When Paulina Rubio was performing during halftime, did you take notice of the girls on stage who were wearing MLS club jerseys? The hotttie Korean girl was wearing a Kansas City jersey, and there were two cutie pie girlies wearing a Fire Jersey and a Burn jersey. But did you see the girl wearing the Metrostars jersey? The sleeves were cut off, she had purple hair, body piercings everywhere, and her was a fro. beyond fro.'s. That is stereotyping dammit! Why did the NY/NJ girl have to be the freak? And she was the "heavy" guitar player of the group, the metal head. They did that on purpose to represent NY as a bunch of freaks! Both the city and the team! Outrage! Blasphemy!
Yeah, totally outrageous. All she needed was needle tracks. Better close ups might have revealed the abuser's tatoos. Kinda touching, huh? I was too busy watching the redhead with the Fire jersey. 'nuff said.
Re: Re: the halftime show You've see him lately too, huh! At least Hernandez has finally gotten rid of the Coolieo doo!
I dunno, I think she's pretty hot, but I suppose New Yorkers and Jerseyites have very different views of 'normal'.
All of the halftime shots can be found at: http://www.ibiblio.org/footy/2002/0803_all_star_ajm.php?page=6 The best one of the Metro guitarist:
I was there, and that was the lamest halftime show I think I've ever seen. How you guys are complaining about who was wearing our jersey is beyond me. Do you really think they sat there and said, "Okay, who looks like a drug addict? You get the Metro jersey." Please. I realize we have a little while before our next meaningful game, but jeez. Why not just proceed to the obligatory Veronica "supercups" Paysee oogling? And why is she using dental floss for earrings?
LOL at PSUdude. That is very true. The half time show wasn't to bad. If you dont like Paulina's singing (I dont), then you can just stare at her body. They need to put more Veronica on, but she needs to start wearing shorts, no pants likes she always does.
I'm upset too. Everyone knows the Metro, much less the USMNT, would never let a pierced, tatooed freak with a bad haircut represent them.