The long-gone forgotten CONMEBOL tourneys...

Discussion in 'CONMEBOL' started by Visca..., Oct 29, 2004.

  1. Visca...

    Visca... Member

    Sep 13, 2004
    Nat'l Team:
    The one that I remember the most is Copa Conmebol. When Libertadores used to be only with two teams from each country, Conmebol would get 3rd and 4th place teams from each league. It was quite competitive. The one that I remember was Atletico Mineiro's championship. I think it was '97 or something like that. It was a pretty cool cup. A lot of competition going on.

    Then there were the failures of Mercosur and Merconorte. I don't even know who the champions were for those competitions.

    You guys remember any other tourneys that Conmebol had? Post them here. It's time to refresh the memory a bit. :D
  2. Pibe#10

    Pibe#10 Member

    May 1, 2003
    Nat'l Team:
    I saw Quindío vs Samporia Correa in Armenia on Aug 11, 1998. Quindío lost 1 - 0.

    as far as merconorte/mercosur:

    Merconorte all 4 years Colombia won it. :D

    98 final: Atl. Nacional* vs. Deportivo Cali
    99 final: América de Cali* vs Ind. Santa Fe
    00 final: Atl. Nacional* vs Millonarios
    01 final: Millonarios* vs Emelec

    Mercosur 3 years Brazil won it

    98 final: Cruzeiro vs Palmeiras*
    99 final: Flamengo* vs Palmeiras
    00 final: Vasco da Gama* vs. Palmeiras
    01 final: Flamengo vs San Lorenzo*

    * = champs.
  3. condor11

    condor11 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 2, 2002
    New Zealand
    do you guys think la sudamericana is here to stay or will it join la conmebol merconorte and mercosur on the scrap heap
  4. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    as long as Nissan and Fox pays the bills, they will stay.

    yesterday in the game: arsenal vs bolivia, they had new sponsors, mitre and others

    I just hope they keep away concacaf teams, and reduce the argies or bracas, too many from there. :eek:
  5. Pibe#10

    Pibe#10 Member

    May 1, 2003
    Nat'l Team:
    I think Sudaméricana will be around longer than merconorte/mercosur, but I think méxico will probably get in there somehow, at least at the moment I don't see any other concacaf country with potential (money) to get in.
  6. the mlsers think they can compete in our competitions what a joke

    there were mls teams in the merconorte werent there?
  7. go_otrova

    go_otrova New Member

    Jan 3, 2004
    Why keep them away efer? I loved the idea of Copa Panamericana. Let them do their own qulification to the rounds that counts.
    A lot more TV exposure, a lot more integration between the countries. There is nothing wrong with that!. Why do we keep separating from each other when what we need is to learn to work together towards a common goal. I think a long time ago somebody created a rupture in our mind that we can't overcome. I pray for unified Latinamerica. I learned how to accept and tolerate other "costumbres".
    Maquiavelo decia que para que quien quiera ser principe debia saber desunir a sus adversarios, 5 siglos de desunion no ha hecho una latinoamerica mejor. Solo vamos a poder ser fuertes si nos unimos. Que es lo que tenemos de comun? Futbol es uno de ellos. Hagamos del futbol una herramienta que nos una. Hagamos latinoamerica fuerte sin el egoismo de nuestras fronteras y apostemos por algo mejor. Para que dejemos de emigrar. Para que dejemos de dar lastima. Para que dejen de humillar a nuestros hermanos.

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