They Needed a Minivan but Got a Gio: Reyna at Nottingham Forest (Olf Borussia Dortmund)

Discussion in 'Yanks Abroad' started by jond, Dec 6, 2017.

  1. madvillain

    madvillain Member+

    Aug 28, 2011
    Brooklyn Knights
    Yea who gives a shit. He's obviously not in the "clique" of (mostly) German vets that have led BVB to absolutely nothing of significant note in the last half decade. In which time they've had SEVERAL generational wonderkids come through, any of which keeping might have led them higher.

    Gio isn't in the class right now (he was a few years ago) and he can go elsewhere and prosper again. ******** BVB they are a shit selling club with a 2nd place mentality.

    Gio is many things, but he ain't that.
    Namdynamo, wrench and 60611 repped this.
  2. zlatan_but_a_car

    Botswana Meat Commission FC
    United States
    Oct 16, 2017
    Yeah man, discussion forums are just like professional sporting organizations. We are both getting paid millions to post here and there are major performance-based financial incentives at stake. It is the exact same thing.
    usnroach repped this.
  3. zlatan_but_a_car

    Botswana Meat Commission FC
    United States
    Oct 16, 2017
    Two passionate dudes being mad about not winning. Long term, this won’t have any impact.

    short term, I would very very much like to know all the juicy drama.
    Pegasus and RecLeague Super Sub repped this.
  4. KALM

    KALM Member+

    Oct 6, 2006
    They got the result they needed today to finish first in the group and to be seeded in the knockout stage. Given that, could they really be that upset about not winning?
    russ and beamish repped this.
  5. Jazzy Altidore

    Jazzy Altidore Member+

    Sep 2, 2009
    San Francisco
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    lol how does this post have so much rep.

    That’s not all how players get picked.

    and no it isn’t a good sign that the 20 year old bench player who hardly plays is getting chewed out by the most experienced player on the team.
  6. FC Tallavana

    FC Tallavana Member+

    Jul 1, 2004
    La Quinta
    It’s not the same. But it’s not entirely different.
  7. MayaDempsey

    MayaDempsey Member+

    Jul 29, 2014
    Michigan Bucks
    Sign, sign, everywhere a sign…do this, do that, can’t you read the signs.
  8. metnostar

    metnostar Member

    Jun 28, 2001
    I turned the game off when the whistle blew, so I can't characterize this disagreement with Hummels, but I can judge what Reyna showed in his 15 minutes or so on the pitch.
    He had a couple of typically smooth attacking touches, at least one of which could possibly have led to a clear scoring opportunity had Reus controlled the ball cleanly.
    On the other hand, Gio was passive on defense. A late game central midfield sub in a tied Champions League match should bring instant energy on both sides of the ball, but instead he was shuttling indecisively at half speed. I didn't see him force a turnover or make a tackle.
    On his first play, he was waving his arms, gesturing that he wanted the ball at his feet. It was hit just a little too long, but if he'd been in a hard sprint instead of gesturing, he could have had the ball in space.
    He never did hit a full sprint and, he once again threw up his arms in dismay and clutched his head when Reus flubbed his control. What was the point of showing up his teammate in front of the whole stadium and millions of tv spectators?
    Even if he gets a January move to a team where he is a lock starter, maybe mid-table Bundesliga or Serie A, he needs to let his feet and legs do the talking instead of gesticulating and running his mouth.
  9. NietzscheIsDead

    NietzscheIsDead Member+

    NO WAR
    United States
    May 31, 2019
    NO WAR
    This seems to be the usual output for Gio.
  10. ChambersWI

    ChambersWI Member+

    Nov 10, 2010
    AC Milan
    I dunno if we can read too much into Hummels and Gio talking after a game like that. Dest had a a similar thing happen with Tadic at Ajax no?

    As for Gio and leaving? I think it's clear that Terzic sees him only as a sub when BVB are chasing a game. There's value in that, but there are other areas of his game that he won't get a chance to work on.

    I'll keep saying that if you can get him somewhere he can be starting almost every week so he can get consistency even just for 6 months it'll make a huge difference for Gio
    adi21 repped this.
  11. ebbro

    ebbro Member+

    Jun 10, 2005
    #11611 ebbro, Dec 14, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2023
    So Gio should've been in a hard sprint, anticipating a poorly hit pass? Why couldn't his teamate just play it to his feet? Some players like balls delivered to space they're running into. Some like it played to their feet.

    Reus also clutched his head after flubbing the control. Is he the only one allowed to be frustrated? All over the world players not involved in screwing up a chance react to screwed up chances by clutching their heads or other similar gesticulations. It's not a big deal.

    He should definitely be working harder on defense as a late game sub when protecting the position in the group.
    Bajoro, Namdynamo, adi21 and 5 others repped this.
  12. metnostar

    metnostar Member

    Jun 28, 2001
    #11612 metnostar, Dec 14, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2023
    Reyna does this a lot. After the first play with the overhit pass, while PSG had possession in the BVB half, he was looking over his shoulder and still pointing and yapping with the left back who had failed to set him up. He needs to double down on his effort and not worry so much about his teammates' mistakes. Let the coach take care of it.
    I was at the qualifier against Panama in Orlando last year and Reyna's speed was clearly pretty good and he sprinted flat out on several occasions. Either there's still something wrong with him, or else he needs to dig a little deeper. He's not Messi class where he can get away with walking. Actually he seemed a little uncertain about his defensive movement and positioning.
    Gio's offensive skills are obvious, and he has good size and strength, so it would be a huge advance for him if he could become more tenacious and physical on defense. This is why he draws so much attention and frustration in this forum, because his potential is so huge. Objectively he's already a very good player, but he could be so much more.
    You are right that there are other players who are demonstrative on the field, but he needs to cut out the distractions and work on the weaknesses that have prevented him from breaking through to the level he should be at. I can't know what triggered Hummels, but Reyna needs to learn from veterans like him.
    NietzscheIsDead, usnroach and russ repped this.
  13. zlatan_but_a_car

    Botswana Meat Commission FC
    United States
    Oct 16, 2017
    Maybe it’s an American mentality, but the guys I knew who got closest to this level were rarely satisfied with a passable performance. Not saying it’s healthy, just offering an explanation that isn’t “Gio is trying to force a move” or “Gio has had it with the club”.

    I don’t think it’s much bigger than something that happened on the field. Whether it follows them to the locker room and beyond is up to Gio and Mats, but I hope for Gio’s sake it doesn’t because Hummels simply carries more weight with the club.
  14. DCU1984

    DCU1984 Member+

    Jan 15, 2009
    DC United
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    United States
    Sometimes you just need a fresh start. Time for Gio to move on. Not the right club or coach for him right now.
    Namdynamo, adi21 and Pl@ymaker repped this.
  15. TimB4Last

    TimB4Last Member+

    May 5, 2006
    I feel Reyna's frustration is understandable - the injuries, his club situation, the World Cup (fiasco, from his point of view).

    Yesterday's match was tailor-made for his frustration to boil over, although watching the replay of Reyna and Hummels exchanging words after the match was much less dramatic than I had imagined (from BS accounts).

    Coming on at 81', tied 1-1, wanting to show his stuff in the few remaining minutes, but (perhaps) sensing a lack of ambition among his teammates to win - with advancement in first place assured with a draw.
  16. dspence2311

    dspence2311 Member+

    Oct 14, 2007
    That first touch was so nice though
    Pl@ymaker repped this.
  17. zlatan_but_a_car

    Botswana Meat Commission FC
    United States
    Oct 16, 2017
    Maybe he's mad because the draw knocked his bro Christian down to the Europa League
  18. psnotyours

    psnotyours Member

    United States
    Mar 8, 2023
    Why are people so against this? Gio is not playing more than 15 minutes if he even plays pre-game.
    CP10 also needed a move and look at him now.
  19. Pl@ymaker

    Pl@ymaker Member+

    Feb 8, 2010
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    United States
    I'd love to see Gio playing in Serie A.
    acima, adi21 and LouisianaViking07/09 repped this.
  20. MayaDempsey

    MayaDempsey Member+

    Jul 29, 2014
    Michigan Bucks
    I’m glad he went back at Hummels (who seems like a good dude). Read the comments where Marco describes Gio’s nickname within the team and why he has it.

    Getting to where he’s going was always going to require stepping out from the shadows.
  21. SCBozeman

    SCBozeman Member

    Jun 3, 2001
    St. Louis
    My guess the lack of an obvious location to land? A lower level BL club is going to need him to put MORE of a defensive shift in, not less. Probably the same with most Serie A clubs. A Prem club is going to require MORE effort and excessive running, not his general nature it seems.

    That's why some are saying "try Spain?" Of course, one of the big 3 isn't going to take someone who can't dominate the BL for at least a season. Several clubs can't afford him (e.g., Valencia) even on loan. Small teams also need ditch-diggers in the midfield. So that leaves teams like Betis or Sevilla who have a need for offensive creativity but aren't defending for 80 minutes.
    usnroach, metnostar, russ and 1 other person repped this.
  22. Jazzy Altidore

    Jazzy Altidore Member+

    Sep 2, 2009
    San Francisco
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It’s your last paragraph that is likely pissing people off. Teammates will forgive random poor control. But not working hard enough? It’s unforgivable to some.
  23. Jazzy Altidore

    Jazzy Altidore Member+

    Sep 2, 2009
    San Francisco
    Los Angeles Galaxy
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    United States
    Hes too talented to not wind up at another good club. Somebody will take a chance.
  24. Jazzy Altidore

    Jazzy Altidore Member+

    Sep 2, 2009
    San Francisco
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Becoming a top player requires falling out with teammates? Never heard of that one before.

    Lots of momma Reyna’s in this thread.
    NietzscheIsDead repped this.

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