Trouble in Chicago

Discussion in 'Pro Indoor Soccer' started by the shelts, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. the shelts

    the shelts Member+

    Jun 30, 2005
    Providence RI
    Nottingham Forest FC
    I know the Storm fans have been told for the last 4 years that the Storm are in deep trouble. I know they respond back with protestations about how stable the Storm are.

    But I have been told by 3 seperate people, (2 that I know and 1 that I only know via this board) that there are some big money issues with the Storm and none of them saw how this could be a happy ending.

    Just throwing it out there. When you hear a rumour from one person sometimes you question the source, two who are unrelated I become interested and three unrelated people and it raises some questions.

    Anyone else hear this?
  2. FireFanKeith

    FireFanKeith Member

    Mar 6, 2000
    chicago,il usa
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    C'mon people speak up. The rumor that never dies has returned. Give us some solid info Shelts (who always starts this) or shut up. I heard from someone who knows someone is lame and old. Let's hear what you really know or you are no better than Livesoccernews the guy everyone criticizes. It is not that I wouldn't totally believe that the Storm are having money problems but it gets old year after year of folding rumors and yet the Storm play on. I am not looking through Storm colored glasses but fool me once shame on you fool me twice (five times in this case) shame on me.
  3. Soccer-Man

    Soccer-Man New Member

    Nov 12, 2005


    It's funny (sad actually) how the Storm aligned with the XSL knowing that their financial situation didn't support a divide of the old MISL. The more teams that surrounded the Storm, the better they could be assisted. Now the welfare system that kept them afloat is somewhat gone.

    This is not a rumor!!!!! We all know that the Storm has had and probably is having money woes. Mr. Hale this week spoke of how he has paid a $300,000 bailout to the Storm to keep them from folding. Well, lets see how long Milwaukee, NJ, and Detriot throw money at this sieve. Lets see how funny it is, when they have to spend their own money. I guess when the shoe is on the other foot, one tends to walk strange.


  4. Indoor Forever

    Indoor Forever New Member

    Feb 21, 2008
    I don't think it was only Mr. Hale who put up money to help bailout the Storm
  5. Indoor Alter Ego

    Indoor Alter Ego New Member

    Nov 4, 2008
    Why would any team help bail out another team? It seems a league is only as good as it's weakest link, so why let the weakest link remain weak? Cut your losses and move on.

    If Ed Hale was financing the Storm, he should be happy he is no longer associated with the Storm rather than being bitter.

    Blast home opener in 8 days I'll be there will you?
  6. Cohnny

    Cohnny New Member

    Oct 22, 2008
    It looks worse to have teams fail than it does to support the team.
    MLB did it with the Expos, I'm sure there are other examples but it's Friday and I'm at a loss.

    Cut and run would work in certain situations and this may be one, it depends on the support from the community to be honest, people don't buy tickets it's not worth it.
  7. Redknapp11

    Redknapp11 New Member

    Jan 1, 2001
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    If each team is throughing in an equal amount to keep the Storm alive, then it's a smart move by the other owners.

    Selling indoor is tough, selling indoor with four teams is even tougher. The process of selling the XSL is made a little easier when you can boast a market like Chicago as apart of your overall package.

    The other mitigating factor in having the Storm around is travel costs. With having Milwaukee,Detroit and Jersey involved, the clubs are keeping the travel costs to a minimum. With no trips to Cali,Mexico or Fla apart of the mix, these teams will be able to save a ton of cash. Spme or maybe even all of those savings could be going to the Storm but considering the current circumstances of the XSL, it's really just going back into the league.

    The other owners and the league front office know what they are up for. The commish of the league is the former GM of the Storm, so don't be expecting anyone to be asking for the easy button anytime soon.
  8. Headhunter21

    Headhunter21 Member

    Apr 14, 2007
    Milwaukee, WI
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I believe some of this information that Shelts is sharing is residual information still left over from the MISL days. Yes, Chicago had their financial woes. But for the most part, I believe they are in a stable enough position right now to move forward with this season in the XSL. Obviously the new business plan of the XSL has brought some financial relief for Chicago, but they will still need to produce an attractive product on the field, just like the other 3 teams. But eliminating travel costs will be huge. 10 less games means 5 less travel costs, and 5 less rental fees for the Sears Centre. That's a big savings right there. With taking a bus to Milwaukee and Detroit, you're saving quite a bit right there as well. I think that Chicago will do okay. They will eventually right their ship and move forward.
  9. Soccer-Man

    Soccer-Man New Member

    Nov 12, 2005
    Mr. Headhunter 21, I hate to break the news to you, but there is NO "new business plan" in the XSL.

    This league still employs the business philosophies of the Great Commissioner Steve Ryan. The XSL is still a single entity. This lack of a real and viable business approach will always keep Chicago down. The league is in trouble, so look for the levees to break real soon.

    The Storm would have been stronger in the NISL. There is real cooperation and more money. Nevertheless, they made their bed, now they must lie in it.
  10. Redknapp11

    Redknapp11 New Member

    Jan 1, 2001
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    The NISL is single entity.... the XSL is not.

    There is a business plan, or so it has been stated. You nor I can truly make any stance as the league hasn't even officially kicked a ball yet... the future will hold the answer and untill then you can only look at the current status and information for each league and so far the XSL is miles and miles ahead of the other two.
  11. Cohnny

    Cohnny New Member

    Oct 22, 2008
    I've got to disagree, HH21 might be right with what he's said about keeping Chicago going as long as the cost cutting matters save them a decent amount of money.

    Is it a business plan, I'm not sold.

    Now give me back my soap box.
  12. Steamer

    Steamer New Member

    Jan 30, 2006
    Soccer-Man, how can the NISL be stronger than the XSL, when you lost one team before the season started, you brought in a rec team at the last minute, you have a former AISL team that might draw 1,000 fans per game, & the "strong" teams might be losing their arena?
    Plus, there is no cap. Doesn't make much sense to me. What's left of the NISL will be in the XSL in 2 years.
  13. Headhunter21

    Headhunter21 Member

    Apr 14, 2007
    Milwaukee, WI
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Soccer-Man. You, my friend, are very thick. I keep referring to a new business plan because the teams within the XSL all agreed to new terms of the league. 20 games instead of 30. A reduced salary cap to control costs. Decreasing the roster size to control costs. Paying the players additional money to make appearance, as that would be an incentive to them, and could produce a return on the investment. No playoff to control costs. Busing to 2 out of 3 teams to control costs. Reducing office staff in each team office to control costs. What part of this is not a new business plan, and what part of this do you not understand? The XSL is trying to do the right thing for the sake of the players, the fans, the owners, and the sport as a whole. We all get it now that this brand of soccer is never going to be a big 5 sport in this country. And I appreciate the efforts of all 4 of these owners to continue a sport that we all love. They could have easily cut their loses and bailed out. But the didn't. They took a new, more responsible approach to the game and brought it back down a few pegs. So please, tell me, what don't you get, or understand about this?
  14. wsls9999

    wsls9999 Member

    Aug 15, 2006
    Salisbury, MD
    Ah, the XSL signs players to the LEAGUE and they are assigned to teams, that is SINGLE ENTITY.

    The NISL signs players to their teams. They ARE NOT single entity.

    And Chicago's future probably has more to do with their owner having any money to spend on the team (does he?, why does he keep "borrowing"?).

    I'll give the XSL two pluses, nice website, haven't lost a team yet.

    The real evaluation of each league will come when the season is over and we see where we are at. On the NISL front, I'd be shocked if they didn't have at least 5 expansion franchises for next year (from what I've heard). Will they lose any during that time to, I don't know. Just hope not.

    Bottom line is, wait and see, and enjoy the game (if you have it) while you can.

    Philly looks like they have a new arena.

    There hasn't been a word on the Blast or the arena's status since they announced they would build on that site. I have a feeling, with the economy as is, the Blast will be playing at First Mariner for a few more years at least.

  15. 4everStorm

    4everStorm New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
    Your boy Mr. Hale is a liar ! He wanted the Storm gone even before they started. The board has been too quiet these days and you feel the need to stir it up.
    Each team in the XSL had to commit to 5 years,so I could say teams like the Blast are doomed after this year because they did not want to join a league where they had to commit to 5 years.
  16. Indoor Alter Ego

    Indoor Alter Ego New Member

    Nov 4, 2008
    You may want to rethink this statement Bucko.
  17. 4everStorm

    4everStorm New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
  18. Indoor Alter Ego

    Indoor Alter Ego New Member

    Nov 4, 2008
    Prepared to be SHOCKED them.
  19. Cohnny

    Cohnny New Member

    Oct 22, 2008
    Good features on the website, looks high school to me.

    I would be shocked if any league doubled the number of teams in one year. I've heard of that many teams being interested in the league, assuming the league does well, but actually joining, I wouldn't bet on it.

  20. 4everStorm

    4everStorm New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
    Far from it,he would not help anyone. Ed Hale is for Ed Hale. H ehated the Storm from day one and wanted them gone. Well Hale,the Storm does not have stadium issues.
  21. Cohnny

    Cohnny New Member

    Oct 22, 2008
    Bucko, huh? That sounds like Phil talk to me, not the most common word, I'm thinking I was right.
  22. 4everStorm

    4everStorm New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
    You for some reason soccer boy are jealous of the Storm, you are obsessed !
  23. JustKickin

    JustKickin New Member

    Jul 16, 2006
    It is a known fact that for the last few years, teh "league" has been helping fund the Storm. Ask the people form St. Louis. Whatever year that was that the Steamers folded, teh league had voted to financially supposrt St. louis or Chicago and the owners choose Chicago. It caused a lot of animosity among the owners because not all of the owners wanted to do it but had no choice. Ed Hale was not happy at all about doing it. Finally the well ran dry from the other owners. They were not only losing money with their own team but nw they were lsoing money giving it to Chicago.
  24. Indoor Alter Ego

    Indoor Alter Ego New Member

    Nov 4, 2008
    Wrong again Bucko
  25. skipper60601

    skipper60601 Member

    Aug 12, 2005
    Hibernian FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Joining the XSL obviously gives the Storm a better chance for survival with reduced travel expenses and a salary cap. I find it interesting that Hale and pro-NISL people like SoccerMan keep taking shots at the XSL while the XSL just goes on doing its own thing and doesn't worry about what the NISL people are saying. It sounds to me like the NISL people may be panicking a bit, the way the McCain campaign did toward the end.

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