The On-going Never-ending Brexit Story Part Four

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by argentine soccer fan, Jun 27, 2022.

  1. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Like I say, she's still a tory.
  2. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
  3. lanman

    lanman BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 30, 2002
    superdave repped this.
  4. lanman

    lanman BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 30, 2002
    Lest we forget what an utter arsehole Boris Johnson is.
    It is debatable as to whether he was the worst PM we ever had, but beyond any doubt he was the worst person ever to hold the office.

    Naughtius Maximus repped this.
  5. lanman

    lanman BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 30, 2002
    The whole point of HS2 is to increase capacity, particularly on routes into the north. This just makes it worse. The complete destruction of public services continues, so ultimately the Tories can hand everything over to their mates.

  6. lanman

    lanman BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 30, 2002
    While they fawn over Truss and Farage, long standing Tories are physically removed for commenting during Braverman's insane gibbering.

  7. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Yeah, he's had some pretty strong competition over the past years on that front but, regarding what he is as a human being, he stands alone.
    SetPeace repped this.
  8. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    It's perfectly obvious they've made the decision, (this isn't just down to him, don't forget), and they've been softening us up over the past few weeks to make it appear like it's been a tough calculation.
    song219 and lanman repped this.
  9. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Y'all better get your shit together. Our US House ********ery has opened up a big lead for us in the "formerly great nations destroy themselves" race.
  10. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    HEY! Don't you EVER disparage the UK's ability to kick ourselves up our own arses and out into the street :mad:

    Also, can I just point out that we started first. You're just johnny-come-latelys in the race to the bottom.
    SetPeace repped this.
  11. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Bring it, ************************, bring it.

    I am the ghost of Belo Horizonte...oooOOOoooOOOoooooOOOOOOOooooo
    song219 and Naughtius Maximus repped this.
  12. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that the boss of Channel Four probably won't be on Conservative Central Office's christmas card list this year...

    I've just watched it and, although there have been other tv shows covering some of the same ground, seeing some of the people involved, (particularly young kids that received fines of thousands of pounds when those in No: 10 were charged about £50), the contrast was fascinating.
  13. Chesco United

    Chesco United Member+

    DC United
    Jun 24, 2001
    Chester County, PA
    DC United
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    The Tories and the Republicans should have a dysfunction off.
    Naughtius Maximus and SetPeace repped this.
  14. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Bayern München
    Jul 23, 2004
    Fascist Hellscape
    FC Sankt Pauli
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    Are we still pretending Sunak is moderate
    rslfanboy and SetPeace repped this.
  15. American Brummie

    Jun 19, 2009
    There Be Dragons Here
    Birmingham City FC
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    United States
    We sure are.
    rslfanboy and SetPeace repped this.
  16. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Bayern München
    Jul 23, 2004
    Fascist Hellscape
    FC Sankt Pauli
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    So it seems the vibe of conference is a trainwreck with one fascist barnstormer

    It's remarkable how the 2019 victory was going to take multiple elections to overturn, yet we've reached a point of total collapse just 4 years later

    And it's all been so self inflicted

    American Brummie repped this.
  17. lanman

    lanman BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 30, 2002
    That ship sailed a long time ago, They're even banning journalists from The Telegraph now.

  18. lanman

    lanman BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 30, 2002
    He's just ridiculous

    Who's been running things for the majority of that time?

    Supposedly he's describing Labour here, rather than his own reflection.

  19. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Bayern München
    Jul 23, 2004
    Fascist Hellscape
    FC Sankt Pauli
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    The woke elites!
    Chesco United repped this.
  20. lanman

    lanman BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 30, 2002
    Just realised that Braverman's speech included a bit about "....shamelessly taking back [Shelley] from Labour" and quoted from The Masque of Anarchy.
    So not only is she a dangerous lunatic, she has no understanding of what Shelley stood for or what that poem was about.
  21. lanman

    lanman BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 30, 2002
    Never go full Matt Goodwin.
  22. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Bayern München
    Jul 23, 2004
    Fascist Hellscape
    FC Sankt Pauli
    Nat'l Team:
    I think it is just lame because he doesn't fully commit to the rhetoric in the way Braverman does. Basically everything is the fault of immigrants, minorities and woke globalist financiers - the people who used to be called Remainers
    lanman repped this.
  23. lanman

    lanman BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 30, 2002
    He's lost what little plot he had.

    Even Hodges has sussed him out.

  24. lanman

    lanman BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 30, 2002
    Someone's made Alan Partridge PM

  25. lanman

    lanman BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 30, 2002
    Apologies for linking to GB News, but surely any Conservative pines for going back to the 80s, when Thatcher was PM for the entire decade.

    superdave and American Brummie repped this.

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