Pre-match: The inevitable war with Iran

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Q*bert Jones III, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. Q*bert Jones III

    Q*bert Jones III The People's Poet

    Feb 12, 2005
    Woodstock, NY
    DC United
    I consider war with Iran completely inevitable unless someone in the administration has the brass balls to tell the president that Ayatollah Khomeini died in 1989.

    As a leftist, I'll go halfheartedly to protests and such, knowing full well that it won't matter one iota. We can't even stop the government from doing little things like putting immigrant children in concentration camps. How are we supposed to stop them from starting global wars of conquest? But I will say that any Democrat who even hints that they might possibly support giving a nickel to conquer Iranian oil and bomb Iranian families can kiss their career in Washington goodbye.

    To the children of Iran, I am very sorry. But her emails.
    fatbastard, ElNaranja, Boloni86 and 12 others repped this.
  2. bigredfutbol

    bigredfutbol Moderator
    Staff Member

    Sep 5, 2000
    Woodbridge, VA
    DC United
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    United States
    I'm afraid you are right.

    As for the quoted part above: This is where I remind American voters that the Presidency is far less important on domestic policy than we and the MSM generally make it out to be, but is ABSOLUTELY central to foreign policy. Yet we generally don't pay much attention to that aspect until things turn to actual war.

    For those myopic idealists who prattled on about "Killery" and convinced themselves that Trump's incoherent, xenophobic quasi-isolationism would somehow translate into coherent, principled non-interventionist foreign policy--I sure hope tearing up the TPP was worth all this. Because HRC would not be bumbling her way into war over a flying ********ing camera.
    Boloni86, charlie15 and dapip repped this.
  3. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    Does John Bolton have a bad diet or coke habit? That could be key here
  4. Q*bert Jones III

    Q*bert Jones III The People's Poet

    Feb 12, 2005
    Woodstock, NY
    DC United
    By the way, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I'm going to have to check out Wikipedia to find out the name of my new friend, the president of Iran.
    dapip repped this.
  5. dapip

    dapip Member+

    Sep 5, 2003
    South Florida
    Millonarios Bogota
    Nat'l Team:
    Don’t forget all those drone pilots that Obama sacrificed in the name of liberty!!!

    And something about Yemen...
    sitruc repped this.
  6. VFish

    VFish Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Atlanta, GA
    Can a mod please alter the thread head to warn about possible spoilers?
    Q*bert Jones III and bigredfutbol repped this.
  7. VFish

    VFish Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Atlanta, GA
    Perhaps he just likes a Diet Coke when snorting a line and drinking shots out of Melania's navel?
  8. bigredfutbol

    bigredfutbol Moderator
    Staff Member

    Sep 5, 2000
    Woodbridge, VA
    DC United
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    United States
    If Donny's in the room acting as an attendant while referring to Bolton as "Vlad" this is the most on-point theoretical Trump fetish I can imagine.
  9. VFish

    VFish Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Atlanta, GA
    Thank you... I think?
  10. bigredfutbol

    bigredfutbol Moderator
    Staff Member

    Sep 5, 2000
    Woodbridge, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    You started it.

    And now neither of us can un-think it.
  11. VFish

    VFish Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Atlanta, GA
    I have issues, obviously. Now we can all share.
  12. xtomx

    xtomx Member+

    Chicago Fire
    Sep 6, 2001
    Northern Wisconsin, but not far from civilization
    Chicago Fire
    This is an excellent post, especially the last part.
    Thank you.
    sitruc repped this.
  13. VFish

    VFish Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Atlanta, GA
    Immigrant children are very tasty. But the camps are necessary to fatten them up a little.
  14. dapip

    dapip Member+

    Sep 5, 2003
    South Florida
    Millonarios Bogota
    Nat'l Team:
    Two more things to point out:

    - Conservatives disliked when the US signed a diplomatic deal that prevented a country from becoming a nuclear power. Although it was working, they demanded the government to break the treaty and now they want to attack the country because it might be on the brink of developing nuclear weapons.

    - Also conservatives, questioned why we didn't reach a deal with a dictator that has nuclear weapons and demanded a deal with said dictator. The dictator played their dumb cult leader like a fiddle, we still don't have a deal, they still have nuclear weapons.
    sitruc repped this.
  15. VFish

    VFish Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Atlanta, GA
    We that is one way to put it... or you could just call a spade a spade and be honest... we shipped a C-130 in the middle of the night full of cold hard cash because Hamas was running low on money.
  16. dapip

    dapip Member+

    Sep 5, 2003
    South Florida
    Millonarios Bogota
    Nat'l Team:
    For an InCent you run high on RWNJ talking points.
    Cascarino's Pizzeria and sitruc repped this.
  17. VFish

    VFish Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Atlanta, GA
    Or you could call a spade a spade....
  18. dapip

    dapip Member+

    Sep 5, 2003
    South Florida
    Millonarios Bogota
    Nat'l Team:
    Cascarino's Pizzeria and sitruc repped this.
  19. VFish

    VFish Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Atlanta, GA
    FYP retorts are is so 1999.
  20. ceezmad

    ceezmad Member+

    Mar 4, 2010
    Chicago Red Stars
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    United States
    dapip and Cascarino's Pizzeria repped this.
  21. VFish

    VFish Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Atlanta, GA
    Harsh... you got any comments about the actual topic?
    It's called FOOTBALL repped this.
  22. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    From TDS - White House releases photo of Trump consulting with chief military advisors over Iran strike

  23. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It's almost like he knowingly, repeatedly lies and contributes nothing to this forum and we should all ignore his lyin' ass.
    dapip and Smurfquake repped this.
  24. VFish

    VFish Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Atlanta, GA
    This is what passes as humor these days? By the way, I am still waiting on that pizza pie. Did your bike get a flat tire?
  25. Timon19

    Timon19 Member+

    Jun 2, 2007
    Akron, OH
    You are nothing if not incoherent, even in your "clever" attempts to...whatever it is you're doing.

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