Eddie's an AMAZING player!! I've been a fan since the beginning and I've always known he'd come into his own, and make a huge impact for the Quake...congrats on being such a big part of the defense this year!
Just wondering what you all thought about the fact that if we didn't have Eddie, how would this team be doing? With Jeff being "iffy" on playing, now Troy is out, we already know what you all think of Zak, and with Jimmy being in and out because of point accumilation, Eddie is the only player that is holding our defense together! Please express thoughts!
Did you forget Wade Barrett? Troy before he was hurt? Eddie has benefited from our field formation which tends to have the center midfielders stay back to support the defense and let the outside midfield do most of the attacking. Eddie has come along way and appears to have a bright future (more than Conrad). However, at the DC game, he had a nice give away in the back to a DC forward who shanked a sure goal. Not good... He has helped alot, but let's not give him too much credit.
I can't figure out why Frank didn't play Robinson in the last game. HE started Zack instead. Eddie didn't get a second on the field. He should have been out there. He's the best with his head especially with the headers. Zack can't keep up with Eddie. Goose didn't do much for us either. Please discuss!!!
And Why did he play Goose? I know he's USUALLY good, and that was against his own team, but he wasn't fully healthy, and then they put in Dayak who is in no shape to play, he hasn't hardley even practiced. What's the deal?
I think FY was trying to get them both game time and hopefully ready for the post season. Better to get them their form and fitness now so they can lead the way to the Cup again this year.
But what if they're not in shape to play. He can't put them in hopeing that they might be able to pull something off. We need to play those who are sure to do some defenseive damage!!!
Don't get me wrong. I love troy and he's an asset to our team, but no one is if they're not fit to play, because of injurys. And i feel the players should be loyal enough to their teams, and not to be selfish, just to play
I think that Taylor Twellmen has come farther than Eddie Robinson. So, No. I do not think he has come the farthest in the league so far. Unless he is from Australia or Antarctica, and then maybe he has come the farthest.
I may be reading this wrong. But Troy is the most loyal player we've got. He is doing this for his team. Not for himself. Do you think it benefits Troy to be in pain everyday? Do you think it benefits him to play in pain? Of course not. But he's doing it for the team, not for selfish reasons.
That is why most soccer players in MLS are not demanding to make more money: because they're not selfish. Most of them are playing just to play!
Robinson is OK.. Nothing more than OK.. Robinson is OK!!! Why didn't he play the DC game? Did you see him in the Colorado game?! He pulled a ITT and tried to litteraly whack Valdos leg off.. He sits the bench untill he is needed.. There was no reason for that..