Troussier to coach Korea?

Discussion in 'Asian Football Confederation' started by watanabe2k, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. watanabe2k

    watanabe2k Member

    Sep 22, 2000
    Illinois, but Japan
    Jubilo Iwata
    Nat'l Team:
  2. shuvy87

    shuvy87 Member

    Oct 17, 2003
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I was bit suprised. hey do you why he quit couching JNT?
  3. jamisont

    jamisont Member

    Jan 30, 2002
    he says he knows JNT and KNT better than anyone else.. let him have a job at iran or china.
  4. toohyper

    toohyper Member+

    Mar 23, 2004
    Gwangju FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Korea Republic
    Troussier is a decent coach and not a bad choice for Korea...But i still would take Metsu over Troussier in a heartbeat...

    Troussier is only going to make Korea a decent football NT at best...i just don't think he has what it takes to put Korea as one of the best in the world...
  5. Soju Gorae

    Soju Gorae New Member

    Metsu was blessed with great players while his tenure at Senegal. South Korea needs a coach who will start from the ground up as Hiddink had done. Hiddink started from the foundation and while the desired result weren't shown right away through terrible losses that were humiliating, he continued to bulldoze his methods through to the idiotic KFA and reaped rewards in the long run. It wouldn't be an overstatement to say Hiddink took the pros and cons of each Korean player, got rid of the cons and magnified their strengths and what resulted was a South Korean team that seemed to work with one another like clockwork, with pin-point organization, and the Dutch brand of total football.

    As much as it is near impossible, I really want Hiddink back coaching our squad.

    If not him, Aime Jacquet, but I know this contradicts my criticism of MEtsu being blessed with great players, but I think Jacquet is a brilliant motivator and a leader that our players will respond well to. He's also stated years back that he would coach South Korea only on the condition that the KFA pay him an immense amount of money and also to allow him to set-up youth development programs. The latter request was what made me wish he would coach our squad. He, like Hiddink, was willing to start from the ground up.
  6. crom80

    crom80 New Member

    Jan 4, 2002
    only if hell freezes and the pig in hell learns to fly and we out number china's population

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