News: The rebuild goes on... - The summer 2020 transfer thread

Discussion in 'Manchester United' started by Ashur, Feb 25, 2020.

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  1. cr7torossi

    cr7torossi Member+

    May 10, 2007
    The only thing is we know with Morata, RM bought him anyways to sell him to Chelsea later.
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  2. johno

    johno Member+

    Jul 15, 2003
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    Telles would make a good addition, but I don't think we will buy a LB. If we do, it is because we finally get Smalling over the line and maybe even Romero. Telles would be nice because he offers what Shaw does not... but the deal doesn't feel right. Why buy a 27yo rotation/back up player. True, an attacking LB might be a better fit than Shaw because AWB is poor in that regard, but Shaw's relationships with Pogba and Rashford are important. I don't think adding a passer in that position would be as beneficial as a dribbler. Certainly not at 27 given the relative youth of our team.
    benni... repped this.
  3. Amdrag

    Amdrag Member+

    Jun 10, 2007
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    Shaw is glass. You need to prepare for that. Any relationship he was with others is kind of irrelevant, because he isn't going to be there a large amount of the time.
  4. Ashur

    Ashur Member+

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    Don't know if the deal is real or not, but we need a viable alternative to Shaw (if only because he's not reliable fitness wise).
    And unless we're suddenly in for the likes of Grimaldo, Gaya or McNeil among others, simply don't think we have the luxury to pass up on Telles at just 20mil or thereabouts.
  5. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
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    We get Telles and expect to see Shaw get more time at LCB as a back-up. This will likely mean Williams the primary back up on the Right. He will likely partner Bailly, Axel or Mengi.
  6. Amdrag

    Amdrag Member+

    Jun 10, 2007
    Manchester United FC
    #1531 Amdrag, Sep 18, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2020
    So the happenings of the last few days had me going through the argument we all had a month ago, and I saw this post. This isn't a call out at all, because I agree this should be or mentality. I just feel like no matter what happens this window it is clear that we don't have proper ambition as a club anymore. Jose was a problem, but not the problem. No matter what we do this window, our business we get done will be what they feel is the bare minimum to keep this ticking over. Even Sancho would be placation.
  7. johno

    johno Member+

    Jul 15, 2003
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    That's fine. But if you have determined that Shaw is not reliable long term, you don't replace him with a 27yo. We aren't a team that is nearly there. We should be in for a young converted winger or a supremely athletic left footed player. If you assume we aren't going to win the league or the CL this year or the next for certain and that we might be able to compete when Rashford and Martial are in their prime, Pogba and Bruno are at their plateaux and Mase is has begun to make the leap then 3 years from now is the beginning of the window to win some meaningful trophies. Telles will be 30 which is practically over the hill for fullbacks. Doesn't make sense to me.

    The answer to this isn't in months it is in 2 years when the current Dortmund team's core is all sold. Like they will be, because that's their model. They are losers. This isn't Ajax in a league that cannot provide them with the platform with which to compete in Europe regularly. Even so, Ajax kept their core together long enough to play in a European final and then a semi before shopping them and retooling.

    In any case, I agree with a lot of what you say. We are only investing enough to try and remain in the CL. The stupid thing is we are doing it the wrong way. We can spend on kids and players who aren't yet stars, rather than on the big names and make the money go further. Maguire isn't as bad as he's made out to be by some, but he was a bad buy. If we'd invested that money properly, we might still be in the market for a CB or a DM.
    Amdrag and Deadtigers repped this.
  8. cr7torossi

    cr7torossi Member+

    May 10, 2007
    amdrag is right unless we buy Sancho.

    As of now, this is the same window as 2018.

    We finish 2nd. Buy rotation midfielder and rotation fullback when the coach wanted a starting CB and starting wide forward.

    2020: we finish 3rd. Buy rotation midfielder and rotation fullback when the coach wanted a starting CB and starting wide forward.
    Amdrag repped this.
  9. Amdrag

    Amdrag Member+

    Jun 10, 2007
    Manchester United FC
    I want to be wrong. Please let me be wrong.
  10. johno

    johno Member+

    Jul 15, 2003
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    I think even if we buy Sancho with Dortmund making their "case" clear from the start how much it would take to sign him, it still makes it look like we don't actually care to reinforce the team and build on a solid if fractured season last time round.
  11. MizzouMUFC

    MizzouMUFC Member+

    Apr 10, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Agreed. It's either the Glazers are fine with finishing top 6 because they're still making money or it's Woody and Cos continued inability to get deals across the line. Either way, I'm starting to give up hope of us being a top club again while that group is in charge.
    jnielsen and Amdrag repped this.
  12. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
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    That is what hurts me the most. As Ghanaian-American, all my American sports teams suck. United were my one team that winning titles was possible.
  13. Ashur

    Ashur Member+

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  14. MizzouMUFC

    MizzouMUFC Member+

    Apr 10, 2010
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    I can't name a club in the top half of the table that has done less to improve than us. And we have EASILY the most money of all of them with City as the only exception. It's inexcusable.
  15. Ashur

    Ashur Member+

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  16. Amdrag

    Amdrag Member+

    Jun 10, 2007
    Manchester United FC
    My point is this. We don't have the ambitious of a big club anymore, haven't for a long time now, and we have now become pretty much what Arsenal and Spurs are. Irrelevant to the Premier League and the Champions League. Which makes no sense considering our resources. You got caught up in this macho chest thumping thing about who we are in comparison to Dortmund, but we haven't been that club since SAF left. We just haven't. We have no advantage in negotiations. We are low down the list of destination clubs. The best we can do for a manager is apparently Molde's former manager who doesn't know how to rotate players. It's easy to crap on Dortmund, but they consistently do better then us every season and they are a club players want to go to. You can say it is as a stepping stone, but right now, it would be kind of killer to be that. Look at who we attract, and look who Liverpool, City and Chelsea attract. There is no comparison.

    Dortmund runs like a well oiled machine, players like being there, and they know who and what they are. What are we? We aren't good anymore, and for some reason this has led to more muppetry in this place then actually being good did. Which okay, but it is said with a level of confidence that makes no sense at all considering what we have been for 7 years. Jose ended up being an issue, no doubt. But at least he was upset about not winning. That does not apply to anyone else at United right now, outside of the players. And then we beat that out of them.

    I want to hope as much as the next guy, but at some point we need to face it. We suck now. We're losers. Not completely, because we have built in advantages that allows us to spend way too much for mediocrity, but we suck and never win anything. And weirdly fixating on a broken down Shaw's relationship with a couple of players or going on a rant about Dortmund, who are better then us and have been for a long time, is really missing the point.
    CybrSlydr and bayern is god repped this.
  17. johno

    johno Member+

    Jul 15, 2003
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    Dortmund have no ambition. That isn't up for debate.
  18. benni...

    benni... BigSoccer Supporter

    Nov 23, 2004
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    Why is it even a debate. Who cares what their ambition is?

    I get that rant, but our club is a shambles and we shouldnt be talking shit.

    If we played them today, they would beat us.
    Pulp, Amdrag and johno repped this.
  19. TitoTata

    TitoTata Member+

    Jun 26, 2014
    Looking like Sancho is now a MUST ..

    United very poor so far today , completely lacklustre
  20. Amdrag

    Amdrag Member+

    Jun 10, 2007
    Manchester United FC
    We have less then them. That's the point.
    Pulp repped this.
  21. Amdrag

    Amdrag Member+

    Jun 10, 2007
    Manchester United FC
    So I know a lot argue that Ole couldn't be straight about what the club needed last season for fear of alienating the club hierarchy. But I have to ask, now that he has spent quite a bit of time sucking and still hasn't gotten us the targets we need, wouldn't it have been better to press his advantage while he still had goodwill in general? Now it will come off similar to how it did with Jose, who himself knew what he needed, and couldn't get it from them being nice.
  22. Ashur

    Ashur Member+

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    But we don't need him: he's a luxury...:whistling:
  23. Ashur

    Ashur Member+

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    #1548 Ashur, Sep 19, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2020
    Pretty funny you calling anyone dense... His current output with Dortmund over the last 2 seasons is no guarantee but it's pretty much agreed upon that Sancho is a generational talent, with tremendous potential.
    You have a chance to get him now, you grab it.
    You've been asked ad nauseum who we can get today in our other positions of need, you have no answer except wishes that will not come true. Upamecano? Love him and would kill to have at the club but RBL have made it clear it will take an absolute crazy bid to get him out of there this season.
    Camavinga? Another kid I absolutely hold in very high esteem and a great shout but he's said himself that he wants to stay at Rennes for one more season and they've made it clear they won't sell either this window (with them being in the CL this season and all).
    Besides, with less than 3weeks left, this is not the time to map out a new strategy for this window. Again aside from Partey (who we should be going after), there is no DCM that is really worth our time that is attainable. And at CB, there are no guarantees out there either.
    Sancho, there is simply no argument that he's within reach: it's up to United and United alone to decide to go out and get him by paying what Dortmund wants and it's not the 120mil figure you keep mentioning but 100. Any player is a risk, that much is well known but it's a risk that is certainly worth taking for a 20yr old who has already shown so much and who surely will only get better and better provided he remains on the trajectory he currently is on.
    Anonymous_United and Amdrag repped this.
  24. TitoTata

    TitoTata Member+

    Jun 26, 2014
    I’d get him whatever the cost .. him / Rashford and Martial up front and rotating .. Greenwood as sub for the time being
  25. Ashur

    Ashur Member+

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    Have your bosses pay up then: United are not being unreasonable with their valuation here.
    Deadtigers repped this.

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