Portugal U17 will be one of the favorites to win the Four nations tournament in Spain http://www.fpf.pt/dnoticias.php?subaction=showfull&id=1098285286&archive=&start_from=&ucat=21&
Roy Silva going to be happy Totti [Southampton] was called for the tournament, Sporting with 10 players, Real Madrid with 1, Fulham with 1, Benfica with 2, and Porto with 6 Boavista FC: Pedro Carneiro; CF "Os Belenenses": Carlos Alves e Figueiredo; FC Porto: André Monteiro, Castro, Daniel Candeias, Hugo Guedes, Hugo Monteiro e Rui Pedro; Fulham FC: Lino Real Madrid CF: Yago Fernandez; SC Braga: Bispo SL Benfica: Edgar Martins e Manuel Gama; Southampton FC: Totti; Sporting CP: Daniel Carriço, Fábio Paim, João Gonçalves, João Martins, Pereirinha; Ricardo Nogueira, Rui Patrício, Simão Coutinho e Vasco Campos. Após o treino de domingo seis dos 24 jogadores inicialmente convocados serão dispensados, seguindo então os restantes 18 para o Torneio Internacional "4 Nações".
finally Portugal called up Totti, i never herad of that Lino of Fulham, a pretty international team to u-17, Fulham, Galacticos and Saints
Lino [Fulham] and Yago at Real Madrid very little is mention but Yago been called before he most be a son of a portuguese lady and spanish father
nice to see that NT coaches are paying attention to our kids abroad. check this link (hope you guys understand french!): http://www.webgirondins.com/breves.php?id=256
in Spain between the 24 and 29 of Oct, with Portugal, Spain Greece and Italy Espanha entre 24 e 29 de Outubro, e que juntará, além das formações Ibéricas, as Selecções da Grécia e da Itália.
Well at least they found Totti. Remember everyone he is only 15 and should be playing with the under 16 team. So he is playing 2 age groups above where he should be. Now if only they can find Ricardo Vaz Te
I hope that Portugal takes care of business. Beating Greece, Italy and Spain would be awesome. What a team Paim feeding the awesome strike force of Daniel Candieas and Aristole De Carvelho ( Totti )
and to think in a couple of years these kids will be a lethal tandem. it aint even funny when we have so much talent and everyone is looking elsewhere.dont get me wrong the portuguese federation is doing a good jobnot a great and it goes to show how the young talent in england goes nowhere. take it from me i pick totti to be the best prospect in years. cr is good but itseems that built expectaions he has might fail meaning he has to much on his plate. whereas totti is a unknown therfore the positive outways the negative. this kids a bluecollar he loves and breathes soccer and ive seen this kid play lets just say in person he is a force to be reckoned with. watch out!
Jeci 2 questions for you 1) Is Totti a striker 2) Since you seen him play and not that it matter is he big small black or white and how would you describe him as a player
black or white it dont make a difference. ive seen him in practice with my friends andthe things he can do just mingbottling a trickster and a lethal shooter. great stamina and pretty big kid maybe 5'10 or 5,11 maybe i could be wrong cause im 5,9 he looked alittle bigger oh well!he just impressed me he got a fan for life. ronaldo watch out. ps: i really do think he should be playing in portugal his type of attacking by the way he can play midfield or striker. buti prefer him as a striker. just give him the ball and let it flow. hope ihe scores 5 goals this weeks hes capable of doing that. t-dot is the place. wow! (york university building a new soccer stadium just 15 minutes from my house. and the world youth championships are coming maybe i can get pictures with totti, vas te and more great portuguese talent. ciao
first game Portugal-0-Italy-2 Edgar Borges apresentou o seguinte onze inicial: Daniel Carriço, Carlos Alves (Edgar Martins, 77m), João Martins, Fábio Paim (Lino Gonçalves, 60m), João Gonçalves (Tiago Figueiredo, 77m), Daniel Candeias, Rui Pedro (André Castro, 72m), Hugo Guedes, Pedro Carneiro, André Monteiro (Ricardo Madeira, 60m), Yago Fernandez. Daniel Carriço (25 m.) e Yago Fernandez (55 m.) viram o cartão amarelo.
Italy 2 - Portugal 0 I've chatted with Candeias before the game. The team played in 4-3-3, with the following distribution: GK Hugo Guedes (=Ventura) RBPedro Carneiro CD Daniel Carriço e Yago Fernandez LB Carlos Alves (Edgar Martins, 77m) MD (defensive) João Martins M (right) João Gonçalves (Tiago Figueiredo, 77m) M (left) Rui Pedro (André Castro, 72m) left wing Fábio Paim (Lino Gonçalves, 60m) right wing André Monteiro (Ricardo Madeira, 60m) striker Daniel Candeias btw, Candeias is also a Paim fan. "ele já é craque", he said. Italy scored at 7'. Portugal reacted, got sevreal oportunities, but it was Italy that scored again at 84' (source: www.fpf.pt). If I manage to chat again with Candeias I'll ask him about Totti. It could be that he is too "green" for u17 and will play u16 instead. Visit my blog. For those who cannot read Portuguese, I put a google translate link on the right side bar. http://esperancaportista.blogspot.com
What did Candieas say about Paim. I can not read Portuguese really well. and In Today"s game Spain 3 Portugal 2 scoring for Portugal Daniel Candieas and Lino Gongalves from Fulham.
the worse show by a portuguese U17 team in years Greece the champion, Portugal was last we need Magno Fonseca from Beira-Mar http://www.fpf.pt/dnoticias.php?subaction=showfull&id=1099004372&archive=&start_from=&ucat=21&
My chat with Candeias was along this lines: me:"Do you play "Championship Manager"? Cand: "yes, sometimes. but i do not show up" me: "Paim does" Cand: "but he already is a "craque" (made player), he plays a lot" I wouldn't draw too much conclusions of this games. We played very strong teams, and experiments were being held. Let's hope for the real thing. One interesting point is the situation of Bruno Gama. He only turned 17 recently (in October) so I think he can still play u17. He has not been called to any of the qualifyings (u17-u19), perhaps to keep his options open (maybe after playing u19 e cannot go back? anyone knows about this?) http://esperancaportista.blogspot.com/ http://esperancaportista.blogspot.com/2004/09/estrela-em-ascenso-daniel-candeias.html http://esperancaportista.blogspot.com/2004/09/esperana-na-equipa-b-bruno-gama.html