park chu young his barley 20 21 has amazing future ahead of him his coming back from disappointing appearances in Asian cups and foot injury below is a video from his few years so far pay the man what ever he wants lol he would help out all around striker. Young age is the main thing sure he would move for a reasonable price he runs the 100m dash in 10 seconds. then i think we need to work on our midfield n get a new guy on the right who i dont know. I think the drafted guy is a future stinker trade ballouchy NOW!! i think our team is in rebuilding process and we won't have any title contention for awhile
I wouldn't be surprised is we got a DP from the selected area in this thread. He looks like a solid player, but could his skills stay the same in the MLS...
I made the comment the other night to GoRapids that it would nice to see the Rapids sign big Japanese or South Korean player. Heck, maybe the Rapids could find the North Korean version of Gallindo?
should of told them about park chu young for real 2007 was a big disapointment cuz of his foot injury but his fine now and not sure but think fc seoul wants to put him on market sounds like it
I don't know where the Rapids will be looking to add players, but Asia is a good place to look. Same with Aussie. I would like to see a solid striker brought into play, maybe even as a DP if he has the right ability to perform on that level. There are some good players out there, it is just a matter if the Rapids are willing to pay them to come...
fc is trying to get young guys learn from old guys that aren't worth a damn it sucks seriously theres a few people i know that i would say are atleast second team worthy in colorado but meh i guess if u don't got college or some sort of worthy leauge experince u can't get into the mls pretty sad theres not more open try outs if the rapids took the risk on a good euro players and won games would gain more fans which makes more money
If we look at this as a business model, there is not a need. They are opperating at 85% compacity(approx). They do not need to invest heavily on high priced talent since they technically had a great 1st year. Now if we see a huge drop off in attendance this season, then we could philosophize about the team and this premise, but as of right now, investment for high dollar talent could mean movement in a negative direction instead of the current direction of up.