U.S. "Fever Pitch". Baseball the right sport?

Discussion in 'Arsenal' started by Jeff L, Aug 24, 2002.

  1. Jeff L

    Jeff L Member

    May 12, 2002
    Arsenal FC
    With it being announced that "Fever Pitch" is to be re-made with a U.S. theme, I wonder, is baseball the right sport to base it on. Although probably "America's sport" (albeit it's origins lay in English cricket and "rounders"), does it have the same impact or similarities as say, American football, basketball, or ice hockey.
    At least in those sports, one could consider a "final minute Breakthrough" "a la" Michael Thomas, whereby maybe a running back has 4 or 5 defenders to get by iin dramatic fashion to score the winning touchdown; (same either in ice hockey or baseball), or a field goal just clearing the posts in the final minute, (like the penalty that Dennis Bergkamp DIDN'T score against Man. Utd.).
    Baseball doesn't appear to have that "final contact" either legal or illegal to override, or get by in order to bring about the "thrill" (an understatement!!) as on 26th May 1989.
    I doubt in any event the film will have the same passion as the original, but what do you think on baseball as being the correct choice of sport?
    (P.S. My "only regret" about Fever Pitch was not being in it! I was working in Highbury at the time, and they wanted Arsenal supporters to "play themselves". Probably the final scene for about 3 days filming.
    Did not have enough days left to take off. IDIOT!!
    SHOULD HAVE "GONE SICK". What a classic!!!!!!
  2. McGinty

    McGinty Member

    Aug 29, 2001
    Sporting Kansas City
    Again, it should be a New York Rangers (hockey) fan in 1994.
  3. Coach_McGuirk

    Coach_McGuirk New Member

    Apr 30, 2002
    Between the Pipes
    Or Stars over Buffalo, 1999. I could reprise the scene where I ran into my newborn (3 mos.) son's room seconds after the final goal and brought him into the living room to dance with his Dad and see the Stanley Cup skated around....

    But, in all actuality, yes, the Rangers in '94 would fit better. Unless maybe it's the Cowboys winning against San Francisco in the NFC Title in 1992 after 10 years of purely crap-tacular play that I personally had to suffer through.
  4. Gunnersaurus

    Gunnersaurus Member

    Mar 24, 2001
    Jurassic Period
    Arsenal FC
    Baseball seems most appropriate, althought it may be a generation and several labor disputes too late.

    Which, oddly enough, reminds me of a story. (Like you were expectiing something else from your friendly 7'6" green fuzzy dino-pal?)

    Some 10 years ago, on the eve of my brother's marriage, the family gathered for a dinner. My then-future brother-in-law, Gilly, approached my dad and his brother (sorry, lots of brotherly things going on here...). He posed the question, "So, you guys were Gians fans, huh? Do you know who was on deck when Bobby Thompson hit the home run?"

    Now, you'll have to excuse a bit of innocence on the part of Gilly, seeing as how he's been a lifelong Senators fan. But, to the trivially-inclined, the answer is, well, rather trivial: it was none other than the talented youngster from Mobile, Alabama, Willie Mays. But my father and his brother took the discussion to a different level.

    Who led off the inning? (The big question:) Why ever was Gil Hodges holding him on first with a two-run lead, when the next single went to right? Which ankle did the guy break while sliding into third and he hit the bag too hard?

    Gilly was dumbfouded. Especially when the two brothers agreed on which two Giants subs carried the stretcher off the field with the injured player, though they couldn't agree on who carried the head-end, and who carried the foot-end.

    I think baseball really died in 1986, when Red Sox fans basically ran Bill Buckner out of town after they lost to the Mets in the Series. That, after a certain pitcher lost both the 6th and 7th games of said Series. And who had previously given up another home run, some years earlier, to the most beloved Bucky F. Dent.

    Can I say that some more? Bucky F. Dent. Bucky F. Dent. Bucky F. Dent. Bucky F. Dent.

    I could tell you where I was when the powerful Dent sent the spheroid rocketing over New England. But that would be another story.

    -G. Rex
  5. kygunner

    kygunner New Member

    Aug 12, 2001
    Winchester KY USA
    Have you ever seen a good football movie or hockey or basketball(Space Jam Was really good)? Baseball has alot of good movies(Bull Durham, The Natural, Major League, now that was a good flick, and recently The Rookie) It translates better to film. So it would seem more natural to use baseball, plus its "Americas past time".
  6. SABuffalo786

    SABuffalo786 New Member

    May 18, 2002
    Buffalo, New York
    I don't think Fever Pitch would like to make a movie about some undeserving city getting hockey's holy grail on an illegal goal. Buffalo has lived and died with their hockey club for 30 years. If you want to make a truly emotional film, shoot it from a Sabres fan point of view as the hicks steal our cup.
  7. Coach_McGuirk

    Coach_McGuirk New Member

    Apr 30, 2002
    Between the Pipes
    Wow, did I just open an old wound, or what? Sorry about that. By the way, the "hicks", as you so lovingly refer to us, live and breathe in the 8th largest city in the US, home to one of the world's busiest airports, and financial center of the southwest. You can have your say on the NHL's ruling on that goal, but, please, don't bash our city just because our bunch of Canadians beat your bunch of Canadians 3 years ago.
  8. dwinkler

    dwinkler New Member

    Aug 11, 2000
    Denver, CO
    Maybe he meant Tom Hicks, the money bags owner of the Stars and the Rangers?

    Coach, give the guy a break. It's been a rough summer for Sabres' fans.
  9. Coach_McGuirk

    Coach_McGuirk New Member

    Apr 30, 2002
    Between the Pipes
    I wasn't trying to give anyone a hard time. Besides, I am completely used to the "no goal" comments by now. It's just that every time anyone wants to denounce Dallas, it's either "rednecks" or "hicks" as if we're nothing but a bunch of bumpkins down here.
  10. kygunner

    kygunner New Member

    Aug 12, 2001
    Winchester KY USA
    Watch the bumpkin comments...for the most part Kentuckians are all bumpkins. Im a transplant from Denver so I dont count myself with them people.
  11. rifkin

    rifkin Member

    Mar 8, 2001
    Arsenal FC
    Hoosiers and Air Bud II.
  12. dwinkler

    dwinkler New Member

    Aug 11, 2000
    Denver, CO
    The Longest Yard, Slap Shot, Hoosiers.
  13. Ian Lozada

    Ian Lozada Member

    May 29, 2001
    The Pick Four Pool
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    ESPN Page 2 has been doing great sports movies all week.

    And there is no better sports movie than Slap Shot. I will not argue this.
  14. SABuffalo786

    SABuffalo786 New Member

    May 18, 2002
    Buffalo, New York
    And how. Please don't take offense, coach. Its just the Buffalo Jinx getting the better of me.
  15. revelation

    revelation Member+

    Dec 17, 1998
    FC St. Pauli
    FC Sankt Pauli
    While I concur that Slap Shot was a great film, the commentary from Bob and Bob in Mean Machine (with Vinnie Jones) is absolutely fabulous! I've seen the movie several times now and that sequence just keeps getting better...

    "...he must be ambidexterous, Bob."
    "I don't know about that, Bob, but he sure can use both feet!"
  16. Gunnersaurus

    Gunnersaurus Member

    Mar 24, 2001
    Jurassic Period
    Arsenal FC
    Player-Coach Reg Dunlop: Well? What did you say?

    Goalkeeper Denis Lemieux: I say, "Ooh hone da Chifs?"

    Reg: And what did he say?

    Denis: "Ooownz. Ooownz."

    -G. Rex
  17. dwinkler

    dwinkler New Member

    Aug 11, 2000
    Denver, CO

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