The Economist - Israel's security barrier. A safety measure or a land grab?

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Sardinia, Oct 10, 2003.

  1. Sardinia

    Sardinia New Member

    Oct 1, 2002
    Sardinia, Italy, EU
    My God... :rolleyes:

    Then get a real education.

    Just remember that to steal gaza and west bank from the legitimate owners is a crime.

    No historical revision, no religious justification would change it.
  2. Sardinia

    Sardinia New Member

    Oct 1, 2002
    Sardinia, Italy, EU
    You're right. Every discussion regarding the israeli palestinian conflict ends with the description of the kingdom of Judaea, the evident non-existence of palestinians and so on.

    No I'm wrong, it doesn't happen when the issue is a suicide bombing.
  3. So you're saying it's as easy to raise the dead as it is to move somewhere? Yes, I'm being facetious but surely, you can spot the serious flaw in your argument.

    Then the Jews who DID move to Israel weren't very good Jews because they disbelieved in Yahweh's magic carpet service? "Get real", as they say. I believe more in human social inertia than I do in this kind of explanation. I think that, for the most part and with exceptions, the Jews simply settled down where they were and that was that. They wouldn't be the first people to do so and they won't be the last. As much as they remembered the land of Israel from their holy books, "Next year.." became a figure of speech and not a practical call to action. I do not see why this view upsets you if you're not a zionist. I guess we just have to agree to disagree.

    OK, now you're getting somewhere.

    First, I'm not saying you personally believe in Yahweh Airlines that was supposed to magically transport all Jews to Israel.

    Second, It is exactly the fact that the zionists distorted a particular folk belief to make an unjustified historical claim to the land. This claim was built on sand but it is still being made today much the same way the Protocols are still being circulated by anti-semites. Those trying to justify Israel's existence by some mystical historical claim that trumps everyone else's are part of the problem, not the solution. If you know that, then we have nothing to discuss. But you gave no evidence to show that you alsio recognize the bogusness of the special historical claim.

    As I said before, while it is usually wise to heed Mr. Santayana's advice, there are certain circumstances in which history is no longer a useful tool but a shackles. The way history is being abused by both sides in Israel is a horrible perversion. It is my opinion that everyone would be better off if the Palestinians and Israelis all suddenly developed a case of historical amnesia. If you disagree, it is not the end of the world.
  4. Dan Loney

    Dan Loney BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 10, 2000
    Los Angeles Sol
    Nat'l Team:
    If only because on a broad scale, it wasn't a crime. It was the natural result of Egypt and Jordan going toes up in the Six Day War.

    Stealing land...on a case by case basis, sometimes it's a crime, sometimes it's what happens when the other side in the civil war takes over a building. Israel did and does that sort of thing a lot, but it's a civil war. Maybe negotiating would work better than what the Palestinians have tried so far? It's not as if Israel isn't doing what the Arabs wouldn't have done, had the fortunes of war played differently. Except there are Palestinians left alive, so it's not an exact parallel.

    I don't get anywhere near as exercised about that as I do about Palestinian terrorism.
  5. Dr Jay

    Dr Jay BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 7, 1999
    Newton, MA USA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I absolutely agree with you here.

    So, lets play out the scenario - both sides agree that "history-be-damned", a free and independant Palestine (or, more probably, two Palestines - Gaza and West Bank) are created next to Israel along some boundaries that somehow the prinicples can also agree on.

    This works fine until you face the next reality - the majority of Israelis would gladly trade land for real peace (the vocal minority of right wing settlers be damned). The majority of Palestinians are not interested in this but rather the destruction of Israel. Now, perhaps, once real statehood occurs, the Palestinian leaders might stand up and be heard and convince the majority of Palestinian people that they must enter the world of nations and give up killing innocent people along with their own children. Though I would like to beleive this, there is little evidence.

    Who and where are these Palestinian leaders ?
    If you were running Israel, would you bet your country's future safety on this hope, based on the past 3 years ?
  6. BenReilly

    BenReilly New Member

    Apr 8, 2002

    A long list of Palestinian and a few ultra-left Israeli web sites isn't exactly an education.
    I'll use your logic and mention that most Palestinians were born after 1967 so they have nothing to complain about.

    But, really, all I want to know is what you think about Dominic DiMaggio. You've been conspicuously absent from that conversation.
  7. BenReilly

    BenReilly New Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    You're good, I'll give you that.
  8. Sardinia

    Sardinia New Member

    Oct 1, 2002
    Sardinia, Italy, EU
    A civil war? A conquest? A natural result of war against Egypt?

    UN doesn't agree ie everyone except israel (also USA doesn't agree).

    Given that the whole world said a clear NO to this, it is clearly and simply stealing illegally others land. A crime.

    The settlemet policy an answer to palestinian fight?
    You really don't believe that.

    The settlement policy needed for the security of israel?
    You really don't believe that.

    do you remember about Occam's razor?
    The settlements policy is just taking others land by force. Aggression.

    Notice please that I'm not talking about defensive occupation.

    You could try with the justification that Israel needs "vital space".
    But it doesn't sound really good, doesn't it?

    Anyway... I will follow you.

    Let's say that Israel conquered the land as a result of the war.

    I guess you don't like ethnical cleansing. Am I guessing right?

    So, if israel have conquered the land they just have to annex gaza and west bank giving full civil rights to palestinians (I'm assuming you're not fond of racism).

    Or your blind support to whatever Israel does implies also the ethnical cleansing and racist options?
  9. Sardinia

    Sardinia New Member

    Oct 1, 2002
    Sardinia, Italy, EU
    The majority of israelis would like to trade lands? Oh how generous they are.
    Maybe the lands they have stolen the year before.

    500 new settlements approved. Hundreds of palestinians houses destroyed, trees destroyed.

    These are the facts yours the same old words about poor israelis fearing they will be destroyed.
    Don't you think that also palestinians fear they will be destroyed?
    I would if I was a palestinian.
    I would feel the destruction going on with the expansion of settlements.

    The only superpower in the area. Nuclear weapons, biochemical weapons etc. etc.
    The best trained military in the world.

    btw A solution could be that palestinan would not be allowed to have an army just police forces.

    I think that the best way to preserve Israel safety is find a good viable agreement.

    I don't see many israeli leaders willing to, the last one (really willing to) has been killed by a jewish extremist after an heavy political campaign of hate and wild accusations by likud and others right wing parties.
  10. Sardinia

    Sardinia New Member

    Oct 1, 2002
    Sardinia, Italy, EU
    Hi Ben I was sure you would appear.
    You always post if there's israel involved. you really feel it, you can't resist.

    My italian history books don't say saudi arabs used to practice ethnical cleansing.
    Nor they say palestine was desert when islam expanded.
    They say palestinian christian communities are probably the oldest in the world.
    They speak arab and define themselves palestinians.
    So to say that arab palestinians came in palestine around 600 aC is sci-fi history.

    And even if you're so moron and ignorant to believe that they came in the "desert" land of palestine around 600 aC it's "just" 1400 years of continuative living.

    This should shut up any ancient historical claim but i sadly know it's not the case.

    Now post a map of the Kingdom of Judaea.
    Your usual contribution to the discussion.

    What really amuses me is that I'm the one who believes that 2 ppl 2 states is what's fair.

    You and others just want palestinans to disappear, better without disturbing.

    The sci-fi historical claims with endless discussions, the weird explanations, the illogical justifications are just way to distract and hijack the unpleasant threads and news.
    Some do that unconsciously, they're unaware, they lie to themselves.
    Some of you know perfectly what's happening.
  11. BenReilly

    BenReilly New Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    No, they conquered by telepathy and nobody ever moved an inch for centuries.

    No, that's not correct. I just don't agree with your "stealing" argument and I firmly believe Israel has the better historical claim to that tiny plot of land. However, I also realize that there are now millions of Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza so OBVIOUSLY a two-state solution is the only reasonable one. I just don't view it as a thief giving up his spoils, more as two sides hopefully making a compromise. The more people call Isarelis theives, the less likely they will want to make peace. At best, it's counterproductive.

    I also highly doubt it would end there. Israel will never have a second of peace or a second of security. No matter what it does.

    LOL. I hope you don't really believe this.

    You were right the first time, when you said that people go insane when discussing Israel. You too.

    BTW, no comment on Dom DiMaggio? (oops, sorry for my plot to hijack the thread...)
  12. If you disagree, then what would you call it? "Objective fact"?

    Many Muslims believe in spirits called djinn. Some of them even act on the belief, taking steps to avoid angering them. Many Muslims don't. So what is the belief in djinn? Is it a religious belief when half the followers of the religion don't believe in it?

    I consider the belief that Jews have to live in the holy land or that Yahweh will magicaly ship them there a folk belief. It once had more power and could motivate a whole people to return to the holy land from Babylon. It gradually lost its power as the vast majority of Jews now live outside the holy land and have absolutely no plans to move there, regardless of how much they may tell each other "Next year...".

    Much of the fighting in the world is over such beliefs that either have or are losing their power. It is happening within Islam no less than within Judaism and Christianity. It is why the fundamentalists in the Saudi kingdom and Egypt hate their own rulers as much as they hate anyone outside Islam. It is why poor Yitzakh Rabin was killed by one of his own people. It is why nationalists and bigots of all sorts are now in power in many places that used to be communist. It is why supposedly educated men in the world's most prosperous country run about with firearms in the woods and build compounds in mountains and blow up government buildings. You don't have to be Benjamin Barber to know that.
  13. If both peoples really got some historical amnesia, then the Arabs would forget about how the British lied to them and ineptly bungled the creation of Israel. Therefore, the idea of a Palestinian state would hopefully cease to exist as would terrorism and human rights abuses and on and on.

    Call me a heretic, but I'm now convinced that a Palestinian state is just a bad idea. Even if Israel gave them a legitimate continuous area (and they won't, ever) Israel itself needs foreign aid to get by and they're far more advanced than the Palestinians in that regard. If the Palestinians became part of Jordan, maybe. But as a seprate state, it just doesn't make sense. Riyadh, Doha, and Abu Dhabi wouldn't pay for it and that's what it would take to make it even come close to working.

    The real answer is for both sides to just get along where they are with Israel letting the Palestinians back to their homes on the west bank. The Palestinians would live peacefully and begin to copy Israel's economy while Israel would only take prudent security measures and not commit human rights abuses of their own, be they with guns or the economy. This impossible scenario would be the best thing that ever happened to both the Palestinians and the Israelis. So of course, my great grandchildren will still be reading about the latest suicide bombing and the latest Israeli "retaliatory strike".

    Bah, now I'm depressed. I'm off to see if the harem can cheer me up.
  14. Sardinia

    Sardinia New Member

    Oct 1, 2002
    Sardinia, Italy, EU

    Also israeli governments don't agree, you and they go on wondering about the reasons of palestinian hatred and unrest.
    Israeli leaders pretend they don't understand. You maybe are blind.

    You said it right, you "firmly believe", it's a result of faith not a result of using your brain properly.

    West Bank is tinier than Israel.

    I call thieves thieves. Taking others land by force is stealing.

    The Economist agrees with me.

    The more people avoids to see what's really happening, the less likely palestinians will make any compromise.

    How sensitive you are, you're not so sensitive when it comes to call palestinians "terrorists".

    You're not so sensitive when it comes to deny palestinian rights, being it by believing in pseudo history, being it by refusing to see what settlements policy really is.

    Victimism. A strategic one.

    I will change my mind when I will see evidences of the contrary.

    Your post is just a confirmation.
  15. NER_MCFC

    NER_MCFC Member

    May 23, 2001
    Cambridge, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This is simply wrong. According to Harper's Index, a survey of Palestinian refugee camp residents by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research concluded that a narrow majority would accept compensation and homes in a Palestinian state. Only 10% would refuse any arrangement that did not imply or require the destruction of Israel. On the flip side, an Israeli NGO called Peace Now found that more than 4 in 5 Jewish settlers would move from the West Bank and Gaza with appropriate compensation.

    However, the leaders of Israel and the Palestinians appear to be incapable of (Arafat) and unwilling to (Sharon) implementing the wills of their people.
  16. house18

    house18 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    ter·ror·ism n.
    The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

    ter·ror·ist n.
    One that engages in acts or an act of terrorism.

    According to this they are, but don't let fact stand in your way Sardinia. I am sure you can find a dictionary that defines terrorism in a way more suited to your beliefs.
  17. Sardinia

    Sardinia New Member

    Oct 1, 2002
    Sardinia, Italy, EU
    Hey genius, another homework for you.

    Make a good little essay on

    - why it is stupid to define millions of human beings because of the acts of some hundreds ppl.

    - why some freedom fighters are called freedom fighters or partisans and others terrorists and why it all usually depends on whose side are you on.

    - A brief history of Stern gang.

    p.s. For sensitive ppl. I condamn any attack against innocent civilians. The attacks against military are a different issue, nonetheless a counterproductive and dumb tactic. Viva Gandhi.
  18. house18

    house18 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    I absolutely love when you do this! Show me where I said any of the above. You can't! I love when you contradict yourself too!
  19. Sardinia

    Sardinia New Member

    Oct 1, 2002
    Sardinia, Italy, EU
    You better start to make your homework otherwise I'll be obliged to put you a bad vote.
  20. house18

    house18 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    "Put me a bad vote" This is an American website learn to speak the proper language...and then stop contradicting yourself and using false history to back up your statements and avoiding any real questions.
  21. Sardinia

    Sardinia New Member

    Oct 1, 2002
    Sardinia, Italy, EU

    Yes, I'll give you a bad mark.. ok.

    I'm here to learn.

    If you want we can start a discussion in italian.

    Quando vuoi, so che sei un ragazzo di indubbie potenzialità. Si nota subito. L'ingegno pronto, tipo sveglio.

    Anyway, anyway.

    Dear friends, House18, Ben, I'm proud to announce you that I've discovered that also sardinians have a reasonable historical claim to the land everyone dreams of.
    A very old one.

    Now please, israelis and palestinians leave our land as soon as possible and without complaints.
  22. house18

    house18 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    This is typical of why we argue with you. You (any of us) can find an article on the web that takes any position about any subject in this day and age. You take the first thing you find, regardless of source and legitimacy (like the site that lists how Israel started all of the wars with the Arab nations) and throw it at us as fact. I have found many of these types of sites that are pro-Israeli but do not use them because they are not credible. I would love to have a real discussion and tried (when I asked you about why you have such strong feeling on this subject about your background) but you refuse, resorting to smartass answers. As you have done above. So don't blame me for this. oh and I would love to discuss in Italian but I don't speak it!
  23. fishbiproduct

    fishbiproduct New Member

    Mar 29, 2002
    Pasadena Ca.
    "Put me a bad vote" This is an American website learn to speak the proper language"

    "and then stop contradicting yourself and using false history to back up your statements and avoiding any real questions"

  24. diablodelsol

    diablodelsol Member+

    Jan 10, 2001
    New Jersey
    Actually, in the minds of most rational people, it depends on who you target.
  25. Sardinia

    Sardinia New Member

    Oct 1, 2002
    Sardinia, Italy, EU
    You should learn the effectiveness of irony and sarcasm. Above all to learn what irony and sarcasm imply outside of the literal words and meanings.

    There's always time to learn other languages.

    I learned my poor english by listening to songs, watching some tv and reading and participating in boards.

    No school, no lessons. There was also english in my Liceum (14-18 ys) but I never did a homework nor I studied.
    btw the quality of the teaching was laughable.

    Can't you see that it depends on what you say to me whether i answer seriously or not?

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