Two questions: 1- Why is the Nissan Tournament so important? (aside for the cash for the clubs) 2-Who is gonna win it? My choice is that River is gonna squeek by and take it all, since they don´t have a chance in the apertura. Respuestas en español seran recibidos con mucho gusto y mucha alegria.
This is my guess for the semi-final River Plate 1 - Sao Paulo 2 Sao Paulo 2 - River Plate 0 Did you watch the "Super Clasico" a few days ago? River looks like second division team.
yes I have to agree with you, they are in their worst form in a long time, but most of all Boca made them look bad...anyway, Sao Paolo is gonna go through, and Nacional are in deep trouble right now, playing in Cusco is no joke.
I think River will get by Sao Paulo. Perhaps in penalty kicks or by a one goal difference. I see river getting by bc they are out of it in the LT and the sudamericana is all they have left. I still stand by my word... Nacional v River in the final.
it could very well go either way, no offense to The Strongest, but they were no match for Sao Paolo, if River regains its form of past tournaments, then sure they could beat Sao Paolo, anyway its gonna be interesting between those two. A one goal difference is not that bad for Nacional, but if they are "giving" up, which I don't think they are, then Cienciano will have an easy time in Cusco.
this topic is belong to CONMEBOL competitions... welcome here robin.... How is panama going? several threads discuss your question at conMebol.
Thanx for the welcome efer! PTY is great, I´m making alot of progress doing the thing I mentioned before. Did you get the PM? By the way I checked out conmebol and your right, maybe you should move this thread over there. Thanx again.
robin, I had hope that you read the other 3 threads on copa nissan.... anyway, here I go with my view: copa Nissan is not important by No means....... Under no circumstances, what make you think so? to ansewr question #1 for question #2: sao Paulo reasons: It was created to entretain teams with no participation in copa Libertadolares, and for conmebol to have a replacement tournament for merconorte and mercosur cups (2nd tier level clubs) the other idea was to have a grp of semi-contenders busy making money game per game (after the 1st round) -for the second half of the yr- interest? They fail to do so by having over 7 teams from argentina and like 11 from brazil, it was a nightmare to invite brazilean teams, that refused to play in the other conmebol competitions, but, they over did the whole thing...... result: games betwen brazilean teams with 2 or 3k on hand, and no sale of advertisement to cover costs. (as the game in la paz: strongest vs san Lorenzo) it will take time and slightly different format to have a better tourney.... even distribution of team participation will help.
So what your saying is that the NISSAN is a hollow tournament, with no merit and no real value (aside from getting the players injured). I thought so. Thanx again.
now they have invited 2 mexican clubs the president of FMF called copa MERCONORTE on the press release today, then he called copa suramericana! I say keep it copa Nizzzzzan! since is no longer suramerican teams! 2 more teams? will they eliminate each other like the teams from ecua and colombia did in 2003? Before moving into the 2nd round
hay que ver si ellos lo toman en serio o si mandan un reject de media tabla. El calendario esta saturado para ellos tambien: copa liberta - liguillas - torneo concacaf - torneo local y la reciente pre-liberta
Originally posted by efernandez9 hay que ver si ellos lo toman en serio o si mandan un reject de media tabla. Cuando Cruz Azul llego a la final de la Copa Libertadores era un equipo de Media Tabla y no llego a la Liguilla. Es mas ningun equipo Campeon de la Liga Mexicana a participado en Copa Libertadores. Ahora si nos fijamos en un equipo Chico como "Irapuato" podemos ver que cuenta con tres jugadores y un tecnico Mundialistas en Guima (DT) Wright, Centeno y el Ecua Edison Mendez. El calendario esta saturado para ellos tambien: copa liberta - liguillas - torneo concacaf - torneo local y la reciente pre-liberta Es verdad pero aun asi los equipos Mexicanos buscan mayor reconosimiento y tomarian cualquier compentencia de Sud America con importancia. Creo que la Inclusion de Equipos Mexicanos mejora la Competencia y mejora las posibilidades de ver los partidos por television..
Eventually they will take it seriously, its a new competition and it seems conmebol rushed to organize it. It will probably get better in the long run.
I don't think it will, but perhaps if it was worth a spot in libertadores than most teams would make it a priority.