But frankly, I don't care. What are these "points" I see when I click on "My"? I see several things that appear to be green cards, which I have to assume is a good thing, and then one black one that some dude gave me for some smart comments I made about the monkey fvcking a football that was the thread on Esky's "handball". I have to assume that is a bad thing. Not that I'm losing any sleep over this "cyber-booking" but I am still curious as to what this is all about.
The green ones are rep you got from people for things you said that they liked, agreed with, thought were funny, or completely at random. The black/purple ones are rep from people who have no rep power, so they don't affect your total amount of points. They may not have liked what you said, how you said it, your screen name or your favorite team, but they are powerless to hurt you. The red ones are from people that didn't like what you said, how you said it, your screen name or your favorite team, but they have lots of green rep cards for themselves, so their bad rep hurts your total.
i guess i never say anything funny.. i rarely get anything. thankfully, they are normally good. except for one...
For the record, I believe that the way to get just oodles of these points is to hang out in the Free For All forum and do one of three things: 1) post pictures of scantilly clad women 2) insult people constantly, the more offensive the better 3) join one of the social cliques and share in group rep orgies Just in case you were curious. Cheers, Tim
You can put your mouse pointer over the green dots under your name to see how much people like you... "Nick_78 is on a distinguished road"
Joe, I somehow think that even a rep thread is going to help you! You would find a way to piss someone off and they'll give you neg rep instead of positive rep. And Joe ya know I love ya brotha... just gotta give you a hard time cause it seems like forever since I have seen you and been able to make fun of you in person. PS Someone please give Joe some rep for me, I can't give him any more.
The fact that you don't know probably just means that you have a decent sex life. --Oh $hit... I have REP points...
The thing still says I'm an unknown quantity. Go figure. I'd rather have rep (or failing that, a few frosty bevs) in 135 and lot 8.