PBP: The ONLY Match that Matters Fire v. Inter Miami CF (MESSI MATCH!) 10.4.23 7:30 p.m Soldier Field

Discussion in 'Chicago Fire' started by xtomx, Oct 2, 2023.


Well, we have our FINAL midweek match, so what happens?

  1. Fire win

    9 vote(s)
  2. Fire draw

    1 vote(s)
  3. Fire lose (despite the stadium being sold out).

    7 vote(s)
  4. The Fire FO don't care. "Those aren't Boos! They're "Oohs' for the amazing experience"-Dave Baldwin

    12 vote(s)
  5. Something STUPID happens!

    15 vote(s)
  6. Malört

    11 vote(s)
  7. Rubber Dick

    7 vote(s)
  8. Messi takes two shots of Malört and is magically fit for the match. "That shit works wonders!"

    11 vote(s)
  9. Messi plays and scores a hat trick after his Malört treatment and moves to Chicago next season.

    2 vote(s)
  10. Messi starts, but ends up in a "Cook County taxi" after F Navarro recovers enough to play him.

    4 vote(s)
  11. The Fire play an exciting, up tempo, pressing game. Oh, sorry, that's Miami!

    4 vote(s)
  12. Messi doesn't play, and about 30,000 bother show up

    4 vote(s)
  13. Messi doesn't play, and 60,000 show up, but after halftime, the crowd dwindles to 30,000

    11 vote(s)
  14. "Who's this Messi dude? We've come to see Brian Gutierrez!" chants the pro-Chicago crowd

    5 vote(s)
  15. "Who's the Best?" "Messi!" /"Whoooo?" "Messi!" / "Whoooooooooooooooooo?" "Messi!!!!"

    5 vote(s)
  16. Joe counts his money wondering if he could have a player like Messi EVERY match.

    8 vote(s)
  17. Heitz is inspired & is on the phone now to FC Barcelona: "Hey got any forwards you don't need?"

    1 vote(s)
  18. Lewandowski debuts. His contract cancelled by Barca after the call. Joe sends his plane.

    4 vote(s)
  19. I don't care, I will be AT the game, soaking up the full house. Screw the haters!

    5 vote(s)
  20. I'm glad I sold my tickets last week! Screw the "later day" fans.

    3 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. thetomg

    thetomg Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Chicago, Illinois
    Chicago Fire
    Crazy... Pretty sure I didn't see Justin Fields or DJ Moore out there but maybe I just missed them
  2. overlap_old_coach

    Chicago Fire
    United States
    May 2, 2022
    They said when they opened the upper deck they brought in ‘the Bear crew’…none of them knew how to process the STH QR food discount and were generally ‘deer in the headlights’ about everything…and there were more of them
    thetomg repped this.
  3. dlm_Fire

    dlm_Fire Member

    Aug 16, 2002
    I took a friend from out of town with some mobility issues to the game, so rather than take CTA and do the big walk over, I bought a parking pass.

    The line of cars to get into the south lot (where my pass was) started on on the Dan Ryan about even with the18th St exit at 5:45 when I joined that particular queue. It took *3* hours to get into the parking lot so we entered the stadium at half time.

    There was *no* control of the line to get into the lots as near as I could tell and certainly not enough people *in* the lots dealing with entry and parking.

    I guess the crowd took the team by surprise.

    On the plus side, the Fire *did* set some econobox car on fire for us as in-line entertainment and saved all the goals until we were there.
    bunge and xtomx repped this.
  4. thetomg

    thetomg Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Chicago, Illinois
    Chicago Fire
    #LEGEND PXL_20231005_034238467.jpg
    NotHelmut, Mac97, harrylee773 and 4 others repped this.
  5. thetomg

    thetomg Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Chicago, Illinois
    Chicago Fire
    If only there was some way they could've known how many attendees to expect...
  6. juicecrewallstar

    Chicago Fire
    United States
    Mar 1, 2019

    Attached Files:

  7. juicecrewallstar

    Chicago Fire
    United States
    Mar 1, 2019
    I’m wondering what they did differently than a bears game or if it’s just a totally different beast where it being a Sunday and with a tailgating culture that the parking flow is less bunched
  8. thetomg

    thetomg Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Chicago, Illinois
    Chicago Fire
    Sick of paying $16 per beer (and in an attempt to avoid spending 3 hours of my life trying to get out of the parking lot) I decided to leave around the 65th minute once the Fire had their lead.

    Upon exiting I saw that there were still hundreds of people in line trying to enter the stadium, through the one gate still open.

    If you're gonna price gouge the casual fan on tickets, screw over the STHs out of the "make-good" offers for no Messi, and jack up the prices of concessions for everyone by 35%, the very least you could do as an organization is make sure that folks who've spent all that cash are able to enter the venue prior to the 70th minute.


    Truly shameful stuff.
  9. thetomg

    thetomg Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Chicago, Illinois
    Chicago Fire
    That being said, I'm thrilled by how the team performed "on the big stage" and hopeful that they can carry this momentum into an exciting postseason run... And yes I know - that this ish to the #OptimismThread
    goldclover and bunge repped this.
  10. bunge

    bunge BigSoccer Supporter

    Oct 24, 2000
    I’m still waiting on a Lyft home…
  11. schroncar

    schroncar Member+

    Chicago Fire
    Mar 2, 2007
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Anybody know what the field dimensions are when soldier field is used for soccer?
  12. overlap_old_coach

    Chicago Fire
    United States
    May 2, 2022
    No but I’m glad they moved the on field seats to the east side…it made it so we can *almost* see the sideline and corners from the 208-209-210 High dollar sections.
    thetomg and bunge repped this.
  13. plezercruz

    plezercruz Member

    Sep 20, 2004
    Six hour round trip. I am used to four.

    Pete (would be bitter if the result was different)
    bunge repped this.
  14. plezercruz

    plezercruz Member

    Sep 20, 2004
    Shut up. :)

    Pete (is in row 5 in section 110 and can't see that line any more)
    xtomx, Pennsylvania Dave and bunge repped this.
  15. overlap_old_coach

    Chicago Fire
    United States
    May 2, 2022
    Cool beans Sofascore indicates an 8.3 and CFFC shows MOTM
    thetomg and goldclover repped this.
  16. schroncar

    schroncar Member+

    Chicago Fire
    Mar 2, 2007
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The soccer field configuration eats up nearly all the available area so the viewing angles are bad. I was just curious what the actual dimensions were.
    bunge repped this.
  17. Mac97

    Mac97 Member+

    Jul 15, 2014
    Chicago Fire
    The walk of shame. 20231004_214448.jpg
  18. milicz

    milicz Member+

    Dec 2, 2001
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    Herbers had himself a GAME. Take a bow Shaq & MHS. What a game Gimenez. You ********ers made me proud.
  19. plezercruz

    plezercruz Member

    Sep 20, 2004
    Another good game by Dean...

    ...but he was entirely responsible for the penalty.

    Pete (thinks that's two straight otherwise good games by Dean where he coughed up a bad goal)
    goldclover and schroncar repped this.
  20. milicz

    milicz Member+

    Dec 2, 2001
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    Nothing different, going to a Bears game is a nightmare. The Fire did amazing, the location sucks when 60k show up during rush hour.
    harrylee773 and bunge repped this.
  21. bunge

    bunge BigSoccer Supporter

    Oct 24, 2000
    The PK call was a huge failure by the AR and ref.

    EDIT: And VAR.
  22. Old Man!

    Old Man! BigSoccer Supporter

    RIP Chicago Fire
    Mar 11, 2000
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The Fire made $9.5M from this game, which is a record for a single MLS game. $16 Modelos will do that.

    Credit to those who made the “Fix it, Joe” sign. This city deserves that type of performance and that type of crowd more often.
  23. dlm_Fire

    dlm_Fire Member

    Aug 16, 2002
    OK, so the last time I went to a Bears game was the *first* year at NSF, but my recollection then was that they had actual traffic control folks dealing with LSD and ramps from the expressways and the parking lots had a LOT more people helping folks get in and parked. That's not "nothing different" unless they stopped doing it and it would have made a massive difference. The cars weren't getting into the lots *nearly* fast enough when I got there.
  24. dlm_Fire

    dlm_Fire Member

    Aug 16, 2002
    #199 dlm_Fire, Oct 5, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2023
    He threw his arms out wide to make himself big. Every referee that sees that is going to give the penalty. We don't have an actual complaint on that one.

    It *clearly* hit just below his elbow and moved off in a different direction. It takes denial of reality to think that something wrong happened on that call.

    Attached Files:

  25. bunge

    bunge BigSoccer Supporter

    Oct 24, 2000
    Or just a reading of the rules:


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