The Official Bigsoccer Song Draft (Part I)

Discussion in 'Movies, TV and Music' started by Panfilo, Feb 1, 2008.

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  1. Panfilo

    Panfilo Member+

    May 9, 2003
    Club América
    Nat'l Team:
    1) GringoTex
    2) argentine soccer fan
    3) ForeverRed
    4) royalstilton
    5) Val1
    6) Panfilo
    7) SirManchester
    8) oman
    9) Ismitje
    10) Dr. Know
    11) Matt in the Hat
    12) Auriaprottu
    13) Iceblink
    14) nancyb
    15) Ghost
    16) stax745

    1) The draft will consist of ten rounds
    2) Participants will draft individual songs.If you want to provide a link to your favorite version of the songs feel free to do so. No limitations on any song. Any Genre; any time period.
    3) Draft goes in order (NO SNAKE DRAFT)
    4) 8 hour window to make your pick (Considering this is a broad draft we might change this)
    5) PM the next person in the draft after making your pick
    6) Participants and active observers can vote at the end of the draft.
  2. GringoTex

    GringoTex Member

    Aug 22, 2001
    1301 miles de Texas
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Let's start this party rght, mother********ers!

    Round 1

  3. Panfilo

    Panfilo Member+

    May 9, 2003
    Club América
    Nat'l Team:
    hmmmm that pick

    To tell you the truth thats not even the best song on the album.

    Good song nonetheless

    But first pick in the song draft?

  4. elbp

    elbp Member

    Feb 1, 2007
    Cordoba, ARG
    Nat'l Team:
    This is gonna get interesting. I can't wait for the fireworks.
  5. GringoTex

    GringoTex Member

    Aug 22, 2001
    1301 miles de Texas
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I'm here to make history- not report it.
  6. Crimen y Castigo

    May 18, 2004
    Los Angeles
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'm not a participant, nor am I going to bother to read the previous thread, so I fully expect to be ignored here. But:

    Will folks be choosing what they consider great "songs" -- i.e. the music and lyrics -- or great performances / recordings / album tracks?

    Because those seem to be rather different choices and would affect drafters' ballots down the road.

    Jus' wondrin'.
  7. Panfilo

    Panfilo Member+

    May 9, 2003
    Club América
    Nat'l Team:
    2) Participants will draft individual songs.If you want to provide a link to your favorite version of the songs feel free to do so. No limitations on any song. Any Genre; any time period.
  8. argentine soccer fan

    Staff Member

    Jan 18, 2001
    San Francisco Bay Area
    CA Boca Juniors
    Nat'l Team:
    This is my number one song of all time. I sang it in the old days when I was growing up and I went to La Bombonera, and it still gives me goosebumps when I hear it today.



    Mi buen amigo
    Esta campana volveremo a estar contigo
    Te alentaremos de corazon
    Esta es la hinchada que te quiere ver campeon
    No me importa lo que digan
    Lo que digan los demas
    Yo te sigo a todas partes
    Cada vez te quiero mas


    My good friend
    This season we are back with you
    We will cheer for you with our hearts
    These are the fans who want to see you be the champion
    It doesn't matter what they say
    What everybody else says
    I will follow you everywhere
    Every time I love you more
  9. oman

    oman Member

    Jan 7, 2000
    South of Frisconsin
    How ********ing stupid.

    That's like the 10th best Cafe Tacuba song.

    MLSNHTOWN Member+

    Oct 27, 1999
    Houston, TX
    By putting this forward first, you are claiming that this is the greatest song in the history of song...or better yet your favorite song of every single song in the entire history of the world?

    Color me disappointed.
  11. ForeverRed

    ForeverRed Member+

    Aug 18, 2005
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    I'll make my pick after the Bayern game.
  12. GringoTex

    GringoTex Member

    Aug 22, 2001
    1301 miles de Texas
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I'm counting down to 1, chele cerote.
  13. GringoTex

    GringoTex Member

    Aug 22, 2001
    1301 miles de Texas
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I almost picked Like a Rolling Stone, and the idea bored the hell out of me.
  14. Ghost

    Ghost BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 5, 2001
    To everybody,
    Write down the name of the song, please.
  15. Ghost

    Ghost BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 5, 2001
    Well, we have this draft's Memooirs of a Geisha.
  16. argentine soccer fan

    Staff Member

    Jan 18, 2001
    San Francisco Bay Area
    CA Boca Juniors
    Nat'l Team:
    Ok. It's called 'Boca, Mi Buen Amigo'

    There is another very good version of this song:

    Los mal paridos
    hay que verguenza el pais paso contigo
    Cuando perdieron con Penarol
    No fue por guita sino fue por ser cagon
    Porque nacieron gayinas
    y gayinas moriran
    Junto con los militares
    Son la ************ nacional

    In English:

    The ill begotten
    Oh what a shame you brought to the country
    When you lost with Penarol
    It wasn't for money, it was because you shit on yourselves (cowardice)
    Because you were born chicken
    And chicken you will die
    Along with the military
    You're the national shit.

    Sorry, I'm having too much fun with this.
  17. ForeverRed

    ForeverRed Member+

    Aug 18, 2005
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    So I've decided to forego the obvious choices in such a draft and go with personal favorite and songs I feel are overlooked and underrated and in some cases, completely under the radar of even the most ardent music fan.

    That being said my first choice is a song I feel is up there with any great "epic", combining stunning technicality, memorable songwriting and a range of genres combined in one.

    Steve Vai - Tender Surrender

    The song is much more effective live if you see how much emotion and energy Vai puts into his music.

  18. ForeverRed

    ForeverRed Member+

    Aug 18, 2005
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    royalstilton has been PM'd.
  19. oman

    oman Member

    Jan 7, 2000
    South of Frisconsin
    Where in the rules is that?

    And I thought my first pick was going to be off the wall....
  20. SirManchester

    SirManchester Member+

    Apr 14, 2004
    Nat'l Team:
    If you'll pick what I think you'll pick, I'll kill you. Well, not really but I'd want to.
  21. oman

    oman Member

    Jan 7, 2000
    South of Frisconsin
    Wow. This is awful.

    But it has nipped in the bud my guilt at not knowing anything about Steve Vai.
  22. Ismitje

    Ismitje Super Moderator

    Dec 30, 2000
    The Palouse
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Looks like I have an album to check out - thanks.
  23. ForeverRed

    ForeverRed Member+

    Aug 18, 2005
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    Whats so aweful about it?
  24. Val1

    Val1 Member+

    Mar 12, 2004
    MD's Eastern Shore
    Arsenal FC
    Well, when I click on the link, the screen blacks out with the words, This video is no longer available.
  25. Auriaprottu

    Auriaprottu Member+

    Atlanta Damn United
    Apr 1, 2002
    The back of the bus
    Nat'l Team:
    Yup- that's what I get, too.

    Gringo, that's a cool intro, right up until the singer comes in. Then the song becomes very predictable.

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