2004
    A Catedral
    A bigger problem in Portugal? :confused:

    A few thoughts...

    1) What do you care about the Portuguese league?

    2) Concentrate on your EPL problems like fan violence. You can't go to a game without having racist chants or chairs thrown at you. I figure it's slightly more disturbing than diving.
  22. england66

    england66 Member+

    Jan 6, 2004
    dallas, texas
    you guys are so sensitive to this, almost as if you think every other league in the world dives like crazy...except the super liga...2 years ago in the eufa cup final the Porto players were a disgrace and you can't deny that
  23. JuveleoRules

    JuveleoRules Member

    Jun 8, 2002
    New Jersey, U.S.A.
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    To put this thing to bed, since I don't want you read your senseless, mindless, non thought producing posts:

    We are not being overly sensitive, YOU "attacked" something that we here are very passionate about. (Futebol Portugues)

    Not only did you attack, but your post was nonsense and based not on facts or first hand accounts but on perception. To top it off this "perception" came to you second hand.

    You probably watched the UEFA Cup Final, where Porto beat Celtic. (Fair and square) and since Scotland shares the same land mass as your England you had some sense of allegiance and felt "ripped off"

    Porto did not win that game because they dove, or exaggerated some fouls. They were the better team.

  24. NoNameBoys

    NoNameBoys New Member

    Apr 28, 2004
    A Catedral
    Did I say at any time that there was no diving in the Superliga? No.

    Who won that game 2 years ago? Porto did.

    Because they cheated? No, because they scored one more goal than Celtic.

    Now go back to your english stadiums and whip some chairs at the opposition fans.
  25. AntiLampioes

    AntiLampioes New Member

    Aug 23, 2004

    Obviously you are a disgruntled England fan. Best bet would be for you to go to Wembley Stadium (if the construction is done) buy a couple of Pints of Guiness and then start beating up the rival fans.

    Isn't this what the Brits are good at? :D

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