Tulsa's turn...

Discussion in 'MLS: Expansion' started by USRufnex, Aug 30, 2002.

  1. USRufnex

    USRufnex Red Card

    Tulsa Athletic / Sheffield United
    United States
    Jul 15, 2000
    Tulsa, OK
    another article in Tulsa World today... will post contents sometime after the Tulsa Univ vs. OU tonight at Skelly Stadium...

    I'm taking the Cows to beat the 72 point spread...

    umm... I mean the Golden Hurricane to beat the 72 point spread (yeah, I think that's tonight's points...)

    anyway, hoping this article has info on Thursday's meetings with Hunt...

  2. Sachin

    Sachin New Member

    Jan 14, 2000
    La Norte
    DC United
    72 point spread?

    That's the largest spread I've ever seen, except for Sigi's private postgame buffet.


    NACIONAL New Member

    Dec 31, 2001
    Medellin, Colombia
    what is spread??... i don't know what you are saying
  4. jmeissen0

    jmeissen0 New Member

    Mar 31, 2001
    page 1078
    it's basically the number of points one team is suppose to beat another team by
  5. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    NACIONAL...it's how people bet on football. If the spread is 72 points, then in order for someone betting on Oklahoma to win the bet, OK has to win by more than 72 points. For someone betting on Tulsa to win the bet, Tulsa has to lose by less than 72 points.

    Or win the game. :)

    It's about betting. It's not really a measured guess as to what the final margin of the game will be. The purpose of the point spread is to get half the people on each side of the bet. Then the bookie can't lose; he collects the vig and goes home happy.
  6. USRufnex

    USRufnex Red Card

    Tulsa Athletic / Sheffield United
    United States
    Jul 15, 2000
    Tulsa, OK
    okay... the 72 point spread was an obscure reference to Southpark...
  7. USRufnex

    USRufnex Red Card

    Tulsa Athletic / Sheffield United
    United States
    Jul 15, 2000
    Tulsa, OK
    Las Vegas oddsmakers have "the spread" which is traditionally published in newspapers to say which team is favored and by how many points...

    I lied. The actual point spread was 36 1/2... meaning if Okla. Univ. (a pre-season #1 college football team in some magazines) beats Univ of Tulsa (a team that hasn't had a winning record in over a decade) by 37 points they have "beaten the spread."

    The game was 3-0 at halftime but ended, strangely enough, at 37-0... anybody betting $$$ on Okla to "beat the spread" won some $$$...

    I got back late and slept late so the I'll start another thread on Friday's Tulsa World article... I looked in the sports section first but it turned out to be FRONT PAGE NEWS...

    That'll work.

    NACIONAL New Member

    Dec 31, 2001
    Medellin, Colombia
    well thanks superdave and USRufnex and jmeissen0

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