...as opposed to "Top ten countries that do not have the best teams"? Toot, what are you trying to say?
looks good to me. I can't believe USA and Mexico are better than the 3rd best South American team but alas it is indeed true. Sorry state of affairs going on right now in South American football.
And here are the top 10 countries that have the best basketball teams: AMERICAS Argentina USA Brasil EUROPE Yugoslavia Germany Spain Russia
you didn't offend me ... I just wasn't sure if you had a point you were going to get to. of course it's john.
Re: Re: Top 10- Countries that have the best Soccer Teams.. i cant believe anyone agrees with toot top 10 list
Re: Re: Re: Top 10- Countries that have the best Soccer Teams.. me neither. condor, you're a wise man,
I think Argentinian guy had to include TURKEY instead of Russia because we beat them in Indianapolis and we played the final in 2001 European basketball championship. Dont worry about Ariel Ortega he is doing fine in Istanbul
from FIFA : 2008 1 Spain Spain 1657 0 Equal 14 2 Germany Germany 1413 1 Up 77 3 Italy Italy 1356 -1 Down -9 4 Netherlands Netherlands 1306 1 Up 48 5 Brazil Brazil 1286 -1 Down 6 6 Argentina Argentina 1181 1 Up -19 7 Croatia Croatia 1158 -1 Down -65 8 Russia Russia 1079 1 Up 3 9 Czech Republic Czech Republic 1062 -1 Down -49 10 Portugal Portugal 1058 0 Equal -17 10 England England 1058 4 Up 76 12 France France 1035 -1 Down 0 13 Turkey Turkey 1032 0 Equal 11 14 Cameroon Cameroon 1013 -2 Down -14 15 Israel Israel 1004 1 Up 43 16 Bulgaria Bulgaria 951 -1 Down -18 17 Paraguay Paraguay 934 5 Up 74 18 Greece Greece 907 -1 Down -38 19 Romania Romania 892 -1 Down -35 20 Ukraine Ukraine 883 -1 Down -10 21 Egypt Egypt 879 1 Up 19 22 Nigeria Nigeria 852 5 Up 34 23 Uruguay Uruguay 838 -3 Down -49 24 USA USA 834 -3 Down -27 25 Mexico Mexico 827 -1 Down -14 26 Ghana Ghana 805 -1 Down -34 27 Switzerland Switzerland
When it comes to best teams Mexico is obvious because of the amount of money the league offers. Some of the best players from the continent play in Mexico and therefore the teams are good. also, the money that is available is pretty well distributed, so not only one or two teams are rich while the rest are poor. Whoever puts the US on this list is nuts. The average MLS and USL teams can't touch the average south american squad. When it comes to the best teams per country, I have a hard time believing that the best MLS teams are better than from Ururugay, Chile, Colombia etc...especially when you consider the unbelievable talent coming out of these teams.
This is the current ranking of nations' international teams. I dont get the point of this thread; seems there are like 3 others just like it but with a different name.
Outside of the top four CONMEBOL leagues(Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Chile) there isn´t a lot of parity, and most clubs make their money selling their best players to bigger clubs, or abroad. There isn´t an ¨average¨ club in Uruguay, for example; just two big clubs (Peñarol and Nacional,) a club produces an enormous amount of talent but doesn´t hold on to it (Danubia,) and the rest which are mainly cannon fodder.