John Terry and Jody Morris will not travel with Chelsea to the Birra Moretti tournament as the duo are due in court on August 5. Terry, Morris and Wimbledon's Des Byrne have been charged with affray following an incident at a London nightclub earlier this year. Terry and Byrne were also charged with possessing an offensive weapon, while Terry was charged with wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. The players deny all the charges. The trial will take place at Middlesex Guildhall Crown Court. Serious time ahead for John Terry - Anyone got more information on this case? I heard it was a very serious incident involving some "minor" celebrity asking the 3 lads for an autograph or something and then it turned very very nasty apparently with Terry & Co. assaulting the bouncers. Maybe even a custodial for our boy Terry.
Brawled with Bouncers Mr Terry is accused of hitting Mr Thirlwall in the face with a bottle. John Terry has pleaded not guilty to one count of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and one count of possessing a glass bottle as an offensive weapon. Des Byrne has denied possessing an offensive weapon. The trial continues.
Um, if he hit the fella with a bottle, no matter what the reason, he's done. Simply can't have that now can we. Fans that would do that outside the stadium would be in jail for assault and GBH in short order once it was proven. It doesn't look good at the mo for him. BTW...hope ol Ranieri wasn't seroius the other day when he said that little effin git Morris had a future with the club.
End of the day update Latest. It would seem that a spell in JAIL is a distinct possibility for them. What i can't believe is if Morris is found to be guilty of what he is said to have done, is the fact that he hasn't beem moved on by the club.
Going to Gaol? The details. . . Mr Donne said the three players had been drinking in the basement of the private members' club for around two hours when they were approached by the manager, Sasha Keegan, and asked to calm down. She intervened following a complaint from a barman and after watching Morris spit his drink out on to the floor and stagger around, looking as if he was about to be sick. Ms Keegan asked the players to "have a good time but with less attitude". When Morris screamed at her to "************ off", she asked door staff to eject the trio. Mr Thirlwall went down to the bar and asked Morris if he could speak to him in the reception area, where it was quieter. When they got upstairs a second doorman, Shaun Brice, went to fetch the other players. All three were in reception at 12.47am. As Mr Thirlwall tried to persuade the trio to leave, Terry began to abuse other customers. He stopped a celebrity customer in reception and asked for his autograph, only to throw it on the floor and make an obscene gesture as soon as his back was turned. Mr Donne said that Morris then told the doormen to get the club's owner. "Shaun Brice tried to calm him down by pointing out that the club was closing at 1am and that they should have an early night, but Morris said, 'I don't give a ************ when the club closes.' "It became clear... that Morris was winding himself up into an aggressive mood. He became abusive towards them, using unimaginative upleasantness such as 'Do you know how much I earn? I earn more in a day than you earn in a week. Do you know who we are? We could get you sacked'." As the other players joined Morris in abusing them, Mr Thirlwall and Mr Brice ushered them outside, where they continued to act aggressively. "Byrne had picked Morris's mantle and was telling Mr Thirlwall he was 'going to get it' and 'do you want some?'," Mr Donne said. "He was gesturing to Mr Thirlwall saying 'Come outside'. Terry joined in by saying 'He won't come outside, he's a bottle job, he knows what he's going to get'." Byrne and Terry then "flew" through the door to attack Mr Thirlwall. Byrne punched and struggled with the doorman while other staff tried to pull Terry away. The brawl continued outside, with Terry bundling Mr Thirlwall into a pile of rubbish. At this point Mr Brice saw Byrne running towards the scene armed with a bottle and warned his colleague, who was now grappling with Morris. "Having pushed him away [Mr Thirlwall] turned to see John Terry lunge at him. Mr Thirlwall put his hands up and told Terry to calm down, at which point Terry swung a punch at him," Mr Donne told the jury. Terry had a bottle in the hand which struck Mr Thirlwall, he said. As Mr Brice helped his colleague inside, at least one bottle was thrown at them. Mr Donne said all the defendants claimed they were acting in self-defence when questioned by police, but CCTV footage would prove this to be untrue. The trial continues. I thikn gaol maybe on the cards for these lads.
On the evidence so far I think we can conclude two major factors (i) They are guilty as hell (ii) They have good legal representation and will probably avoid custodials - Heavy fines, Suspended sentances, etc seems most likely.
Like i always say in these cases..."if the bottle don't fit, you must....." On a serious note though you are absolutly correct. It only remains to be seen to what degree of guilt they are held responcible.
I highly doubt either will ever be kicked off the team no matter the outcome of the trial. It's a sad thing to say, but, players like Terry only come tru the youth system every 10 or so years.He will be punished, berated and fined monitarilly by the club, but due to his skill and importence will not be sacked. That other git Morris won't be either, however in his case i would bet a transfer would not be to far in the future. I refer you to the Tony Adams scandal.
Terry & Morris The test of man’s breeding is how they behave in a quarrel ~George Bernard Shaw I doubt very much that club will kick them out, nor should they really, I mean if you were drunk and violent would you lose your job? Errrr, hang on, I’ll change that… It is very tricky for these over privileged youngsters you know, earning all that money and gaining all that adoration at such a tender young age. A lot of pressure no doubt. Unfortunately "Young blokes in fight with Bouncer at Night club" is something that happens a lot to young yobs in this day and age, not only to these rich young footballers. Should we feel sorry for them? NO WAY. However, only monkees in rock houses can throw stones at everybody else in their glass and wicker constructions. ? ? ? I think this experience may keep them on the stright and narrow (at least for a while; Dennis Wise anyone?). Hopefully this will “learn them” and they’ll grow up a little (a LOT). Chelsea has already fined both Terry, 21, and Morris, 23, two weeks' wages for being on licensed premises two days before an FA Cup tie against Norwich. Morris was not eligible to even play in that game, due to injury and yet he was still fined. The breach of club discipline has already cost the pair about £30,000 each.
Battle of the Fugs Well at least this whole encounter has been thug Vs Thug rather than a bunch of bullies racially attacking an asian student a la Leeds. . . "I'm suggesting that has been done by you to get him convicted and make a claim against him. You are somebody who desperately, desperately needed a fairly substantial sum of money, something in the region of £70,000, in the early part of the year weren't you?" Mr de Silva went on to allege that Mr Thirlwall had been arrested at the Town Bridge Hotel with 5kg of heroin and and had spent time in Brixton and Belmarsh prisons. Mr Thirlwall denied this, saying Mr de Silva had his facts "completely wrong". At this stage the jury of eight women and four men was asked to leave the court by Judge Fabyan Evan. On their return they asked whether they should disregard Mr de Silva's comments. The judge said he would not give an answer to that immediately but said there was no suggestion that Mr Thirlwall was an "ex-convict". Earlier, Mr Thirlwall admitted he initially lied to police, telling them that his brother Matthew, a professional boxer, was not at the Wellington on the night of the incident on January 4. The jury has been shown CCTV footage of Matthew Thirlwall at the club and the defence suggested he threw punches at the footballers and "put the boot in". Mr de Silva said: "There was a conspiracy at the club, in which you were involved, to keep hidden from the police the existence of your brother at the club that night. He was one of the main instigators of the violence because both you and he are thugs." Terry denies wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and possessing a glass bottle as an offensive weapon. Byrne denies possessing a glass bottle as an offensive weapon, and all three players deny affray. The trial continues.
Heros and villians A nightclub doorman allegedly assaulted by Chelsea footballer John Terry was accused yesterday of fabricating his story because he needed £70,000 after being caught by police with 5kg of heroin. ....£70,000 in readies...blah-blah-blah...the rozzers....blah-blah-blah...5k's of the brown...
This whole trial is starting to take more twists and turns than coronation street. They may get off yet with only service to the community and probation with a court ordered fine. I must admit that when the story first broke i thought he was for it messed up badly.His refuseal to say anything about it only compounded the opinion.However, as the trial goes on i am not so sure.
Media trying to bring in a racist slur The media trying to spice up the trial with some hints at Terry being in a racist. Footballer 'asked why nightclub let in foreigners' Tuesday August 13, 2002 From The "Manchester United" Guardian The Chelsea defender John Terry complained that "foreigners" were being let into a London nightclub while doormen were attempting to eject him and two other footballers, a court heard yesterday. Terry, 21, is alleged to have smashed a bottle into a doorman's face after a drinking binge with teammate Jody Morris, 21, and Wimbledon player Des Byrne, 23, at the Wellington Club in Knightsbridge last January. Shaun Brice, a doorman at the club, told Middlesex Guildhall crown court that as he and the alleged victim, Trevor Thirlwall, attempted to persuade the footballers to leave the club a Chinese couple were admitted. "Mr Terry was frustrated on being asked to leave and asked why we let these foreigners into the club and wouldn't let them back in." Mr Brice said the footballers became increasingly aggressive as he and Mr Thirlwell tried to persuade them to leave at the request of the manager. "Jody [Morris] said, 'It's ************ing out of order'. I asked him what the problem was and he said the manageress had got a problem. I asked whether he had a problem with her and he said, 'Yeah, I told her to ************ off'." When Mr Brice and Mr Thirlwall ushered the men on to the street they became more aggressive, Mr Brice said. He added that Byrne began taunting Mr Thirlwall, shouting: "Come outside, you're nothing but a w anker." A moment later Byrne rushed at the door of the club followed by Terry, and the pair began fighting with the doormen. The struggle spilled outside and Terry, Byrne, Mr Brice and Mr Thirlwall traded blows. Mr Brice said he saw Terry hit Mr Thirlwall's face with a brown beer bottle. Terry denies wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, possessing an offensive weapon and affray. Byrne denies possessing an offensive weapon and affray, and Morris denies affray. The trial continues.
Terry suffered a "boxer's fracture" Le Saux says that he had seen Mr Terry in a "social context" in which he "behaves politely and I consider him to be of a gentle disposition".
Got Bottle? Chelsea star John Terry "has the world at his feet", his lawyer Desmond De Silva QC told Middlesex Crown Court.
Even in that photo Morris looks like an arrogant cheeky git. Nothing has been said as of yet but i would have to hope than when this is all over alternative employment is sought for him.
Any Preidctions? The jury has retired for the day to consider its verdict. Monkee predicting a win for the Home team (that is our boys will get off).